Shake it!

Shake it!


“What on earth are these!?” Hoya exclaimed, pulling out two brightly coloured objects. “And this one!” he said, diving into the box after something else that caught his eye. You laughed, watching his fascinated face as he admired what he’d found. “They’re so pretty.” He said in awe, playing about with one in his hand. Hoya had offered to come over and help you unpack some stuff now that you were permanently moving to South Korea. There was loads of memorabilia your family had insisted you take with you and he was having a hell of a time discovering all these new things. “It’s called a guiro.” You chuckled. His eyes widened with excitement. “A… what?” “Gu-i-ro” you sounded out slowly so he could get the word right. He tried to repeat it a few times and it only made you giggle more. “Yah, I’m trying!” he moaned, playfully. His eyes then traveled to what he’d first taken out from the box. “I know what these are, though!” he chirped, shaking them happily. “Maraca~ Maraca~” he sung, shaking them on beat. Next thing you knew he was up and dancing around, instruments still in hand. You rolled your eyes. “Hey~” you said, getting up and stopping the hyperactive man before he could knock anything over. “If you want, I’ll teach you some real traditional dance.” Hoya though for a moment at your words before nodding enthusiastically. “Of course! I’m a dancing machine after all, this’ll be easy.” Raising your eyebrows, you gave him a look of disbelief. “Oh, really?” you mocked. “You think it’s that easy?” Hoya laughed a little nervously, noticing your tone. “I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it!” he insisted. “Okay then.” The said, grabbing his hand and dragging him into another room of your new flat which wasn’t covered in unpacked boxes.


“Right!” you said, searching through your phone for something to play. “Let me just put on some…ah! Here we are!” you gently placed down your phone and waited for the music to start. When it did, Hoya’s eyes widened once again. “What is this?” he asked, now a little scared of what he’d got himself into by agreeing to learn. “It’s called samba. Sam-ba!” He waved his hands around. “Okay, I know that! You don’t have to repeat it.” He whined, defensively. You were finding this all too entertaining. Grabbing his hands, you let him into the center of the room. “Yah, yah.” He said, worried about what was going to happen next. “Look, follow me!” you said, beginning to move him into position. A good half hour later, Hoya slumped down on the floor. “Okay, I admit it, it’s not as easy as it looks.” He pouted. “But I do like it, I’d rather just watch you dance, though.” He added, cheekily. You bent down next to where he was sat and pocked his cheek. “Hey, what happened to Mr. dancing machine? Is that all you got?” you teased. “He’s tired and hungry!” Hoya whined back, only earning more and more laughs from you. “Aw, are you tired?” you cooed. Picking up on the fact that his childish side was getting him places, he continued. Pouting and nodded like 5 year old, he signified that he was indeed hungry. “Can you cook me something?” he asked cautiously. “Hoya, I’ve just moved in! I don’t have anything.” He slapped his forehead. “Of course, of course. I’m sorry. Then… can I take you out for dinner?” he smiled. “Okay then” you agreed. “But…can we eat South American food?” you added, trying to bargain with him. “Sure, I’m going to have to get used to it, right? When I go and meet your family one day, that’s all I’ll eat.” He laughed, pulling himself off the floor. “And when you’re moved in properly you can cook me dishes because I’m pretty sure your food is going to taste better.” He said, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Okay, let’s go eat!” he said, happily bounding towards the door.

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