Past life changed pt. 3(non-rated ver)

Past life changed

It was tears in Kyungsoo's eyes that first made Jongin stiffened.

The next moment, his arms were unconsciously draped around Kyungsoo.

His hearts ached at the scene--Everyone was nervously waiting outside the the operation room, waiting for the doctor to come out and announced that Baekhyun was fine. 

"My eyes. I refused to believe that something was wrong with them and now I've caused Baekhyun..." Kyungsoo sobbed. 

"Hush..." Jongin tried to use his most gentle voice to comfort the crying Kyungsoo.

According to what he knew, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were going to confront Sehun, Chanyeol and him at their usual hangout. Kyungsoo lost control of the car and banged into a tree. Kyungsoo came through unscathed. However, Baekhyun was not so lucky. How the three of them happened to know about this and rushed over to the hospital immediately was all thanks to Chanyeol. Chanyeol had been secretly dating Baekhyun for ages but had always pushed the blame on Baekhyun when they were found out, making Sehun believe that Baekhyun was always pestering Chanyeol. It was suprising that Baekhyun's love for Chanyeol was so big that after several threats, he still remained insistent on visiting Chanyeol. 

Now, Chanyeol's usual happy face was turned upside down. He was sitting on the floor, with his hands in his head. Sehun was standing beside him, staring stonily into space. 

"It's my fault isn't it?" Chanyeol said to no one in particular. None of them answered as Kyungsoo's tears continued to fall. 

The doctor came out then, visible stains of blood could be seen on his pure white coat. 

"The patient's condition is currently stable. However, we will put him in the intensive care unit until he wakes up."

Collective sighs of relief could be heard. The doctor gave a smile before walking away.


"You're fine, Baek," Kyungsoo whispered in Baekhyun's ears. "now you just have to wake up."

Jongin and Sehun stood at the sidelines awkwardly as Kyungsoo and Chanyeol fussed over the Baekhyun whom they loved so much.

"This is so not my style, I am getting out of here," Sehun announced suddenly and went out. Jongin followed. 

"Kim Jongin, you disappoint me."

"I'm sorry."

"You said you will forget him but judging by your reaction to him just now, you love him as much as ever."

Jongin silently nodded his head. He had never forgotten Kyungsoo despite all promises he had made to Sehun. 

A sigh.

"I'm giving you a chance to prove that love makes someone stronger, not weaker."

Jongin emitted a small smile,"Thanks."

Sehun acknowledge the gratitude with a wave of his hand and turned to walk away,"Meet me back at the club. I'll be there. Tell Chanyeol the same thing I said to you. He deserves it too."


Kyungsoo walked out of the hospital room to fetch some water to wash Baekhyun's face when he saw a lonely Jongin standing outside, leaning against the wall, a bored look on his face while blowing his bangs.


"Kyungsoo!" Jongin stood straighter, his back leaving the wall. 


"I have something to say..."

"I think I know what you are going to say. You want to say that what happen just now was just pity, nothing else. And you are going to--"

Kyungsoo's voice was silenced by a kiss from Jongin. 

"Nothing of those sort. I just wanted to say the opposite. I love you," Jongin whispered huskily into Kyungsoo's ears after the kiss. 

Kyungsoo replied with a simple smile before pulling Jongin into a hug," I love you too."

Then, a scream broke the sweet moment," KYUNGSOO, BAEK IS AWAKE!"

Kyungsoo and Jongin laughed before heading back into the room. After all, Chanyeol needs someone to share his delight with and the weak Baekhyun was definitely not the best choice. 


Hey guys. This story was on hiatus for ages but now I finally decided to complete it so it has ended. YAY. I know this story is ridiculously stupid so Thanks for sticking with me until the end. <3 I hope it didn't too much bleh XD. AND I NEED MORE OF KAISOO.

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Updating part 1 tomorrow ^^


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Chapter 7: congratulation author-nim. great story indeed ♡♡
Chapter 5: Why....... Did....... You....... Leave........ Us......Hanging?... -_________-
12011401 #3
Chapter 5: Omggg jongin whyyyy
yourEXOticELF #4
Chapter 4: I love it.. please update soon author-nim.. please.. please.. please ^_^v
yourEXOticELF #5
Chapter 3: author-nim please update soon i really love this story.. and i want to know how baekyeol got together... please write a sequel

please please please!!! jebal!!!! saranghaeyo author-nim!!!!
Chapter 3: Omg my kaisoo . I want my kaisoo
Chapter 1: I can't wait!
MadMyl3mL #8
Chapter 1: Well I bet it was Chanyeol!!! Can't wait for your next update!!!
yourEXOticELF #9
Chapter 1: i really really love it please update soon..^^
Brazilian_exotic #10
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^