A Beach Day

Little Miss Korean

      "Good morning Gayoon-ah! How was your sleep?" Mrs. Yoon wondered, as she flipped the pancakes on the griddle. Gayoon yawned. "It was okay. I think it's because it's a new bed to me. It's difficult to get used to." Gayoon replied, stretching her arms. Mrs. Yoon nodded, understandingly. "Well, here's a plate of pancakes for you. Syrup is on the table." Mrs. Yoon told Gayoon, as she handed Gayoon a plate with three gigantic pancakes. She bit her lip. This is too much for me to eat... she thought to herself, as she grabbed the plate and walked to the dining room.

     "Morning Mom! What are you making?" Doojoon wondered, as he ran down the stairs. "Good morning Doojoon! I'm making pancakes...your favorite! Yah! What are your plans for today?" Mrs. Yoon wondered, as she flipped Doojoon's pancakes. Doojoon looked over her shoulder. "I'm going to the beach with my friends at 12! Why?" Doojoon asked. Mrs. Yoon turned around. "Bring Gayoon, introduce her to your friends." Mrs. Yoon whispered. Doojoon laughed. "Mom, there's no need to whisper. Little Miss Korean can hardly understand what we're saying. Her English is-" Mrs. Yoon cut her son off, "Be quiet! Do you have any respect? Her language is Korean, and her second Language is English....English is a hard language to learn! You're fortunate you grew up learning it. Maybe you should learn some Korean..." Doojoon shook his head and chuckled. "Yes. I'll bring her along! Don't worry Mom, you can trust me!" Doojoon assured Mrs. Yoon. She nodded, and set his pancakes on the plate. "Here you go!"

     Doojoon sat across from Gayoon at the dining table. He watched as she concentrated on nibbling her pancake slowly. His phone vibrated and he picked it up.

Lizzy: Hi Babe! Are you excited to go to the beach in a few hours? I bought the CUTEST bikini and I can't wait to wear it! Hehe! I'm going to hang with Nana for a bit so I will text ya later! Byeeee~

     Doojoon set his phone down and concentrated on eating his pancakes. He noticed Gayoon was dozing off over her pancakes, and she hadn't even finished the first one. She was about halfway through eating it. Doojoon smirked, and an idea popped up in his head.

     "Hey. Gayoon." he said, reaching across the table to poke her head. She quickly awoke, and rubbed her eyes. "Wah...how long was-" "Not long. Are you going to finish your pancakes?" he wondered. She shook her head, slowly. "Can I have them?" Doojoon asked. Gayoon nodded, her tired eyes looking at him. He grinned widely, and grabbed her plate, putting her untouched pancakes on his plate. She smiled gently, and then took another teeny bite of her pancake.

     "Oh yeah. My friends are going to meet at the beach...would you like to come?" Doojoon wondered, already knowing her answer. Gayoon pondered. What do I have to lose? "Sure..." she replied. "Cool. Do you have a swimsuit?" he asked, before shoving a big piece of the pancake in his mouth. Gayoon pouted, and shook her head. "Oh it's okay we can go buy one-" Doojoon paused and thought What am I saying? Isn't that super awkward? "Okay! I love to do the shop!" Gayoon exclaimed as her eyes brightened instantly. "I love TO shop. Not TO DO THE shop." Doojoon corrected. Gayoon smiled, ignoring his comment, and took a huge bite of her pancake.


     Gayoon shoved $50 into her wallet, and stashed the rest of the money her mom gave her into the drawer under her bed. She quickly readjusted her high wasted shorts and crop top, and put her wallet into a large, filled tote bag. She exited her room, and walked downstairs, where Doojoon was waiting for her. "Bye Mom! We'll be back late!" Doojoon told his mother. "Bye! Be back before 11!" Mrs. Yoon screamed in reply. Gayoon followed Doojoon to his car, a red Mustang. He opened the passenger seat for her, and put his sunglasses on before starting the engine. Gayoon followed suit, as the sun was in her eyes, and Doojoon opened the windows of the car. He the radio, and the song "Good Time" by Owl City and Carly Ray Jepson blared in the speakers. Gayoon listened intently to the song, trying to understand the music and get a feel of it. She nodded her head to the beat and examined the beautiful Luna, California. Doojoon parked at the local mall, and Doojoon and Gayoon walked to Forever21.

     "This store is in Korea." Gayoon noticed, as Doojoon trailed behind her. It didn't take her long to find the swimwear section, and she picked a few bikinis. Doojoon followed her as she walked to the dressing room, and waited outside as she tried them on.

