Chapter 3

The Red String of Fate

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Anyway please enjoy this chapter!!!

[Gui Gui POV]

As soon as the customer had left, I returned back to the cash register. Ya Tou and Xiao Xun approached me and complained “Gui Gui you look as if that guy was going to eat you up”

“Yeah! but I don’t blame you for blushing… I mean that guy was so gorgeous,” Ya Tou giggled and daydreams about him.

“Aiyo it can’t be helped, you girls know how shy I act around strangers or people I barely knew,” I expressed and pouted.  Xiao Xun and Ya Tou laughed and hugged me. I’m really glad that I get along with my boss and co-worker i remember the first day when i got employed I barely  talked to anyone and when I do I never look at them in the eyes. That’s how shy I’ am in front of people I hardly know.


 It has been such a busy day at the bookstore and it was finally the end of my shift. I was now waiting outside of the bookstore for Vanness ge ge for 15 minutes already. He had called to apologize about 15 minutes ago that he won’t be able to arrive on time and I told him it was fine.  As I waited for ge ge I analysed the beautiful scenery in front on me and remembered the guy I met last night.

“I wonder if my umbrella was any help to him last night.” I whispered, displaying a concerned look. Not long after a car’s headlights flashed at me to indicate me to get into the car.


[Yan's Mansion]

As we got out from the car in front of us was probably no definitely the most stunning mansion I’ve ever seen. All of our mouths dropped, we all knew how rich the Yan Corporation was but we just never thought they live in such a massive place. As we made our way towards the front of the mansion I analysed the beautiful place. I tugged onto my dad’s shirt without removing my eyes from the scenery and questioned “Dad… are you sure your boss really invited us over?”

 My dad cleared his throat before he answered me proudly “Of course”

When we arrived at the front door Mr and Mrs Yan welcomed us in.

“Thomas!” Mr Yan said, shaking Mr Wu’s hand.

“Thank you for having us,” replied Mr Wu, smiling. “This is my wife Sarah and my children Ying Jie and Vanness” Mr Wu pointed out while they replied with a smile.

Mr Yan gave them a nod and grinned at them and introduced his wife. “And this is my wife Sophie and my son is making his way back,” Mr Yan replied.

“Hi! Please come in,” Mrs Yan said excitedly.

As we stepped into the mansion i felt my heart stopped beating and my eyes widen while my mouth formed an “O” shape as i saw the place. I felt a nudged on my left arm and slowly looked onto my side.

 “Gui Gui! Close your mouth,” Vanness whispered quietly enough for me to hear.

I quickly did what my brother had ordered but what still shocked. Mr and Mrs Yan took us to their living room to continue with their conversation. While everyone was talking to each other I was only quietly lying my head onto Vanness ge ge’s shoulders and my arm linked on his. Sigh…again I’m too shy to even join in their conversation even when my family was here. When all of a sudden Mrs Yan asked me something.

“Ying jie are you O.K? You’ve been very quiet since you’ve came in,” Mrs Yan placed her hand onto mine and gave me a 'are you o.k look.' I lowered my head slightly and murmured back “I’m fine auntie it’s just i get very shy and please call my Gui Gui instead.”

“It’s true my lil sis is an extremely timid person since she was young so she won’t make conversation with anyone unless they are close with.” Vanness ge ge stated while mama and papa nodded their heads.

 “Don’t worry Gui Gui I’m sure you won’t be shy around us after tonight,” Mrs Yan grinned to reinsure me.

I return back with a giggle and was relieve that she didn’t take it the wrong way. Occasionally Mr and Mrs Yan would made small talks with me which made me felt more comfortable around them.

It was soon time for dinner and the maid came to inform us “Mr and Mrs Yan dinner is served,” the maid bowed at a 90 degree. 

We all got up and headed towards the dining room , I was just about to leave when I realised one of my earrings had fell off my ear. It didn’t take long for me to find it. While making my way out of the living room, i tilted my head slightly downwards to place my earring in place and I didn’t realise someone was walking along the hallway towards the dining room and Wham!

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update soon :)
update please!
kambelin #3
uuuuuuuuuuuuupdate please
iLoveStitch #4
update soon! =3
kambelin #5
keep writing the storie
AaronGuiGuiforever #6
please continued the story please. i realy love it :D
Yes. I really like this story. Please continue.
Please update.
Aw~ That was so cute but I could not
imagine how Aaron could do that in real
life but after all this is a fanfic.
OMG! I can't stop smiling this is way
to cute and sweet!

Please update soon! ^o^