Henry's POV

Could This Be Fate?

When she reached for her phone, our eye contact never broke. I stared into her deep purple eyes. Obviously, they were contacts, but mesmerizing all the same. Then she gave me a merong. How cute.

"You're adorable." ​What!? Did I just say that?! Ah, damn!

She blushed and looked down. I bit my lip to stop from cheesing like an idiot. God, I want her to look up again. Wait, what? Why am I feeling like this? Why can't I stop looking into her eyes!? Her deep, thoughtful eyes... GAH! HENRY! Stop it! You're a celebrity. Get a hold of yourself! YOU DANG CANADIAN.

I took her phone, it was simple and black with a few stickers and strips of... duck tape on the back? I punched in my number and texted myself from her phone.

The cab driver drove away as I stood on the corner of the street until I couldn't see the cab anymore. I turned around with a sigh. I couldn't see Kyu anymore! I started to panic. I hated being left alone. Even if was being left alone at home in Canada, I'd still panic. That's why mom got me my dog!

I called Kyuhyun's phone. He answered on the second ring. "Henry? Where are you?"

I answered a little too panicky. "ME? WHERE DID YOU GO?! I'M STILL AT THE CORNER!"

"Henry, why are you still at the corner?" Kyuhyun always sounds calm, no matter what.

"Hyung! Why did you leave? You know I hate being alone!"

Kyuhyun started laughing! At this time, he laughs! "HYUNG! I'm serious! Where are you?" I was starting to get ticked. He finally said, "I'm walking back to the corner. Stay there." He still had the chuckle in his voice. Kyu can really get annoying!

I stood there for a good 5 minutes, but it felt like hours! HOW FAR AWAY CAN HE WALK?! I saw Kyu walk up from my left. He just stared at me. I hate it when he does that, and he knows it, too! I just walked towards him and said, "Hyung! Didn't you notice I was gone?" He was still staring at me. Why does he torture me like this! "HYUNG! Stop that!" He stopped, but he was laughing now.

That's when I was annoyed. I walked and dragged him by his collar. He followed with teary eyes. He finally asked, "Why were you still at the corner when I left?" I was nervous to tell him. First of all, I wasn't even sure why! Then, what would Kyuhyun say to the guys? I just started living in the dorm; I don't want to be humiliated into leaving already! Hyung may be really nice, but he got an evil side to him!

"Well, are you gonna tell me?  Don't make me have to guess, because you know if I need to guess I'll get the WHOLE group to help!" That's when I almost caved. "NO! I mean, you don't want to do that." I chuckled and play punched him in the shoulder trying to act normal. That's when my punch hit me right back. I NEVER PUNCH PEOPLE LIKE THAT! And Kyuhyun knows that, too. He'll start to suspect something.

"Hey, Hyung! How much farther 'til we get back to the dorm? Wookie Hyung is cooking." That's good, Henry. Kyu knows you love food!

"Uh... a few blocks? I think..." Alright, Henry! What to do next.... Should I offer to make a run for it? I'm not much of a runner, but I can just say I wanna loose some pounds. Alright. Mom's right. Thinking before you speak can help. But I'm TALKING TO MYSELF! God, I am weird.

"Hyung! Let's make a run for it back home. Whoever gets there first gets to have the first picking of Ryeowook Hyung's food!"

"Uh... Henry? Don't you hate running?" Do I know Kyuhyun or what?! "OH! But I need to lose some pounds! I can't be chubby forever!"

"But Henry, if you win, you'll just gain it all back eating Wookie's food!" GAH! Why does Kyu have to think so much?! "That's why! If I lose some now I won't be gaining that much later. NO TIME FOR TALKING! THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!"

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great job!
Angel9 #2
hi FriedChickie:)
i would love to read your story ^^
and i hope there will be more of this :D
your welcome ^^
Angel9 :)
LOL evil Kyu ditching poor Canadian baby XD
What's Henry planning at the end there?
Update soon!!
marshielisa12 #4
ohhh please update <3<br />
hehe i just read all your chapters.<br />
mochii cheeks ;D ;D
@nanny_yo RiGhT?!?!! and i will! im going to have a new chapter tomorrow! it might be sad tho (hehe ii just gave you a hint!!)
i wanna go to that mall :D<br />
go green everyone :D<br />
update soon!!!
@sujudork602 AHH! you commented on MY fanfic! im so happy! and i'm working on it!
PSSS!! PSSS!! <br />