
You're my bodyguard

“LEE TAEMIN! That’s it! You will not going to continue this job anymore!” Mr. Lee shouted at the hospital room where his son was admitted.

“Appa, don’t be so exaggerated. It’s not because of the wound that I am here in the hospital.” He answered while he was busy eating all the meat that his mother brought.

“And why are you here beside that gun shot? Huh? Explain that me.”

“Appa.” Taemin swallowed the food in his mouth before continuing. “The doctor said that I fainted because of lack of sleep. The wound is not that deep. I just got shot in my shoulder, this is not that bad as you think it is. Stop worrying.” He continued eating, ignoring his worried parent.

“God Taemin. When are you going to wake up that this is too dangerous for you? You’re risking your own life just for someone who can’t protect their selves.”

“I am so sorry Mr. Lee. This is all my fault, I am the one who recommend Taemin to Minho.” Jonghyun interrupted the two of them.

“Yes Jonghyun. I am so disappointed to you. How can you do this to my son? Why does he have to be the one who have to protect your friend?” Mr. Lee transferred his anger at the other who was the one who called him about Taemin’s situation.

“I just thought that he must be bored in his one month suspension.” Jonghyun put his head down because honestly, he felt guilty that Taemin was in this situation right now.

“That –”

“Appa.” Taemin cut his father off. “Don’t blame Jonghyun hyung. I love this job. You know that I love protecting someone.” Taemin’s voice got soften after he said the last sentence which made Jonghyun look at him with curious face.

“Taemin, no matter how many lives you save, it will not going to change the past.” Mr. Lee answered and somehow his voice got soften too.

Jonghyun looked at the two people with now different facial expression. He feels like they are trying to escape in some kind of spell. To grab their attention, he cleared his throat. “Mr. Lee, if you are really that scared for your son’s safety, I think that it is better for him to qu –”

“No!!” Taemin shouted just before he can hear the word, quit.

“Taemin, you –”

“No hyung, I am staying in this job.” He said with full of determination.

Mr. Lee sighed as he walked towards his son. “Taemin, you are my only son, you know that I can’t afford to lose you.”

“Appa, I know. But I want to be in this job. Please understand me.”

“Well, hearing that determination in your voice, I think I can’t stop you, can I?”

“No Dad. I am determine. I will going to protect Minho.” He answered looking straight to his father’s eyes.

“Your stubbornness will lead you to a very dangerous place my son.”


Minho stopped in his attempt to enter in Taemin’s room after he heard that word from him. He just came in the hospital after he sent Yuri home. He didn’t want to leave his girlfriend at home alone, seeing how scared she was after the crime, but he needed to be in the hospital to see how was Taemin’s doing. Besides he was the reason why did Taemin have to stay in the hospital. Jonghyun gave him his temporary bodyguard when he sent Yuri home.

Honestly, after Taemin was shot and fainted, he felt like his heart was about to jump out from his chest because of being scared. He didn’t know that the other can sacrifice his life just to save him, and because of that, Taemin gain his respect. The other was really determine to protect him. And he was determine to have this job.

Jonghyun was right when he said that Taemin can protect him. He can now entrusted his life to the other. And maybe, somehow, he can put his life in Taemin’s hands.

 He was in his deep thought when suddenly the door opened and Mr. Lee came out.

“Hello.” He greeted the elder as he bowed his head.

Mr. Lee just nodded his head as he passed him. No word was spoken.


“Aish, my father is being exaggerated.” Taemin mumbled as soon as his father walked out.

“I do understand him Tae, he is right, I shouldn’t have put you in this situation.” Jonghyun passed to the younger the apple that he just peeled and cut.

“And for a boy that is look like a girl, no wonder he is really worried for you.” Minho added who just came in the room.

Taemin wants to roll his eyes to the other when he saw him, but he notice the blood in his shirt. Jonghyun told him that Minho is the one who caught him before he hit the ground when he fainted “Are you okay boss?” He asked instead.

“Why are you asking me that? It was you who got shot.” He put the plastic bag that is full of fruit which he was carrying at the table. “How are you feeling?”

“I am okay, don’t worry.” He accepted the apple that Jonghyun gave to him again.

Minho looked at the two who was almost feeding each other. He sat at the chair not so far from Taemin’s bed and crossed his legs. “Anyway, I want to ask you something.”

“What?” The younger answered but didn’t bother to look back at the other.

“Why are you following me? I told Jonghyun to send you home.” Minho look at Jonghyun who just shrug his shoulder.

“Why the hell are you asking me that? Can’t you be just thankful that I save your life there?” he said with irritated voice. He wondered when will be the time that his boss are going to appreciate the things that he was doing.

 Minho didn’t answer and just stare at the other who was glaring at him.


Jonghyun notice that this two was about to get to each other’s throat again and before that happen, he have to stop them. Taemin is not in good condition to be in a fight. He stand up and walk toward Minho. “Can I talk to you for a sec?”


He look back at Taemin who was now busy eating his fruit. “Follow me outside.”

“Hyung, where are you going?” Taemin asked when he notice that the two of them was about to get out of the room.