     Gayoon pouted, as she struggled to untie the bikini. "Aish, such stubborn knots...who tied this?" Gayoon wondered, as she finally started to untie it. Five minutes and three bikinis later, Gayoon stepped out of the dressing room. Doojoon followed her to the register and she paid for her bikini.

     "Doojoon, where are we going?" Gayoon wondered, as she followed Doojoon out of the store and in another direction. "Orange Julius. It's a smoothie place. The drive to the beach is kind of long so I thought we should get some smoothies for on the way there." Doojoon replied, as he walked to the food court. Gayoon puffed out her lip and nodded, as she tried to copy his long strides and relaxed walk. Doojoon stopped at Orange Julius.

     "What do you want? I'll pay." "No, I can-" "I'm paying." Gayoon sighed. "I'll have a...berry-pom smoothie..." she replied reluctantly. Doojoon ordered their smoothies and they waited. "Is there anything else you need to get for the beach?" Doojoon wondered. Gayoon shook her head. Doojoon grabbed his peach white tea smoothie and handed Gayoon her smoothie, and they walked out of the mall and to his car.

"How long is the drive?" Gayoon asked, before taking a slow sip of her smoothie. Doojoon his radio. "It's about thirty minutes..." Doojoon replied, as he opened his windows, and the cool air blew into the car. Gayoon shivered and crossed her arms as she looked out the window. Doojoon's phone rang, and he grabbed it and put it to his ear.

     "Hey Babe! What are you doing? Are you almost here? Everyone's waiting for you!" Lizzy asked. Doojoon laughed. "Sup. We just left from the mall...we will be thirty minutes. Did you all eat breakfast yet? Go eat some!" "Actually they are eating right now. Did you eat?" "Yes I did..."

     Doojoon continued to talk to his girlfriend and Gayoon listened to the upbeat music and admired the beauty of California. The sun was out today and there were few clouds, and it was at least 90 degrees outside, and Gayoon was already starting to feel sticky and gross. Doojoon hung up his phone, and continued to drive. The drive was silent despite the music and Doojoon and Gayoon both didn't care for small talk, and soon they were at the beach.

     "You can change in the bathroom. I'll wait for you." Doojoon told Gayoon as he got out of the car to throw his finished smoothie away. Gayoon grabbed her bags, walked to the restrooms and changed into her floral print bikini. She tied her hair up into a bun and put her shorts and top over her bikini, and stepped out of the bathroom where Doojoon waited for her. "Okay, let's go." Gayoon walked with Doojoon to his group of friends.

     There were at least 5 guys and 6 girls, and they were all Asian. "Doojoon! What's up?" A guy with an eye smile greeted, as he fist bumped Doojoon. "Nothing much. Guys, this is the exchange student from Korea who's staying with us!" Doojoon told everyone, motioning towards Gayoon. She bowed. "Hi...I'm Gayoon." she introduced herself. Doojoon smirked at her Korean manners. "This is Kikwang, Yoseob, Junhyung, Hyunseung, Dongwoon, Nana, Lizzy, Hyunah, Jihyun, Jiyoon and Sohyun." Doojoon told Gayoon, pointing to each person. Gayoon concentrated on remembering each person's name.

     "Oh my gosh, you are so frickin skinny!" Hyunah commented, her eyes widened. "You are! Tell me your secrets!" Jihyun joked. Doojoon crossed his arms. "Girls, be nice!" "WE ARE!" they screamed in unison.

     "Do you understand English well?" Sohyun wondered. "Ah..kind of....do you speak Korean well?" Gayoon asked. "Yes I do. I speak Korean at home! Yoseob, Kikwang, and Jiyoon are very good at Korean as well. You're very pretty!" Sohyun commented. Gayoon laughed. "Thank you. You too!" Gayoon replied.

     "Gayoon, right? I'm Doojoon's girlfriend, Lizzy." she introduced herself, putting out a hand. Gayoon shook it and smiled brightly. "It's nice to meet you!" Gayoon replied. Lizzy smiled and turned towards Nana and they started whispering.

     "Anyways, guys, we should go on the boardwalk first! Then we can cool off here!" Kikwang said, clapping his hands together. "Sounds good!" "Yes!" "Cool!" Gayoon walked with Sohyun behind the others as they lead the way to the carnival. Jiyoon turned around. "Hi Gayoon, I'm Jiyoon if you don't remember my name!" she greeted as Gayoon laughed. "Hello!"

     The three girls chatted about Korea and Califorinia as they followed the large group, and Jiyoon and Sohyun quickly found themselves becoming friends with Gayoon, and Gayoon became more comfortable as the day progressed.


