chapter four.

"Bet you can't resist this!"




"So, Sooyoung. How's Hyo? I haven't seen her since last year." Tiffany a conversation with Sooyoung while the others were busy talking to each other. "She's-" Sooyoung began before she was cut of seeing Nichkhun whispering something to Tiffany which made her eyes widen a little nodding then giggle. Tiffany looked back at Sooyoung smiling weirdly looking like she knew something Sooyoung didn't know, "You were saying?" Answering, Sooyoung frowned her eyebrows a bit, "Ahh... She's doing good, she had just broke up with her boyfriend." "Oh, Minjun? I never liked him anyway. He creeps me out sometimes. I don't know." Sooyoung laughed a little at Tiffany's reply. She found him a bit creepy sometimes too but he was nice though. Even Hyo broke up with him cause she needed to focus on her career, dancing.
Chansung found himself staring at Sooyoung. The way she laughed, the way she frowned her eyebrows, the way she talked and the way she looked confused all helped to trigger these little butterflies to fly down his stomach but being the dumb he is, Chansung thought that the feeling was nothing but hunger, "Guys, let's order!" His friends laughed at their friend's typical act knowing he might as well eat them if they didn't get him food by now. Wooyoung called the waitress and in less then 3 minutes the said girl was standing on Chansung's right as he was seated at the egad of the table. Chansung eyed the girl his lower lip, *delicious* he thought. "May I take your order?" The waitress cleared sensing Chansung's stares at her. Eyeing the menu, all of them made their orders leaving the waitress to write them all.
While eating, Taeyeon lift her head and was about to tell her friends about something happened to her the other day but then she couldn't help but to stare at the two in front of her. Despite the distance between them, Chansung and Sooyoung were both eating like no tomorrow. Heck, they've even ordered more than what one person handel yet they managed to eat it. Taeyeon forgot about her own food and kept staring at the two mouth slightly opened in surprise before she finally found her voice and spoke, "What.. the heck.. are you two made of?" The rest minus the two food lovers finally rose up from their dishes and looked at where Taeyeon was pointing and froze. Realizing there was something wrong, the two looked up and found everyone's eyes on them, "What?" they both said together. The table suddenly broke into a wave of laughter leaving the said two dumb founded. "You guys should have saw how you guys eat, you both were like monkeys who hadn't eaten in a year!" Junho said laughing. Looking like they were used to it, they both got back to eating ignoring the laughing around them. 
"How about we go to the play ground?" Nichkhun suggested seeing that everyone had already finished their food and in a spin of minutes, everyone was already out of the restaurant and heading to the play ground. "It's so nice in here." Sooyoung said rubbing her arms to warm her self. "I know, right?" Chansung replied smiling as he tucked his hands in his jacket's pockets. Sooyoung looked at him not bothering to react but a bit jealous she hadn't bring a jacket along, *This is what I get for only caring about the looks.* "Hey guys wanna play hide n' seek?" Junho said beaming like a ten years old. "Seriously Junho?" Changmin raised a brow at him. "Come on, It'll be fun. I'll count till twenty!" Junho pouted a little then covered his face with both of his hands, "One.. Two.. Three.. Four..," Everyone was looking at Junho in a bored gaze but then they suddenly one by one felt the urge to run and hide, "Fifteen... Sixteen...," They all now ran to find a hiding place away from Junho, "Twenty! Ready or not here I come."
Sooyoung held her breath hearing Junho's voice stating he's now searching for them, she hid behind a tree she found to be enough to hide her tall figure standing.She poked her head a little from behind the tree to look for Junho and satisfied he was away, she turned around to find a well-built figure right in front of her. Sooyoung opened to shout but then it was muffled by a hand of the person against her. "Shut it. He'll find us." Chansung whispered and removed his hand away from Sooyoung seeing her nodding, "What are you doing here? This is my hiding place!" Sooyoung half whispered half shouted. He covered again and stuck his indix finger in front of his mouth, "Shut it!" he replied in a tone like hers, "Taeyeon kicked me from my place saying she needed it to hide with Wooyoung."
They both looked from behind the tree for Junho but then quickly turned to face each other with few centimeters distance between their lips. *It's the perfect time to put her under your spell. No women alive had survived from your gaze.* Chansung thought as he held Sooyoung's gaze and stared into them and without even realizing, he was put under her spell. He gazed at her little butterflies flying in his stomach again feeling a bit nervous, *I can't be hungry now, can't I?.. Oh well I love food.* he thought. Sooyoung on the other hand just kept her gaze at him without a blink thinking it was some kind of a staring competition or something but deep, really deep inside her, she was admiring Chansung's facial expressions. She actually found him to be handsome, *A bit handsome.* she thought. Sooyoung however wasn't the type of girls who'd blush just because of an eye contact as she has dated enough before for her to get used to these things.
"Caught you!" Junho Shouted as he put both hands on the two's shoulders to which they jolted. They both turned to Junho and their noses touched, it sent a small struck of electricity down their spines. "Oh, I see what's going on here," Junho said with his hands on his hibs and shock his head before he continued, "Chansung, you're my friend but Sooyoung is mine, okay?" and with that, He grasped Sooyoung by her arm and walked with her to search for the rest, "Be careful with him. His a... a player, if we can say?" Sooyoung didn't think much about Junho's statement.. she already sensed it after all. "I'll count," Chansung said as he walked pass the two and put his Jacket on Sooyoung's shoulders, *That should get me a plus..* he thought.
The game continued and they all had fun as the night got darker, they seemed like children rather than grown up adults. And after they had a fair amount of fun, laughter, and even sweat, they decided to call it a night and go home. Chansung had again to drive Changmin and Sooyoung back home, he's more than happy that Changmin is getting his car tomorrow. During the ride, Changmin didn't bother to bring up a conversation cause he was tired, Sooyoung just sat in the back seat looking from the window and Chansung.. was thinking, *I bet she would've fallen for me if it isn't for that Junho.. I gotta make a move. What should I do?* Before he could come up with the perfect move to do, they were in front of the Shim's mansion and all three got out of the car, "Ah.. Chansung, aren't you going home?" Changmin asked. "Yeah, yeah. I'll go.. I just ah.. need some fresh air.." He replied, *I got the perfect move.* Changmin walked a head and left Sooyoung to give Chansung his jacket back, "Ah.. your jacket.. umm.. thanks.." Sooyoung mumbled and turned around but then she stopped hearing Chansung from behind her, "Sooyoung," He began running a hand through his hair and looking down a bit, "You looked beautiful today.."


Author's Notes;  ENJOY!!




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sorry for not updating for damn long! I got busy with family and now i'm working on a comeback chapter lol!


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 6: Please continue this story... Please..
ilabya10 #2
torixnguyen #3
Chapter 5: It's interesting! Please update soon
Chapter 6: ChanSoo is cute ><
biluvsoo #5
Soo ah~ u should be careful. u fell on his trap hehe
Chapter 5: update soon! I love this story
Chapter 4: oh my gosh! 'you looked beautiful today' ?! kyaaa
Chapter 2: update soon
Chapter 2: Nice chapter!!! :)
Chapter 1: Like the chapter :)