My Savior

Nice Guys Finish Last



Anita Here! I'll be doing a collab with my great friend shiwa_98! As you guys may already know if you've read the previous fanfic that she wrote, I am hyper, crazy and a little violent. I am a bubbly person but if you mess with me I will become the total opposite.....JUST KIDDING!! Scared ya didn't I.

I do write fanfiction, HOWEVER my fan fictions are more anime/manga based mainly Naruto (my Kpop IQ is very low)  I do have an account on AFF but I mostly likely won't be using it for writing purposes. If you want to check out my Fan-fictions be free to click on the link below~




ps: I wrote the second chapter: First Impressions. I hope you liked it!


I swallowed the lump in my throat, but it just kept coming back up.


"Excuse me Miss Kim."


I noticed the teacher looking at me with a worried expression. "You okay? You look a bit pale. Do you want to go the infirmary?"


I shook my head "N-No. I'm f-fine."


I slowly walked over to my assigned desk. I felt the students jabbing at me when I sat down. I heard whispers and sneers from the females of the class. I guess this is what happens when you get assigned to sit next to the most popular hottie in school. Call me lucky? I think not.


"Okay class please open your text books and turn to page 156. We're going to continue to where we left off."


The whole class groaned "Miss, we don't want to learn about ancient Korea, that stuffs boring."


The teacher lowered her head down and glared through her glasses "Is my class begging for extra lessons after school?"


"Miss, you can't do that to us." a students from the back whined


"Yeah miss, thats illegal." another yelled out.


I rolled my eyes. I wonder how they got into HanHwa. What am I talking about. They're rich kids.


"If you kids don't want an extra lesson, detention and a call to your parents. I SUGGEST YOU OPEN YOUR TEXT BOOKS TO PAGE 156 THIS INSTANT!"


I jumped in shock. Just seconds ago she was your average kind hearted teacher that everyone loves and next minute shes a raging dragon. I my eyes scanned the class, everyone was silent, getting their text books and writing material out of their bags. Looks like she was dead serious.


"Idiots..." a voice mumbled next to me.


I glanced over to my left. Lee Joon was slouching back on his chair. His arms were crossed and he had an earbud in his left ear. Music was blaring softly from the unused bud. His head was facing downwards so it was impossible to see his face. His frigne was covering his left eye so only the right eye was visible. From the looks of it they were closed.


"Take a picture it lasts longer." He suddenly hissed.


I quickly shifted my eyes back to my desk "S-Sorry, I didn't realize I was staring."




I bent over to my bag. I dug my hand in to get my pencil case and notebook. I placed them on my desk it reached back down for my text book. I frowned. My hands edged down to the bottom of my bag… nothing. I felt the sides of my bag...still nothing. I furrowed my brows. Where is that book?! I placed my bag on my lap. I started ping every pocket. Still nothing. I groaned in annoyance. First lesson and you forget your text book. Very smart Kim MiHyun, very smart. I looked around the class. Everyone was too busy furiously jotting down notes or answering questions. Obviously too busy to care about the new kid. My eyes landed on Lee Joon. He was still in the same position as before. Eyes closed, arms crossed. I bit my lip. I leaned over and hesitantly tapped him on the shoulder.


"Um, excuse me...Lee Joon." I whispered


He slowly opened his eyes and glanced towards my direction "What." he said harshly


I flinched "Uh..I seemed to have forgotten my text book. Can I um, you know, share with you?"


Lee Joon tsked. He grabbed the text book from his desk and slammed it onto mine. All eyes of the classroom were drawn to the back.


"MiHyun wanted to borrow my text book but my hand slipped." Lee Joon said.


The teacher shook her head in disapproval. "Be more careful next time Mr Lee. You don't want to frighten the new girl."


"Sorry...Miss." He muttered.


Lee Joon returned his gaze back to me "Stupid.."


I bowed my head in apology.


Class ended smoothly. I didn't talk to anyone and I certainly did not talk to Lee Joon. Lee Joon stood up harshly and stalked out of the room like a bat out of hell. I packed up my things except for the text book. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed the text book from my desk.


"Lee Joon!" I called out.


He ignored my call and kept walking.


"Lee Joon!" I called out again.


He stopped in his tracks. I took this chance to run towards him.


"Here, your text book." I handed the book back to him.


He snatched it from my hands and stuffed it into his ped bag. I was expecting a thanks, but instead he gave me the cold shoulder. "Move." he said bluntly.


I quickly shifted to the side. "Sorry."


"Idiot.." he muttered.


I watched as he walked down the hallway. I noticed some female students squealing as he walked past or take their phones out for pictures.


