A Bike Ride For Two

A Bike Ride For Two

It was days like this that Jonghyun enjoyed the most, days where they all had it completely free because usually that meant something big was going to happen. In true fashion before their first Japan concert their manager got them a day of rest. Japan was one of Jonghyun’s favourite places to perform for many reasons but one of the biggest was very obvious to all. It was the time where he was allowed to showcase his love for his beloved boyfriend to everyone and have thousands squeal over their cute acts. To the fans it was nothing but fan-service but to him and Kibum it was a chance to get cuddly on stage without judging eyes, it was absolutely perfect. But that was tomorrow and today was all about them and he planned on spending the free time cuddling with his gorgeous blonde fox because really, was their anything better in the world then having your boyfriend play with your hair while you rest your head on his lap as he reads? Jonghyun didn’t think so, definitely not because Kibum’s fingers were long and gentle and he smelt like vanilla with a hint of spice that made Jonghyun crave something sweet. There was no place he’d rather be then right next to Kibum, spending their alone time just like this. This was complete peace and nothing could ruin this for them.

That’s what he thought until the sound of Minho’s voice broke out around them. “Hyung we got bikes, let’s go for a ride along the beach!”

The words had Jonghyun’s eyes snapping open wide as he felt his face pale considerably at the simple mention of that detestable two wheeled device. Letting out a small whine Jonghyun rolled onto his side, slipping his arms around Kibum as he did his best to snuggle in even more into the slim blonde’s body. The act had a small laugh sounding above him as long fingers trailed down through his hair to give a comforting pet making the elder hum in comfort.

“Minho you know Jonghyun can’t ride a bike, why would you even mention that?” Kibum’s voice came out stern, a bit of annoyance in his tone at his same age friend for picking on one of Jonghyun’s well-known weaknesses.

“I know that’s why we got a tandem bike!” Minho explained with clear excitement.

“A what now?” Jonghyun and Kibum asked together, both now looking at the bouncing frog.

“A tandem bike has two seats instead of one so Kibum can sit in the front and keep the balance and what not while Jonghyun can ride in the back.” Jinki said as he stepped inside, Taemin trailing behind him with an apologetic look written in his expression.

“Oh joy.” Kibum shot out, rolling his eyes before going back to reading.

“Wait… so I can actually ride a bike this way?” Jonghyun enquired, interest clearly peaked.

It wasn’t that he wouldn’t love to stay inside with his boyfriend and do exactly what they were doing now, but the thought of actually being able to ride a bike was almost too good to pass up. Glancing up at both Jinki and Minho he watched them nod with big smiles, Minho’s own seeming to take up his entire face. Apparently he was a bit excited about family time and had some troubles hiding it, or not even trying at all.

Looking back at Kibum, Jonghyun took in his furrowed brows and slight pout, obviously disapproving the idea of having to ride bikes in the hot weather.

“But it’s hot.” Kibum whined, proving Jonghyun’s assumptions.

“But baby I’ve never actually ridden a bike before, at least not one without training wheels.” Jonghyun muttered the last part, eyes quickly looking away before back to the contemplating blonde.

“We were spending alone time.” The younger blonde whispered not wanting his band mates to hear his reasoning for not wanting to join them.

“Awe Bummie, I promise we won’t stay long. We’ll just go for a little ride and then we’ll come back, please?” Jonghyun quietly begged, puppy-dog eyes activating.

He knew he had him the moment he let out a relenting sigh, closing his book before giving Jonghyun’s cheek a light pinch.

“You owe me big time Dino.” Kibum huffed as he got up to go change into something appropriate for their ride.

Letting out a loud whoop Jonghyun quickly scrambled after Kibum, calling out that they’d be right back and then they’d leave. The sound of Minho and Jinki cheering had him releasing a small laugh as he slipped into his shared room with Key, eyeing the blonde who stripped off his shirt. The sight had him pausing in his actions as he watched the pale back move, his eyes catching the younger’s feline gaze as he looked back. Cupid-bow shaped lips tipped into a smile only to be quickly destroyed when Kibum decided to stick his tongue out at him.

“Cheeky fox.” Jonghyun called out, making Kibum squeak as he wrapped his arms around his slim waist,

Kibum let out a content sigh as Jonghyun placed butterfly kisses along his shoulders, allowing his hands to smooth out along the blonde’s lightly toned stomach before placing a tiny kiss just below Kibum’s earlobe.