     "Doojoon babe, win me a big stuffed animal please?" Lizzy asked, wrapping her arms around Doojoon's arm. "Okay, okay." he replied. Gayoon turned to Sohyun and Jiyoon. "What does babe mean? Why does Lizzy use it?" Gayoon wondered. "Babe is a pet name...like yeobo is one in Korean..." Jiyoon explained. "Awh I see...so Babe...what else?" Gayoon asked curiously. "Babe, Baby, Honey, Sweetie, Sweetheart..." Sohyun replied.

     "Do you have a boyfriend?" Gayoon asked Sohyun. Sohyun laughed. "Yes. Dongwoon over there is my boyfriend...it's been two years!" Gayoon looked over at the dark-skinned guy with smoldering eyes but a bright smile. "Awe, that's so cute! What about you Jiyoon?" she wondered. Jiyoon shook her head. "I'm not interested. Gayoon, did you have a boyfriend in Korea?" Jonghyun. Gayoon gulped and looked at the ground, her smile fading. "Oh, I didn't mean to-" "Ah it's okay. No I didn't." Gayoon replied, perking up again and smiling. Jiyoon and Sohyun shared a worried look and Yoseob joined the conversation. "Hey guys! Hi Gayoon! I'm Yoseob." Yoseob said, brightening up the mood again with his cheerful personality. He bowed a few times, and Gayoon laughed at his manners. "Nice to meet you." "Oh and this is Kikwang!" Yoseob said, grabbing a handsome guy with smiling eyes. Gayoon grinned and chatted with the two guys for a while until the group stopped at a the Tilt-a-Whirl. Gayoon packed tight inbetween Sohyun and Jiyoon and the ride started. The three girls giggled as they were moved from side to side and as they kept bumping into eachother and soon the ride was over.


     Everyone stripped and threw their clothing into their bags or on the sand. "Woah, Gayoon, you have a great body!" Kikwang commented, looking her up and down. Sohyun smacked Kikwang. "YOU !" Gayoon laughed at Sohyun's antics and watched as Sohyun was picked up bridal-style by Dongwoon. "GAYOON! SAVE MEEE!" Sohyun screamed as Dongwoon ran towards the water, still holding her. Kiwang moved towards Gayoon and she gave him the stink eye. "Don't even think about it." Kikwang laughed, and then Gayoon started to giggle, as they watched Sohyun get thrown into the water by Dongwoon. Sohyun walked back and hugged Gayoon, and Gayoon shrieked, feeling the coldness of the water hit her skin.

      "Since you're new I won't throw you into the water. But I'll get you next time! I promise!" Kikwang implied, winking at Gayoon before he picked up Jiyoon. Jiyoon relaxed and closed her eyes, a total opposite reaction to Sohyun. "Ah Gayoon...you are too lucky! No guy is comfortable enough to pick you up yet...they'll get you bad sometime!" Sohyun commented. Gayoon laughed, and shook her head. "I really hope that doesn't happen!" she replied.


     As the day progressed, the teens built sandcastles, had underwater-breath-holding contests, splashed eachother, played Chicken and tanned. "Ah! I'm hungry! It's only 4 o'clock! Gayoon, want to get food with me?" Sohyun asked, as they worked on their sand castle. Gayoon nodded, as she got up and brushed the sand off of her legs. "Can I come too?" Yoseob wondered, as he walked up to them. "Sure!" the three walked to the Boardwalk and found a hamburger restaurant and quickly ordered.

     "So...how do you eat this?" Gayoon wondered, staring at her cheeseburger confused. Sohyun and Yoseob laughed. "You don't have hamburgers in Korea?" "I mean...there are a few places, but I always ate traditional food!" Gayoon defended herself. Yoseob laughed, and showed her how to hold it. "And then you just bite!" Sohyun exclaimed, taking a big bite of her hamburger. Gayoon copied them, and they gave her high fives. "Well done! Your first American meal is with us....I feel honored!" Yoseob exclaimed, smiling brightly. The trio ate and chatted about many things until all their fries, burgers and drinks were finished. "Shall we go back?" Sohyun asked. Yoseob nodded and the three got up and threw their food away. "RACE YOU!" Yoseob screamed, running towards the others.

     Gayoon laughed and followed suit, running as fast as she could to beat Yoseob. And she was darn close, only a feet or two behind, until her footing got messed up, and she tripped over her feet. She fell to the ground, feeling a burning sensation on her knees and elbows. "Aish!" she swore under her breath. "Gayoon! Are you okay?" Yoseob screamed, turning around. He ran towards her and helped her up carefully. She looked at the evident burn marks on her knees and elbows. She sighed.

