You really like me?!

Moving In?!

      "You...." He asked looking confused. "Well I... I.. Uh.. I can't choose!!" I finally blurted out. "Jinjja?! C'mon just tell me!" He sounded so cute i couldn't lie to him. "Okay. It's you. You've been my favorite all along." I was so embarrassed. Then he smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. He was so cute. "I like you too!" He shouted out. "You...what?" I was shocked and happy and I dont know... That feeling is indescribable. "I mean... You're nice. Thanks for choosing me though." We both laughed in awkwardness. 

      Finally, our families came back and Chans mom made me sit by him this time. Since it was so awkward, we didn't talk. At all. I listened to music the whole time and so did he. Once we got him my mom showed everyone where their rooms were and Chans was right next to mine. Why?! That's terrible and embarrassing! Since it was late when we got home, I went straight to sleep and chan fell asleep on the couch downstairs. I went down since I was hungry not knowing he was sleeping. I sneaked into the kitchen to get some food and when I came back he was sitting on the couch wide awake. "Omo! You surprised me!" I shouted. "Shhhh everyone's sleeping he whispered. "Ah, I'm sorry.." I apologized. I ate then we started talking again. "Let's go outside!" Exclaimed Chan. But why so late? It's midnight! 

     We went outside and he opened the car door for me. "What are you doing you can't drive Chan!" I felt scared like something bad would happen. "Ah, we're not gonna drive we will just listen to the radio!" Oh, so it isn't weird! Well, kind of. All the songs were slow and romantic Chan looked over at me and put my hair behind my ear, lifted my chin up, and slowly leaned in. It was both of our first kisses and it was sweet but kind of weird... In a car.  I was just so happy to be with him.  We held hands and walked around in the streets together. Just me and him. I wouldn't have wanted to be with anybody else. Our relationship is the perfect relationship. We went shopping together, to the park together, and just everywhere together.

    We always Skype seventeen and they always ask us when we're coming to visit. So we planned a surprise trip and we went to thei practice room to meet them. They gave us both a big group hug even though it was my first time meeting them, I already felt like family! They all called me Sister and law and it was adorable. While I was there I decided to audition for Pledis and I made it so me and chan will never have to be apart. 

                                                                THE END! Sorry this was so short I didn't know what to write. I had a dream this happened so I kind k wrote this to remember the dream hahaha but I hope you liked it! ^^

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