“I just need to talk to Minho. I will be back.”

“You’re not planning to ask him to fire me right?”

Jonghyun didn’t answer and just walked to the door.


“What is it that you want to talk about Jonghyun?” Minho asked when they are in the bench outside the hospital.

“Minho, do you still want Taemin to be your bodyguard?” He asked bluntly.

“Why are you asking me that?”

“Just answer me?”

Minho leaned his back at the back of the bench and crossed his legs. “What answer are you expecting me to give Jong?”

“The truth.”

“Yes. I want Taemin to be my bodyguard.” Minho answered immediately. “I saw how determined he is to be in this job. I know that I have a wrong impression of him at first, but looking at him this afternoon, when he save my life, I am sure that he is the one who can save me, who can protect me.” He answered with a little smile in his face.

Jonghyun studied his friend’s face. He don’t remember when was the last time Minho entrusted his life to someone. Oh right, that time, when they are still in junior high. But after that betrayal that he experience, Minho can’t somehow trust those bodyguards his parents gave him.

Looking at him now, trusting Taemin to protect him is a good sign that Minho can now trust someone again. But he was uneasy because of his personal reasons.

“Then I think I have to tell you this. When Taemin protected you from that gunman, I am sure that your killer might now know that you have a bodyguard.”


“I already talk about this with Taemin and he was okay with this.”

“Stop beating around the bush Jonghyun, what do you really want to say?”

“I suggest that Taemin must live with you until we figure out who is your killer.”

“What? Why?” Minho lifted his back and turn his body to face Jonghyun

“Minho, think about it. Since Taemin is your bodyguard, I am afraid that his family might get involved with this. And Taemin doesn’t want that. I don’t want that either. And I know that you don’t want that too.” Jonghyun answered

Minho sighed as sign of approval. “Okay, if that’s for good.”


“Why do you have to live there?” Mr. Lee asked when his son was packing his stuff.

He was just discharged from the hospital after staying there for almost three days. At that time Minho didn’t leave his house as well and if he wants to get out, he have to call Jonghyun to be his accompany.

“Appa, I told you already, this is for your own good. I don’t want you both to get involved with this job of mine.” He answered while asking his mom about his stuff.

“Yeobo, just leave Taemin be. I know that this is a very dangerous job, but our baby want to protect someone. Are you not proud of him?” Mrs. Lee said as she help her son to finish his packing.

“Thanks Umma.” He smiled to her mother. “See Appa, Umma is okay with this.”

Mr. Lee took his deepest breathe before leaving his wife and son.

“Don’t worry about him Taemin. He is just being exaggerated.”

“I know Umma.”

When Taemin heard a loud horn outside his house, he immediately grabbed his stuff and run outside the house just to be surprise to see Minho.

“What are you doing here?” He asked the other who was leaning his body to his car and his arms was cross in his chest.

“Is that all your stuff?” Minho asked instead of answering him. He started to walk towards him.

“Where is Jonghyun hyung?”

“I think that it can fit at the car compartment.” Minho lifted the other’s bag.

“Hey, can you answer me?” He followed the other who was now walking back to his car.

“Jonghyun have something to do. So I am here to pick you up.”

“How did you know where I li-- YAH! Be careful with that bag.” He shouted when he saw that Minho throw his bag at the car.

“Jonghyun gave me your address.” Minho said not bothering the others complain. He closed the compartment and turned to the younger. “How’s your shoulder?”

“I don’t know but I think it is okay now.” He answered. “Why?” Instead of answering, Minho throw his car key to him. “Do you want me to drive?”


“Are you not scared that we might die? I just want to remind you that I am still injured and I might—”

“Stop mumbling, let’s go.” Minho walked to the passenger seat but before he gets on, he turn to Taemin. “Beside are you going to allow us to be in danger? Are you going to allow me to die?” He asked.

“Of course not.”

“As expected.” He gets on the car but before he closed the door, he added, “Because you are my bodyguard.” After saying that, she closed the door.

Taemin was shock at Minho’s attitude today, but he hopes that this might changed their relationship. Maybe Minho is not really a brat just like what he thought he was. Maybe they can be friends in the future.

“LEE TAEMIN! Let’s go.”

“Y-yeah!! Appa! Umma! Gotta go now!” he shouted before running towards his boss car.


Because I have my 3 days off in my work (so thankful to my lovely boss) and I don't have anything to do today, I decided to update this story of mine..
Thank you for still supporting my story and still liking it even if the story is still nonsense.. I promise to write a more meaningful chapter next time, please bear with me as the story was moving in slow pace.. I'm still figuring its flow and hopefully I can come up with a good idea and can give you a story that is worth your time reading..
That's it for today's update, I hope I can update this more often..



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Still waiting for a new chapter ●︿●
Onew-1989 #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon!
Chapter 17: I wish we could get an update T^T
Chapter 17: plz plz plz update this is one of the best fics I have ever read
plz comeback plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Chapter 17: Plz don't drop tis... D story is amazing plz update soon...
Chapter 17: please don't drop this okay?please!update soon!I love this fic!come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Chapter 13: WHY MINHO?..............DON'T REJECT MINI!