Taking a Shower

Infinite Story (Untitled)


You had to go back to your hotel to pick up your stuff. You were surprised when Woohyun and Sungjong insisted on accompanying you. You had to admit they disguised themselves very well. With scarves and caps, they looked like normal citizens.

Two hours later, you were standing in front of their dorm’s door. You didn’t know what to expect exactly, they were 7 grown up men living alone so you didn’t expect much really.

You entered the dorm and saw shoes filling the entrance. It was obvious someone tried but failed to tidy up the place. The house smelled of sweat and shoes. Well, it smelled of men.

“What would their fans do if they saw their perfect idols dorm?” You thought to yourself and secretly giggled.

“We’re sorry for the mess, we weren’t expecting anyone. Usually we have an housemaid who cleans our dorm but she’s on a holiday.” Sunggyu was trying very hard to come up with excuses regarding the dirty dorm. He was looking at you expecting you to say something.

“It’s ok, you don’t have time to clean considering your job,” you told the leader with an understanding smile.
“So where should I put my stuff? It’s not a lot.”

“Ah you see, we don’t even have an extra bed for you, but you can take Sungjong’s.” Said Woohyun.

“Always me because I’m the maknae” Sungjong wailed.

“And where will Sungjong sleep?”

“He can sleep on the couch it’s ok.” Sunggyu said.

They lead you to Sungjong’s room, it was a bit tidier than the rest of the house. At least the clothes were hanged not on the floor.

“Hoya sleeps on the lower bunk, you’ll be sleeping in the top one.” Woohyun said.

You looked around the room and realized that Hoya wasn’t there. You and Hoya sleeping in the same room? You didn’t want to even think about it.

“Top bunk? Ah you see I’m scared of heights. I really can’t sleep in the top bunk. I’ll just sleep on the couch and Sungjong can sleep in his place.” You said.

“No no no. You’re a woman, we won’t let a woman sleep on the couch.” Said Sungyeol. “Myungsoo-ah, let’s let her sleep in our room.”

“But we are already three in our room, and the same goes for Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung because manager hyung sleeps with them” Myungsoo said.

“I guess we’ll have to do this the usual way.” Said a new voice. You turned around and there was Hoya standing in the doorway looking at you.

“Right right! How come we didn’t think of this before?” Sunggyu said.

“Alright let’s do it.” Sungyeol said.

The seven boys grouped in a circle and before you realized what was happening… “rock, paper, scissors!!!” they screamed.

“Yay!!! I won!!” screamed Sungyeol.

The boys continued playing the game till Hoya and Sunggyu were left in the last round.

“Now this will determine who’ll give up his bed to ________.” Woohyun screamed as if he was hosting a show.

“Ugh.” Hoya whispered.

“YAY! I won! _______ will sleep in Hoya’s place.” Sunggyu yelled.

“Ummm are you sure it’s ok? I really can sleep on the couch.” You told Hoya.

“It’s not my choice is it? We’ll just have to wait till this month is over” he said and took his blanket and left.

You stood there in shock. Woohyun put his arm around your shoulder and said “Don’t mind Hoya, he’s just not used to girls being in the dorm. Now let’s go make dinner, I’m sure you’ll enjoy my cooking I’m……” Woohyun’s words trailed and you couldn’t hear him anymore.

Why was Hoya treating you this way? You told him that you didn’t mind sleeping on the couch. It really was no big deal. And what “till this month is over”? it wasn't like you asked to live with them, it just happened.

The rest of the night passed quickly as you and the guys cooked dinner and washed after that.

“Miss_________, would you like to have a shower? We take turns in taking showers, Myungsoo, Hoya and I a day while Sungjong, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu the day after.” Woohyun said coming out of the bathroom and drying his hair with a towel. “You can have it on the same day as us, and today is our day.”

“Ok! I’ll just get my stuff and go take a shower.” You said as you ran to Hoya and Sungjong’s room.

You quickly got your stuff and went to the bathroom. You took off your clothes feeling relieved that finally you’re taking a shower after such a long, eventful, day.

The water felt so good on your skin and you just smiled at the amazing feeling of being clean. You held your head up as the water fell on your neck and body. It really was an amazing sensation. The glass doors of the shower were covered with vapor because of the hot water. You closed your eyes as you put shampoo on your hair and washed it.
“Oh” you heard a manly voice say.
You opened your eyes quickly and saw a shocked Hoya looking at you. Suddenly the soap started getting into your eyes and you started screaming while wiping your eyes. He was standing there still in shock. You didn’t know if you should cover yourself or tend to your flaming eyes.

“JUST GET OUT!” you screamed at him

He finally seemed to understand what’s happening and went out calmly and closed the door behind him.

You washed your burning eyes and quickly washed up your body and hair while cursing.

After drying yourself and wearing your pajamas, you came out of the bathroom with your damp hair and now bloodshot red eyes. You walked into the living room with a glare. The boys were sitting there with dread in their eyes.

You just stood there with your hands on your waist. Sunggyu was about to open his mouth when Hoya spoke

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in the bathroom. I had my headphones on so I didn’t hear the water. It was my turn to take a shower, it didn’t occur to me you’ll be inside. And besides, the door wasn’t locked.” He said with a shrug.

You didn’t know what to say, you were still angry. It was your first day with them and he only treated you coldly till now. And now after he saw you for 2 minutes he was apologizing with a shrug and blaming you for not locking the door? A part of you agreed with him, you were used to living alone and not locking the door. It was your fault.

“You’re right.” Your voice surprised you, it was calm just like his, “it’s my fault for leaving the door unlocked. I’m sorry if I had caused you any disturbance.”

The boys were now looking from you to Hoya watching your reactions. It felt like a staring contest, if you blinked you’d lose and he’d win. You just stared at each other for a bit longer till Sunggyu broke the silence.

“Well miss ___________ I bet you’re tired just like us, we’ll be going to sleep.” He took hold of Woohyun’s arm and dragged him after him.

Dongwoo knew the situation was serious but he couldn’t hold his laughter any longer. He started laughing hysterically and Myungsoo had to push him to the room before he made the situation worse. Myungsoo screamed a goodnight while he was walking and Sungyeol did the same before he followed Myungsoo.

You were left now with Hoya and Sungjong in the room. Hoya was still looking at you and you were determined to not look at him back.

“Aren’t you leaving? I’m sleeping here thanks to someone.” Hoya said.

“Right, goodnight.” You said and went to the room. Sungjong toeing after you.

You could not believe this guy! He really had no shame.

But if he wanted to continue acting this way, he really didn’t know who he was going against.

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xoxo__ #1
Chapter 11: d'awwwwwh this is so cute, i like it alot :)