I sighed and took out my schedule. "Looks like I have Science next in room [Room Number]."


I looked around the hallway searching for some sort of sign that would lead me to my next classroom, but there were none.


“Damn…” I muttered and stamped my foot in anger.


I looked up and down the hallway.


“Eenie.. Meeanie… moe” I muttered under my breath unconsciously pointing my finger from side to side.


My finger pointed towards the same way Lee Joon went. I sighed.


I took a deep breath, held my head high, pulled the straps of my bag tightly and marched forward.


I walked past a series of classrooms, all slowly filling up with next periods students. I began to panic, what am I suppose to do? This is sooo not my good day.


My pace quickened at the bell of next period crept closer and closer.


The end of hall was growing nearer and nearer with no sign of my science classroom number. This is not good.


I reached the end of hallway and turned left to quickly climb the stairs to the second floor, to see if I could find the classroom up there.


I rounded up the corner and climbed quickly up the stairs taking them two at a time. I reached the first landing that had a long bridge joining another building to this one.


Up the top there was a sign pointing across the bridge with “Science Building” written across it.


I quickly changed directions and turned towards the bridge. However there were 3 girls pushed up against the glass door leading to the bridge whispering furiously among themselves.


From the back I could tell that they were the “Popular” type. Their skirts were hardly visible beneath their blazers, socks were frilly at the ends, hair sprinkled with bright sparkly hair accessories and normal runners or sneakers replaced with 8 inch heels that were only ever seen in magazines.


“Umm.. Excuse me..” I said.


No response.


“Excuse me” I said a little more loudly.


Still no response. Were they deaf?!


“Excuse me!” I yelled a little irritated.


The girls jumped, and turned around in shock. Once they saw who I was their surprised expressions were replaced by snobby evil faces.


I froze.


“So.. this is the girl that everyone’s been talking about today,” Smirked the middle girl, she looked the most revealing with her cardigan tied around her waist under blazer and her top 2 buttons and tie undone showing a shocking amount of cleavage.


I self-consciously pulled the edges of my blazer together over my chest.


This didn’t go unnoticed among the 3 girls. They all smirked in unison.


“The middle girl stepped forward with her hands on her hips, walked around me analyzing me from head to toe. I shivered at her cold ice hard glare.


“I don’t know what he sees in you…” She smirked looking satisfied at what she saw.


“Umm.. I’m sorry, but you are? And who sees what in me?” I asked quietly, not wanting to be rude. She and her friends made Cinderella’s step-sisters look angelic.


“Oh!” scoffed the girl, her perfectly manicured pink hand flying to her chest. “How rude of me, I didn’t even introduce myself.” She smiled.


“My name is Kim HyunA” she boasted gleefully. “ and this is Jung Jessica and Park JiYeon” waving her hand carelessly past the 2 equally fashionable girls behind her.


I bowed respectively to each of them. They didn’t show any appreciation. Only just stared even sharper daggers at me. I shuddered.


“Before your little under developed mind didn’t understand who I meant when I said ‘he’, correct?” she smiled, her fingers rising up to my hair and tucking a loose strand behind my ear.


I nodded nervously.


She dropped her hand and made a scene of hastily wiping her fingers that just touched my hair on the wall in disgust.


I didn’t say anything.


“Well…” she said turning around, “ I just don’t get what Choi MinHo sees in you” her smiled turned into a death glare.


My eyes widened.


She pulled out the latest Samsung Galaxy 4 from her blazer pocket, embedded with bright pink jewels. After about 10 sec shuffling through her phone she whipped it around and stuffed it right in my face.


I fell a little backwards, after gaining my balance again my eyes focused on what was on the screen.


It was a pic of me and MinHo walking through the school grounds, him pulling my suitcase and holding my hand.


My eyes widened in shock. How could the photo have travelled so fast?


“So spill it , what are you doing with our precious Choi MinHo?!” said Hyuna, slowly inching closer and closer to me.


“I…. uuhh..” I stuttered.


“, what have you done to our precious Choi MinHo?!?!” screeched Hyuna, her voice ripping through several octaves.


I whimpered and backed up against the stair rail. I squeezed my eyes shut.


I could hear JiYeon and Jessica whispering things about me behind HyunA.


“!! You think just because you got a scholarship here that your somehow SPECIAL?!?!? HELL NOO, you have to learn the rules just like everyone else, otherwise there will be consequences.” Threatened HyunA.


She was so close now I could smell her expensive perfume engulfing me.


I felt tears b the edge of my eyes.


After a few seconds of deadly silence, a felt a sharp “CRACK” across my cheek. I yelped out in pain and fell to the ground in pain.


