I Couldn't Help Myself

I Couldn't Help Myself



*why is my phone ringing at 3 o'clock in the morning!? i have to be at the hospital in 2 hours can't i get a little more shut eye* I complained in my head as i rolled around on my bed looking for the cell phone. I finally found it and answered the call that apparently couldn't wait until morning.

"Yeboseyo?" I answered in a groggy voice.


"Yes hello, is this Elane ~~~?" A very official sounding voice on the other end asked.


"Yes, this is Elane speaking."


"We're from the Seoul main police department; we're calling because you're listed as the contact for a Ms. Alyssa Allen."


"Oh my gosh did something happen to her? Is she okay?" I sprung out of bed and began to put on sweats and some shoes.


"That depends on your definition of okay."


"Excuse me?"


"Well Ms. Allen is currently being held in one of our cells for assault."


"ASSAULT??" I dropped my keys and scurried to pick them up again.


"Yes, she was found chasing down Kyungsoo from the hallyu group EXO."




"Yes, this was after she lunged at him and took hold of his pants pulling them down in the process."


"Oh god" I face palmed as i got into my car.


"Yes she was screaming something like 'you really did lose your pants now Kyungsoo!'"


Slamming my head against the steering wheel i took a deep breath and calmed myself. "Thank you so much for you time officer; i'll be right over to pick her up."I hung up and sped over to the station. When i walked in there were drunks sitting in the corners and some teenagers being scolded by an officer. One officer noticed me standing there and asked me why i was there. "hello, i'm here to take Alyssa Allen."


"Ahh the assault case of course. Come this way please." He lead me to his desk where he told me that Kyungsoo had decided not to press charges because no serious damage was done. However there was still a fine to be paid. After the financials were taken care of the led me to alyssa's cell. "number 424 your pick up is here. You're one lucky kid to have a friend that bails you out at this hour."


"EUNNIE!!!"  She yelled with joy at the sight of me. As soon as they opened her gate i took my bag and smacked her with it. "I'm younger than you!! now tell me why the younger one has to come and bail the real eunnie out of jail at three in the morning when she has to go to work soon and take care of sick people and their lives!?"


"Mianhe! Mianhe Mianhe!" she coward against the cell. "I just couldn't help myself. As soon as i saw him i went blank."

"aigoo, come on i'll drive you home babo -.-'"


THE END :P lol


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Hehe my sister's name is Elane, but it's spelled like "E-L-A-I-N-E"
I decided not to read this one too seriously since you obviously wrote it for a friend, but it was entertaining! ^^
Chapter 1: how can the officer tell the way she screaming look like she say kyungsoo lost his pant? might be officer watch too many drama
btw its funny fiction :)
Chapter 1: OMG! that's so funny!! xD LoL