Is it okay if ....

Is it okay if ...

Every move she made, make his heart pound rapidly. 

Every sentences she made, are all grammatically correct, and in addition to her voice, they sounded like music to his ears. 

They say, ''To make a girl fall for you, you must first make her laugh,'' But this was the total opposite for Kiseop. Every time she laughs, Kiseop fell harder for her. His affection for her is like a pit sinking lower down, unable to get out. It started raining, but it was also time for her to go home.

''Anyone has an umbrella?'' She asked timidly.

''Let me bring you home.'' Kiseop replied immediately, while opening his umbrella, strolling briskly towards her. She flashed a smile to him, that same smile that could easily light up his moody, ruined day. His feelings for her is already at the explosion level, and as much as he wanted to hug and kiss her, he remained smiling only a little, instead. The rain got heavier as they walked down the streets. The atmosphere between the two was filled with awkward silence. Kiseop appeared calm, yet he was desperately thinking of ways to confess. He isn't those type who says honeyed words, and this made everything harder for him. He looked down at her only to find her shivering, arm crossed, clutching at her sleeves. 

He used his right hand to hold the umbrella, and left hand to hold her shoulders, bringing her petite body closer to him. ''.... a-ah?'' Kiseop stuttered. ''Mmmm?'' she murmured. 

''What's your ideal type?'' She froze, not knowing what to reply. She opened and close , as if she wasn't in the least ready for such an unexpected question, especially from Kiseop.

''Is it okay if he has big eyes?'' Kiseop asked again. Her eyes darted left and right, and clutched on to her sleeves even tighter than before.

''Is it okay if he is taller than you?'' Kiseop gulped, squeezing the umbrella's handle lightly. 

Still no reply. Kiseop took a deep breath, and asked the last question that has already been hovering his mind for quite some time.

''Is it okay if his name is Lee Ki Seop?'' Her head spun towards him, startled. Their eyes met. Not looking away, Kiseop carried on, ''.... , I dont know how to say this but, I like you. Every move you make, every words you say, everytime you smile, giggle, laugh, it makes my heartbeat accelerate faster than anyone else in this world could. I'm not sure if this is love, but i reallyreally like you.'' 

She was tongue-tied, unable to think of any response. She can feel the heat and blush forming on her cheeks. It was dark and raining, she was relieved as kiseop could not see her pinkish-red face nor hear her heart beating furiously. She closed her eyes, and opened it shortly after to see kiseop waiting for her reply. 

''I like you too, kiseop. I always have this thought that you wasn't interested in me. I'm always laughing and smiling because of you. I really admire you, but yet at the same time, i dont deserve you. Your appearance, your personality, character, family background, all spelt one thing; perfection. I dont deserve you, Kiseop. I don't.'' She croaked at the last two words. Her vision blurred immensely, and hot tears flowed down her face as she covered her face with her bare hands. Gently, Kiseop removed her hands, lifted her chin, and gave her a passionate kiss. No words needed. Kiseop gave her a warm hug, before leading her back home. 

This, is the beginning of their new relationship. 

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dreamymoon #1
Chapter 1: nice !
you made me blushed !