My hands hit the ground and I felt drops of hot liquid drip onto the back of my hand. I slowly opened my eyes to see drops of red blood on the back of my hand.


“Get up! Don’t try to act! You’re a !” screeched HyunA.


By this time everyone was already in class and no one could hear us.


I saw her shadow fall across me, I squeezed my eyes shut and tensed my body expecting the worst.


I waited… and waited… and waited… nothing happened.


I opened my eyes. I turned my head around to see HyunA’s shocked face. Her right hand was stained with my blood and from where she scratched/slapped me. Her left hand was in the air ready to slap me again, however, there was someone holding her back.


I couldn’t see the person’s face, but it was a tall boy in our school uniform with black hair.


From HyunA’s expression I could tell that his facial expression was unforgiving. I saw true terror in her eyes.


JiYeon and Jessica were huddled together in the corner clutching each other in horror.


“Leave..” said the boy in a threatening voice. His eyes glowed with anger.


HyunA’s head nodded slightly.


“NOW!” He growled, emphasizing his strength.


I shuddered.


HyunA’s whole body began to tremble, the boy flung her arm to one side and she went tumbling into JiYeon and Jessica.


Before the 3 of them could regain their strength and stand up again, the young boy had already bent over me. I saw his shadow fall across my body. I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut.


Please just let him leave me alone.


Suddenly the ground disappeared beneath me. My eyes flew open in shock. I started to wiggle and move around to try and reach the ground again before I heard the same cold voice whisper, “Don’t move around, otherwise I’ll drop you”.


I know that voice..


I turned my head around and faced my savior. Indeed the same black hair that covered one eye and masculine sharp facial features. His face had a harsh emotionless look. He kept his eyes forward not looking at me.


He carried me bridal style over the bridge to the science building, up the stairs to the top floor and out the fire escape door to the roof. The roof was bare, only with a few satellite dishes here and there.


However the view was absolutely divine. It looked over the whole school, showcasing the big soccer field, and many tennis courts. Also the walkways with beautiful willow trees and with this the ivy ridden buildings framing this beautiful sight.


Unlike his harsh expression and tone he surprisingly gently set me down on the roof. He immediately walked back towards the emergency door.


“Hey! Wai…” I turned around holding my hand out reaching for him.


“Shut up,” he cut me off harshly, “I’ll be back”.


Somehow I believed him. I dropped my hand.


He stalked off through the emergency door. I heard the door ‘click’ shut.


5 mins later I heard the exact same click as he came through the door again.


I didn’t turn around as he came over and sat down next to me.


He suddenly grabbed my cheek and turned my face towards his. I stared in shock, but I didn’t resist him.


He looked at my eyes for a second, before dropping them down to my injured cheek.


His had an alcohol wipe in his hand and began to wipe the wound. Much of the blood hard hardened over time.


The wound stung badly as he wiped it. The tears that I had been holding back this whole time brimmed over the edges of my eyes.


“Don’t cry Idiot. It'll make it worse” he hissed, however I could hear the strain in this voice.


I grimaced and tried to hold my tears back.

After he wiped clean the wound, he carefully cut out the right size bandage from the first aid box that he had collected and stuck it on my cheek.


By then my tears were running dry and my sobs turned into dry coughs and chokes.


I turned my head towards him stared at his silhouette, he had put everything back in the first aid box and was looking out towards the school. His face was extremely handsome, and his body was lean and muscular.


My face flamed red.


I took a deep breathe, “Umm… thank you, for…. Everything” I said quietly.


“hn” he grunted.


I sighed. So we were back to 1 syllable responses…


“So I guess I’d better get going… “ I said, gathering myself up into a standing position.


I turned around to walk to the door when I felt his hand grab my wrist.


“Don’t…..” he took a deep breath, “.. get into anymore trouble… I won't be there to save you understand?" He said in an almost gentle tone.


“.. I wont” I whispered softly.


He slowly let go of my hand and shifted his body so his back was facing me. That was my cue to leave.


I walked to the door, and pried it open, I was just about to step through when I heard him, “By the way, I would wash your uniform if I was you…” He said coldly with a slight teasing tone in his voice.


I looked down at my cardigan and white shirt…. Damn it was stained with blood.


I sighed.


I took one last look back at his handsome silhouette in the sunshine on the roof before closing the door behind me.

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piglet_101 #1
Chapter 5: hello author!:)) new reader here! please update your story:)
Mademoiselle-W #2
Chapter 1: Like this Fanfic! Please update more :3
Para-sungmin #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
ThebabyELF #4
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;