“We’ll have fun I promise.”


The smell of salt water tickled Jonghyun’s nose as the warm breeze blew through his platinum locks. A bright smile sat stretched across his face while the five of them biked along the surprisingly quiet stretch of beach, their manager keeping a safe eye on them nearby. They’d been biking and fooling around for a couple hours now and Jonghyun couldn’t remember the last time they all had such a carefree day. They all were enjoying themselves, even Kibum who had been the most indecisive about the little trip. But thankfully the air wasn’t as harsh thanks to the cool sea breeze making the young rapper smile as he enjoyed the lovely scenery.

For Jonghyun this was exciting for many reasons, the biggest being this was the first time he was ever able to actually ride a bike without falling over. It was ridiculously fun and he had to wonder if maybe Kibum would agree to actually buying a bike like this with him so they could go on little bike dates sometime, or maybe traveling somewhere privet just the two of them. Just the image of him and Kibum biking along the streets of Paris or London together alone with no one to bother them had his cheeks nearly paining from smiling too wide.

“Hey guys why don’t we take a rest and grab some ice cream?” Jinki asked, glancing back at them as he inclined his head towards the little creamery to their left.

“Oh, I want ice cream!” Taemin called out, instantly hopping off his bike towards the ice cream shop.

“Yes, that sounds amazing!” Kibum practically squeaked in delight making Jonghyun laugh.

Quickly making their way into the small shop the boys all began to read over the different flavours that were set out before them. Sliding behind Kibum, Jonghyun nuzzled into the blonde’s shoulder making the younger lean back against him without much thought.

“Okay what flavours do you guys want, my treat.” Jinki announced making them all cheer at the mention of free ice cream.

“Mint chocolate chip for me and swirl for Jonghyun.” Kibum said causing Jonghyun to peck his shoulder in thanks.

“Vanilla for me hyung.” Minho said, sending a bright smile towards their leader.

“Strawberry please!” Taemin called out as he raced to the bathroom.

Letting his hyung order Jonghyun began toying with Kibum’s hand, playing with the slim digits as they waited for their ice cream. Pulling back a little he allowed the young blonde to turn in his loose hold, rosy lips turned up causing Jonghyun to mirror the sweet smile. As discretely as possible he slipped their fingers together before pulling up Kibum’s hand to place a small kiss on what Jonghyun thought to be a very pretty hand. Gazing into warm honey brown eyes Jonghyun felt his heart to a little flip and he had to remind himself that no, he couldn’t kiss Kibum in public because that would be a whole other level of skin-ship in public.

“Okay you lovebird’s take your ice cream before it melts.” Their leader called out, making them snap out of their fuzzy daze.

 Slipping his hand away much to Jonghyun’s displeasure, Kibum took the cold treat from the elder and Jonghyun couldn’t help but notice the light pink that dusted the blonde’s cheeks making him grin proudly.

“Come on lets take a little trip along the beach since it’s so quiet.” Jonghyun proposed, quickly taking the blondes hand again before he had a chance to even say his response.

Pulling rapper out of the shop Jonghyun lead him towards the sandy beach as he happily his ice cream. Glancing to the side he took in the sight of Kibum slowly working on his dessert, a look of pure bliss gracing his face. Jonghyun couldn’t help but lean in and give the blonde’s ice cream a making Kibum squawk out in surprise, lips quickly turning down into a pout.

“You have your own Dino, don’t be taking mine!” Kibum huffed, over the place where Jonghyun had just assaulted, in Kibum’s eyes at least eyes.

“I’ll let you have a of mine.” Jonghyun cooed, leaning in to nuzzle his boyfriend’s cheek before placing a chaste kiss along the high cheekbone.

“No because you like boring flavours like Minho, if it was Taemin or Onew’s then maybe.”

Releasing a small gasp Jonghyun pulled back. “Swirl is not boring it’s the best of both worlds just like you!”

“Are you calling me boring?” Kibum asked, blonde brow cocking in question making Jonghyun roll his eyes playfully.

“No, you’re calling yourself boring dummy.”

Kibum scoffed at his words, shaking his head as he nursed his minty treat. “What are you even saying, I would never!”

