
Happy Birthday Daehyun~!

*The Day Before*

Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo were sitting in the living room, a couple of hours before they had to get up for their schedule.

" know...not to be....rude or anything...but...why the actual , did you wake me up from my ing fabulous sleep-not that I needed it anyway-so that we can talk about your insecurites with your boyfriend?!" Himchan quipped from his spot on the couch under Yongguk's arm.

"Okay, first of all hyung, its not insecurites, its problems. And second of all, if you havent forgotten-not going to put it past you though- tomorrow is my Daehyunnie's birthday!" Youngjae said, glaring slightly at the older man, just for it to be returned 10x more.

"But does that have anything with me and Jonguppie? Or the rest of us? He's your boyfriend, not ours...."Zelo said clutching his teddy bear closer to him.

"Exactly dear maknae! And the wonderful way that all of you guys are going to be involved is....YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO BE HELPING ME PLAN MY DAEHYUNNIES BIRTHDAY! WOOAAH~!" Youngjae whispered cheered.

"So long story short, you've got nothing, and want our help so Daehyun doesn't feel more dissapointed in you than he already does?" Yongguk guessed,

"Yes and no. Yes, because I already asked manager hyung to gives us the day off tomorrow, and I called the bakery to have Daehyunnies birthday cake ready by tomorrow...but as you already know, I've got diddly squat after any ideas? I'm completely open to any possibilites." 

"Ugh!! The humanity of the world, breaking my beauty sleep so I can help them-though I admit, that I am pretty smart and fabulous *hair flip*-because they have no brains!" Himchan sniffed, throwing a small glare at Youngjae, before snuggling closer into Yongguk and closing his eyes.

"Um...okay..Youngjae how about this. You take Daehyun out tomorrow until futher notice. Jongup and Zelo, you guys will go out and get the cake, presents, and decorations. Himchan and I will go out to buy food, and cook/make the food. Do you want anything made specifically?" Yongguk suggested.

"You guys can make anything! Really! And thank-you hyung!! You're the best!" Youngjae squealed softly, jumping in his seat and clapping his hands.

"Ara. Now lets go back to bed before Himchan wakes up and kills you. And maybe spill the plans for tomorrow to Daehyun." Yongguk nodded, standing up and picking Himchan up bridal style.

*Daehyun's Birthday*

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Daehyunnie! Happy Birthday to you!" Youngjae said softly into Daehyun's ear, backhugging him.

"H-huh...?"Daehyun grumbled, waking up and turning around to see a smiling Youngjae smiling at him.

"Morning baby." Youngjae said kissing him softly.

"Morning."he said smiling when they pulled apart.

They sat like that for a while, in each others arms, until Daehyun piped up.


"Neh hyung?"

"Jae, what time is it?"

"Hmm..a little after 10. Wae?"

"Bwoh?! Baby, manager hyung is going to kill us!" Daehyun exclaimed, starting to panic.

"He won't." Youngjae said calmly, tightening his grip on Daehyuns waist.

"What are you talking about?"

"I begged asked, him to give us the day off for your birthday." 

"How much?"

"5,000,000 won (about $4405 in US)-nearly cleared me out by the way-and I have to pay his phone bill for 2 months."

"Ahh. Good ole manager hyung. Can't live with him." Daehyun said snuggling into Youngjae.

"Can't live with out him." Youngjae finished kissing Daehyuns forehead softly.

Slowly, they fell back asleep. An hour or so later, Youngjae woke up, and slowly got out of bed to go make breakfast. When he was finished, he quickly placed it on a tray, and walked to his room. When he got in there, he saw that Daehyun awake and sitting up in bed.

"Hey there!" Daehyun said smiling brightly when he saw the tray of food in Youngjae's hands.

"I see that you are awake." Youngjae said chuckling knowing exactly why Daehyun looked so happy at the moment.

"Thank you baby!" Daehyun said in a cute voice, grabbing the tray from Youngjae.

Smiling again, Youngjae climbed in bed beside Daehyun.

"So, what are we doing today?" Daehyun asked his mouth full of food.

"I thought that we could spend the day together."

"As a group?"

"Aniyo. Just us two. And if you like, we can do whatever you want."



"Omo, gomawoyo yeobo! You're the best!" Daehyun exclaimed excitedly.

Smiling, Youngjae ruffled Daehyuns hair affectionatly. "Now palli. If you want to beat the crowds on the street you better speed up!"

"Neh! But have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Rarely." Youngjae teased pulling on a fake sad face.

"Aww baby..."Daehyun cooed feeling guilty.

"Im joking. Now hurry up. I'm going to go grab something to eat, and when I comeback you better be done eating." Youngjae smiled climbing off the bed.

Soon enough, they were done dressed and out the door.

TO:Guk Hyung


Hyung we just left. You guys can go out and get what you need.

"Who are you texting?" Daehyun asked, peeking over Youngjae's shoulder to see his phone.

The taller of the two (only by a centimeter, Daehyun likes to point out when Youngjae gets big-headed), blushed slightly and quickly covered his phone with his hand.

"Just Yongguk hyung."


"Remember last time we didn't call him before we left to go somewhere?"

"Point taken."

/Back at the dorm/

"Okay. Jongup and Zelo go get the presents and decorations. I'll text either one of you, when its time to go pick up the cake from the bakery. Himchan and I will go to the grocery store and buy the items to make the food to cook. And maybe a couple of snacks, and a game to play."Yongguk instructed after he woke everyone up, and they were all dressed and ready to go. (Some taking longer than others. *coughHimchancough*)

"Well, we better go now, if we want to make it back in time." Himchan said glancing at his watch.