     Sohyun caught up to them and gasped. "Gayoon! Oh my gosh, I saw your fall! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Sohyun asked, looking at her burn marks. "It hurts a litte....but I should be fine..." Gayon replied calmly. "Are you sure?" Yoseob asked, tenderly holding her arm and examining the marks. She nodded. "It's okay guys, I'm fine!" she exclaimed, laughing at their overreactions of her fall. The two shared a concerned look, but then they all walked back together slowly.


"Smores?" Gayoon questioned. "Mhm! You pronounced it right too! I'll help you make one!" Jiyoon exclaimed, smiling brightly in front of the hot bonfire. Gayoon watched as Jiyoon stuck two marshmallows on wooden skewers and handed one to Gayoon. "So you turn the marshmallow around, and when it gets golden brown, then take it out, and put it inbetween two graham crackers and put chocolate in the middle too. Like a sandwich, a sweet, chocolately sandwich!" Jiyoon exclaimed, as she stuck her marshmallow on top of the fire. Gayoon copied Jiyoon, but soon found that her marshmallow was on fire. She screamed. "Ah! What do I do? Omo!" Gayoon exclaimed, as she quickly took her marshmallow out. Jiyoon laughed. "We can try another, okay?"

Four burnt marshmallows later, Gayoon was happily munching on her smore. "This is really good!" she exclaimed, savoring the sweetness that consumed . "Isn't it? I knew you'd love it!" Jiyoon exclaimed. "We need to give Gayoon the grand tour of American food! Let's plan a date!" Sohyun said, smiling brightly. Gayoon laughed. "That sounds fun!" "So Doojoon, how's living with Gayoon?" Jiyoon wondered, turning towards him. His arm was around Lizzy and they sat in front of the burning fire. Doojoon shrugged. "It's only been a day, why are you asking?" he wondered. Jiyoon shrugged.

"Hey we should have a sleepover sometime! Just us three!" Sohyun exclaimed, pointing at Jiyoon, Gayoon and herself. "Sounds awesome!" "What about us?" Hyunah wondered, pouting. Sohyun laughed, "We'll see about that!"


     "Did you have fun today?" Doojoon asked as Gayoon and him settled into his car. Gayoon nodded, and yawned. "I am tired." she implied, rubbing her eyes. He laughed. "Me too, it's a long drive back, and it's dark, so go ahead and relax." Doojoon told Gayoon, as he waved to his friends, and backed up his car. He some music to keep him awake, as his eyes were already feeling droopy.

     Gayoon sat up once again, straightening her back. She stretched her fingers, cracked her back, rubbed her eyes, drank her water...she did anything she could to stay awake with Doojoon as they made very small talk with curt replies and short questions. But as soon as Doojoon started talking on the phone with his girlfriend, Gayoon let herself relax and she soon found herself dozing off.

     "Gayoon...Gayoon..." Doojoon said, gently shaking Gayoon. She was sound asleep. He pursed his lips together and sighed, as he poked her a few more times. He had no choice. He gently put his arms under her knees and her back, picking her up bridal style and he grabbed her bag. She was extremely light and easy to carry, as her weight was really low. He brought her to the front door and rang the doorbell with his arm. "Oh Doojoon, how-" "Sh!" Doojoon shushed his mother as he nodded his head towards the sound asleep Gayoon. Mrs. Yoon nodded and opened the door, letting Doojoon carry her upstairs. Doojoon opened her door with his side and set her on her unmade bed, and he tucked her in. He looked at her innocent face, he always thought people were so much more beautiful when they slept as it was so natural and simple. He smiled at the Korean exchange student, yawned and whispered, "Goodnight." before he opened the door that led to his room.



A/N: Sorry for the late update! But I made it super longggg for yalls :) ALSO, THIS AWESOME POSTER WAS MADE BY vanivici @ Micro Graphia! Request from her, she is awesome!!!!

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Will be posting the first chapter in a day or two, before I go on a four day trip ^^


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Chapter 18: please update soon author-nim :) i'm looking forward for the next chaaaapter hehe
shujun #2
Chapter 18: ohoo! cant wait for more update..
hwaiting !!!
sooboo #3
Chapter 18: i love this couple !!! Dooyoon!!!! update very soon author nim ❤️
Chapter 18: Ahhhh, they had finally kissed!!!! <3
I'm going to cry haha :3 I've missed this so much! Thanks for this awesome update! ^^
Chapter 18: Imma kris bias too kekekeke. Auww they finally kissed yeay!
firstzyx #6
Chapter 18: Doojoon-still-slow aaah pls keep udate
Chapter 17: pls update! :) this is a great story. :)
Chapter 17: I miss this. Please update soon. Thanks
firstzyx #9
Chapter 17: aaiish doojoonaa just confess!!! Hah
shujun #10
Chapter 17: aigoo~still no confession..
update soon..
hwaiting !!!