First Day

I Love You,My Student!

It was Dong Jun's first day of teaching students in girls school. It feels awkward for him because there was only few men teachers in the school. The time he arrived at the school was 7.30 a.m. which means that he was 25 minutes late. He got off his motorcycle and took off his helmet. 

He checked his hair through a car's window. He stopped when he saw a pretty girl in a school uniform walking towards the school gate. It was you! You just came back from your mom's work place which are next to your school. You followed your mom to go to school in the morning because a motivation program would be held in your school. 

When you were near the school gate, you saw a handsome guy on his motorcycle. He looks like he was still young and in his early 20's or maybe just finished his school. He was wearing a blue shirt and a black slack pants. He looks so hot and attractive in the sky blue shirt. He was a baby-faced guy, that is why he looks so cute.

He was smiling to you when you passed by the school gate. 'Who is he?Is he a brother of someone in this school?Or maybe a visitor?Aishh,why is he so handsome?!And, why the hell is he smiling to me?! He's melting my heart! Stop doing that, you handsome guy!' you thought when you first saw him smiling at you. Perhaps, he was smiling at you because he thought that you were late to school. You passed by him and made your way to the canteen. 

You stepped on the steps and you were looking around for some of your seniors. When you did not see any of them, you just walked and suddenly, the guy you met in front of the school gate was right in front of you. You was shocked but you kept quiet and looked around. You saw him with a back pack on his back and a small bag in his hand. "Looks like he is a new teacher in this school." you whispered to yourself. 

There was some feeling in you that he would take over your Maths teacher place. Your Maths teacher would transfer to another school in a week, so that means she only has a week to teach us before she go. You felt so excited when you think about that.

You arrived at the canteen after you passed by the teachers' lounge. Everyone was greeting you. You put your bag on a chair at your class' table and went to a friend of yours, Eun Jung. You wanted to talk to her about the new teacher. "Hey, Eun Jung! You know what?I think we have a new handsome teacher! I met him at the school gate. He was so freaking handsome!" you started to talk as you sat down next to her at the back of the canteen. 

"Hey, Ji Yeon! Oh, really?Perhaps, he is the new teacher that my classmate told me. She said that he would be teaching the 10th Grade and the 11th Grade students because her sisters who had classes with him told her." Eun Jung responded. You groaned when Eun Jug said that he would not teach you in class. You and Eun Jung were sitting at a table near the men's washroom. There were few teachers went to washroom when you guys talked. "I wish Mr Dong Jun would go to the washroom since there were only two washroom for men in this school and both of the washroom are near from here~" You whispered to Eun Jung. Eun Jung just laughed at you. She shook her head and asked,"Ji Yeon, is he really that handsome?".

You nodded eagerly. "He is VERY handsome!" You emphasized the word 'very'. "If you already say that, let's just see how he looks like, shall we?", she replied. You just nodded. Once you got up from the chair, you started smiling because you already saw him buying foods at the canteen's counter. But, there were also 2 new teachers next to him. One of them is a woman. You was about to make your way towards him but, you were interupted by one of your friend,Victoria. "What's up,Vic?" you asked and went to sit next to her. "Do you want to play 'killer' with me?" "Sure. Why not?" "But we need one more person." You started to find a friend who knows how to play the 'killer' game. You took a glance over at Mr Dong Jun before you went to Yu Jin.


To be continued~

 A/N:'Killer' is a game which we need to use papers. We wrote 'killer', 'police' and 'villager' on the papers and then fold the papers. This game requires at least 3 players(One player will be the killer,one player will be the villager and the other one will be the police). Choose one of the folded papers. If you got the killer, you should kill the villager with a wink when the villager and you had an eye contact. After you kill the villager, he/she should say 'I'm dead'. But, if you got the police, you should detect which one of the players are a killer. If the police caught the wrong person, everyone will die. This game is very exciting if you have more than 10 players~ :D





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asianlover05 #1
Chapter 1: Oh it seems a very good story
Good job and fighting!
I'm waiting for your new update :-)
glasskun #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^