"Neh. Lets try to make it home on time. Please. And don't buy anything ridiculous. Please." Yongguk said opening the door.


/With the Jonglo Couple/

Jongup and Zelo were walking down the street with their hands connected and it swinging between them.

"Where to go first Jonguppie?" Zelo asked cutely.

"The party store at the mall." Jongup said, reading the list that Himchan sent him.

"Okay...but what does Daehyunnie hyung like?"

"Well...he likes food...Youngjae" Jongup listed.

"So a food themed birthday party?"

"Why not?"

/With the Banghim couple/

"Okay....we have egg, kimchi, pork. pulled and non-pulled...."Yongguk muttered under his breath.

"Hyung...." Himchan groaned under the weight of the grocery cart that he was pushing. They were at the grocery store for under about 30 minutes, and the cart was already filled to the brim.

"Not now Himchannie..."Yongguk said looking up briefly to look at the list he made.

"But hyung! Its hea-"

"Channie I said not now!" Yongguk snapped this time looking at Himchan with a hard glare.

"Well then..."Himchan mumbled looking away.

Smirking softly, he pulled an 'innocent' look on his face.

"Gukkie oppa~..."

Freezing, Yongguk his heel. "What did you just say?"

"Gukkie oppa." Himchan said, making his voice slightly gruff, so it came off seductively. Letting go of the cart, he walked over to Yongguk, making sure that his hips was swinging ever so slightly, so that Yongguk caught the movement.

"Baby...we have enough stuff."he said placing his hands on the other males chest.

"B-but...."Yongguk stuttered, gulping slightly.

"Ssshh. Nope, baby we have enough. Alright? Now, we're going to go pay for this and go home and thats final. 'Kay?" he said catching Yongguks earlobe between his teeth and tugging on it lightly.

"...F-fine..."Yongguk complied, sighing in defeat.

Smiling widely, Himchan stepped back, and ran to the front of the store, leaving Yongguk there having to deal with the heavy cart.

/With the Daejae couple/

Walking down the street, they passed by a bakery that was celebrating their grand opening.

"Omo. Jae look! They have strawberry shortcake for half-price!" Daehyun gapped staring at the sign in front of the store.

"You wanna go and buy some. We can eat while we walk around." Youngjae suggested, smiling slightly.

"Neh! Come on come on!" Daehyun squealed running into the shop.

/With Jonglo Couple/

Quickly, they bought the decorations that they needed and went to go and buy the presents.

"What should we get him?" Jongup asked.

"We can get him B.A.P. socks...."Zelo suggested.

"But which ones?"

"Ours. And then we get him and Youngjae matching couple shirts so we don't look concieted."


/With Banghim and Jonglo couple/

"Whenn are Zelo and Jongup going to be home?" Himchan asked, kneading the second batch of cookie batter.

"In about 20 minutes or so. They got the decorations and gifts,and I just sent them a text to get the cake." Yongguk said stirring the soup before going back to chopping up vegetables.

"Neh...but what else do we need to make? We have one batch of cookies, another on its way. We have a big pot of kimchi jjigae (soup), and about three to four plates of kimchi jun (pancake). What more?" Himchan asked placing the cookies into the oven and wiping his hands.

"How about we go cuddle?" Yongguk suggested setting the soup on low, and wrapping his arms around Himchan.

" about no? Besides, Jonglo is here already."

And right on cue, the Jonglo couple walked into the room.

"We're ready to work!" Zelo smiled.

"Good! Jongup, go with Guk hyung and help set up the dorm. Zelo, come with me. We'll continue cooking until I get tired." Himchan ordered grabbing Zelo's wrist and stomping into the kitchen.

For the next hour, Zelo and Himchan continued to cook, while Jongup and Yongguk set up the dorm.

/With Daejae couple/

From: Guk Hyung

To: Youngjae

We're done. You guys can come home now.

"Dae?" Youngjae said looking up from his phone.


"Wanna go home?" 

"Alright. My feet is starting to hurt anyway." Daehyun said throwing away the container that his cake was in.

/Back at the dorm/

"Why are all the lights off?" Daehyun asked walking into the dorm.

"Molla.."Youngjae said hiding his smile.

Shrugging, Daehyun took off his shoes and went to turn on the lights.

"Surprise!" Jongup and Zelo cried, jumping out of their hiding place followed by a smiling Himchan and Yongguk.

"Bwoh?!" Daehyun cried turning around to stare at Youngjae wide eyed.

"Surprise baby!"

"Bwoh?" Daehyun repeated.

"Its your surprise birthday party! Like it?" Youngjae chuckled, his smile widening.

"You planned this?"

"Neh. All for you." Youngjae said wrapping his arms around him.

"Actuallly I would like to-" Himchan started.

"Go and get the food ready! Come on sweety, Jongup and Zelo!" Yongguk said, cutting him off anf dragging him to the kitchen.

" do you like it?" Youngjae asked when they were alone.

"You planned this right?"

"With the help of the others. But other than that, the whole idea was mines." 

"Then I love it.."Daehyun breathed.

"Happy Birthday baby." Youngjae smiled kissing him softly.

A/N: I'M FINALLY DONE! lol, its like a month after Daehyunnies birthday, but...hey! IM SORRY! lol, im a little lazy, and I wanted to make it long and you like it!?

And upvoting it would be very nice! love ya!

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Chapter 1: so cute and fluff!

I laugh when JongLo listed thing that Daehyun likes.
"food. Youngjae hyung. and food."

namphuong #2
Chapter 1: Oh >.< So Kute >.< . YoungJae's so Kute with Daehyun :-) . And i like Banghim anh Jonglo too :-) . Good job author