The Way to a Man's Heart

The Way to a Man's Heart

'Peniel always posts on instagram about the food he gets from his fans... and he gets a lot of food. Well then, this time I'm going to send him my Terriyaki noodles.'


Yanis was making a package of her noodles as she thought about impressing Peniel with her cooking. I came up next to her to steal some. As my hand reached for the bowl she smacked it away.


"Oww! What was that for? I just want a little bit." I pouted as i rubbed my hand.


"They aren't for you; they're for BTOB." She smiled as she continued to package it.


"You know when i said you were approved for marriage i didn't exactly say that it would be with Peniel." I raised my eyebrows.


"PSSSSHHH you never know what can happen. What if i take this to the building and he loves it and as i send more i start leaving cards in it and one day i tell him to meet me somewhere in the card and he goes and he says: 'Yanis, i've loved you ever since i tasted the noodles you made. MARRY ME PLEASE?!' and he gets down on one knee and i say yes and we get married and have kids and a house and a dog and we live happily ever after!" As she ranted i was eating some of the noodles and when she stopped i swallowed my last mouthful quickly and wiped my mouth before she could notice.


"Oh yeah, and Yonghwa will fall in love with me at his concert because i'll get to go back stage. It's all incredibly possible." she put the last bit into the tupper wear and boxed it away.


"yeah i could happen." she smirked and made her way to the entertainment building.


As she was walking to their building she caught sight of the btob van pulling up. Surprisingly enough there were no other fans there that day and quickly made her way over to them. As she was running she  began to take the lid off of the bowl to show them she had food for them. She was a few steps away when WHOOPS. She tripped on a piece of lifted asphalt and her food went flying.


A wave of noodles went soaring through the sky as sauce filled the air. The noodles cascaded downwards and began to rain on the btob members as it fell.


When yanis looked up she say seven handsome boys covered in terriyaki sauce and noodles. She was mortified and slowly rose from the ground. Peniel walked over to her and she expected something terrible to come out of his mouth.


He around his face and took a noodle from his shoulder and slurped it up. after chewing it for a bit he swallowed and his eyes began to expand. "WOOOOOOW.... MAA! This is really good!" Sungjae ran over and took a noodle from his hyung's head and ate it.


"OMOMOMO, hyung this is deabak!" She looked between them as the other members tried the food that was graciously poured onto them. They all "mmmm"'d with satisfaction.


"Oh hyung didn't the fortune teller say you would marry a girl who showered you with all your favorite foods?" Sungjae looked wide eyed at Peniel.


Peniel turned his attention to yanis and gave her a stare that would make her melt. "Yanis would you marry me and-"


"WAIT WAIT WAIT? how does he know your name in this story?" I interrupted yanis as she was ending her second scenario about marrying peniel.


"AYYY ELANE!! It was just getting good!! why do you have to kill it!?" She whined as she really did leave the house and begin to walk to the studio.

THE END <3 :)

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 1: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love that
allkpopluvr890 #2
Chapter 1: oh wow i never expected that! haha XD
Chapter 1: Hehe, it's been a while since I've commented on anything you've written. It's pretty short, but I like that you took a cliche idea like this and turned it into something fresh by adding a spark of humor (^^) Plus the ending was unexpected as well, haha!