Their playful bickering continued on until they were left to the end of their cones and nothing was left but the sweet flavour lingering out their lips which Jonghyun took advantage of along the quiet beach. Listening to the gentle sound of waves closing in Jonghyun allowed his fingers to slip into ends of ashy blonde hair as he pulled Kibum in for a kiss. Releasing a soft sigh he relished in the sugary flavour dancing along his taste buds, chocolate mint and all Kibum attacked his tongue and he couldn’t help but groan when Kibum moved between his legs causing him to slowly slip back taking the rapper with him. The act had the white had tipping off of Kibum’s head and landing somewhere behind them allowing the elder to dive his fingers into soft locks, tugging gently causing the blonde to softly mewl his approval into the kiss.

“Jonghyunnie.” Kibum whispered, cat-like eyes becoming hooded as he pulled back to stare tenderly at the singer.

“Yes baby?” Jonghyun asked, his thumb tracing the contour of the blonde’s sharp cheekbones as he smoothed his hand out.

“I love you.”

Lying along the warm sandy beach Jonghyun couldn’t help but think Kibum had ever looked so beautiful. With the sun setting, painting the sky with such pretty pinks and oranges that only seemed to highlight the blonde’s face, giving him an almost ethereal beauty. It was a picture he would make sure to paint into his mind to keep safe for the rest of his days.

“I love you too baby, aren’t you glad we decided to come?” Jonghyun asked, voice soft as he gently ran his fingers along the rappers many earrings.

“Mmm, but it’s too bad we didn’t bring our bathing suits or we could have gone swimming.” Kibum pouted, looking over at the deep blue water longingly making an idea pop into Jonghyun’s mind.

Sitting back up he caused Kibum to move back till he was sitting on his knees as he watched Jonghyun stand up looking slightly confused.

“Jonghyun?” Kibum asked.

Reaching out for the blonde’s shoes he quickly slipped them off making Kibum ask him what the hell he was doing. It wasn’t until Jonghyun scooped him up into his arms that the blonde’s eyes went wide with recognition, Jonghyun’s large grin only verifying his thoughts.

“J-Jonghyun put me down right now!” Kibum sputtered out, legs kicking out in hopes of getting out of the singers strong hold.

“But you said you wanted to go into the water Bummie, so why not?” Jonghyun explained, muscles being put to the test against his boyfriends massive struggle.

“Because we’re in our clothes and this is designer-“

Kibum’s words were cut off as they both crashed into the water, Jonghyun having lost his footing due to the blondes thrashing resulting in them both going under. Seconds later they were popping up from the water, sputtering in surprise and Jonghyun found himself looking at a very wet, very agitated blonde. Even in that moment he couldn’t help but think the young blonde looked beautiful, skin sparkling in the setting sun as his clothes lay plastered to his lithe frame had Jonghyun’s heart doing jumping jacks in his chest.

“Baby you look beautiful like this you know.” Jonghyun admitted, lips curving into a bright smile as he watched full cheeks burn pink.

“Of course I do and you look like a wet dog!” Kibum huffed.

“Bummie, I love you.” Jonghyun cooed only to sputter when water splashed into his face thanks to his loving boyfriend.

“Die you over grown dinosaur.”

Yes, there was definitely nowhere else Jonghyun would ever be then next to Kibum. 

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Chapter 1: LOL this oneshot is totally hilarious... And extra sweet too ;P JongKey are just the most perfect, cutest, bickering things... I swear it can't stand it xD And I just loved the phrase Jjongie used to describe his precious boyfriend "gorgeous blonde fox", that definitely sums up Key's beauty to a T... That boy is way too pretty for his own good <3333 *dreamy sigh* Yet another awesome oneshot for my lovely JongKey couple, thanks so much, author-nim :D
Chapter 1: this is so cute. :3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww perfect and cute¡Love this¡¡ <3
Chapter 1: I love the fluff >.<
orangegirl #5
Chapter 1: oh god! JONGKEY FLUFF!!! Dies in pure bliss!
foreverhyunbum #6
Chapter 1: So cute ><
Could I translate this oneshot into Vietnamese?
Tkank you!
Perlass #7
Chapter 1: This was beyond words <33
Chapter 1: I usually don't read fluff, but this.. *o*
And now I wish I had some pictures of Jonghyun throwing Key in the water. hahah, I can imagine that scene :3
Ryukuu #9
Chapter 1: Gah, so cute!~ <3
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
