Typical Day -- not

Student Exchange Program

-- Rino's POV

School. The hell hole of every teenager. School's easy, but so goddamn boring. Nobody can sit their asses down. How hard could it be? A typical day in Keneddy High School. The only thing I look forward is dance class. It's an after-school activity and is something to audition for. One of the stuff I absolutely like about it, are the people. They're quiet and good dancers. One think I absolutely hate, is the teacher. He tried to touch me somewhere, but I was like "Hell no!". The principal was supposed to fire him, but as the he is, he didn't. This school, years ago, was actually good. That was until the principal we have now, replaced the old one. He was a nice man too, but too bad. 


"." Yes. that's the first word I'd say in this story. 

"What the hell?!" Nikki exclaimed, banging her head on her desk.  "Oh." She grinned. "It's winter break, Rino! Get up!"

"A minute" I whispered because everyone was staring at us. I glared at them, and they looked away. I got up before getting pulled by Nikki out of the school. "Where the are we going?" I asked, my eyes closed.

"Your house. I wanna eat your mom's cooking." She exclaimed. And that woke me up.

"Right! Forgot about that." Nikki was just staring at me as if I'm crazy, but still continued walking. 

While we were walking, a couple of senior guys started looking at us. My head was down while they were. When I looked up, smiles started growing in their faces. I glared at them, and they walked away with wide eyes. Before they looked away, I winked at them just to annoy them. I laughed quietly because of their expressions. Nikki started laughing.

When we got home, my mom greeted us. I also noticed that she was figeting with her fingers, and sweat was visible. She also stuttered her hellos. I just looked at her, until she'll tell me why she's the way she is now.

"Umm, Rino, what do you think about South Korea?"  My mom asked me with a timid smile.

"Well, I think it's alright. But I definitely don't want to move there. I've heard that the people over there are rude -" before I finished my sentence, I felt Nikki's nudge, but I continued, "and almost every teen out there is obsessed about those stupid, , idols." I ended with a sarcastic smile, sending it towards Nikki. She just rolled her eyes at me. My mother looked appaled and gulped.

"If I tell you, that you're moving to South Korea, how would you feel?" She asked with a hopefull expression.

"I would say 'Hell no!'. Why?" I asked still not getting why she's asking me.

"Well, I applied for this Student Exchange Program in your school." She looked at me innocently. 

"So, you're leaving?" I asked, still not getting where she's going with this conversation.

"No, I applied you for it and you're leaving at midnight ... this midnight." She finished.



It was quiet as hell.

Then I exploded.



"WHAT?! Wait, is it already April, because this can not be true." I glared at both women. "Did you know about this?" I asked Nikki, and she timidly nodded. "I can't believe both of you! How could you do this? Are you really willing to send me out of this goddamn house?!" I scramed at my mother. She looked sad and hurt at the same time.

"Of course, not! I just want you to experience living in your home country! I just hope you won't act like this."  She answered, looking down.

"And I'm leaving at midnight? This mothering midnight?!" I screamed, both women looked scared at me. I sighed. "Please, just leave me for a couple a hours. And I apologize for everything I've said." And then I went to my room, looking so disappointed to my mother. My own goddamn mother.


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EveDay #1
Chapter 1: as i'm loving it.
favoriteboy #2
Chapter 1: aidoo aki! mapiya aya!
1say16 #3
what happen to this fic ? pls update i'v been waiting for 3months for the update :(
so do i but i am helping with the story so i cant be biased but the author can kekeke and she my friend!
she is and you havent see the half of it and it gets better. kekeke
OHH kk. I understand :) Rino is really a badass.
lhady_khaori #8
I freaking love the story... Please update soonnnn....<br />
Thanks... :)))))
thanx well u have to wait and see ^.^ who she ends up with you never know it can be anybody!