Miss. Second Place

Next Stop, Insanity


Honey, could you go over to the Jeon's and tell them that dinner's ready?”

Hanuel looked up from her laptop, “What? They're eating with us again?”

“Yes. Mrs. Jeon cooked some dishes so she wanted to share them with us. Now go be a sweetheart and tell them it's ready.”

“Aw man! But that means Jungkook's coming. Argh.” Hanuel grumbled as she slipped on her slippers and left her room. Her dad was watching the television while her mom was still in the kitchen. She sighed when she opened the apartment door and walked down the hall. When she reached the door, she rang the doorbell and waited. The door opened,

“I got it! It's just- oh! Hi unnie!”

Hanuel looked down and her face softened. Although she didn't like Jungkook, she had an extreme soft spot for his little sister. She was a complete opposite of what Jungkook was, which is probably why Hanuel took a liking to her. Plus, his little sister seemed to hate him, which amused Hanuel to the max.

“Hey kiddo, how are you?” Hanuel smiled as the little girl led her inside the house. Hanuel bowed respectfully to Mr. Jeon who was in the living room, and bowed once again when she saw his wife in the kitchen.

“Oh, hello there Hanuel. I'll be over after I finish this soup. For now, just make yourself at home.” Mrs. Jeon smiled as she turned back to the pot. Hanuel nodded as she looked down at the girl who was now holding her hand.

“I missed you a lot unnie! How come you haven't come over to play with me?” Three-year old Junghwa pouted. Hanuel bent down and picked up her, “I've been busy with school, Jungie. Have you been a good girl?”

“No she has not.” Jungkook spoke up as he came out of his room with his cup. Hanuel rolled her eyes as Junghwa ignored him.

“Oppa's just being mean because he isn't as nice and pretty as you, unnie.” Junghwa whispered. Hanuel laughed and Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “What did you say about me this time?”

“Nothing.” Junghwa sang as she cuddled up to Hanuel.

“Whatever.” He scoffed.

“Alright, we're ready to go. Thank you for waiting, Hanuel.” Mrs. Jeon smiled as she picked up the dishes. Jungkook went over to help her carry them while his dad opened the door and turned off the lights. Hanuel walked out first, with Junghwa still in her arms.

They walked back down the hallway to her apartment and she opened the door.

“Mom, they're here!” She called out while she took off her slippers. Her parents were already sitting around the dinner table and had the plates and silverware all set up.

“Just in time.” Her mother smiled as she went over to give Jungkook's mom a hug. The two fathers conversed with each other while Hanuel sat down and put Junghwa onto her lap. Jungkook sat beside her.

“Alright, let's eat.”

Jungkook ate his food in silence while the parents talked. Hanuel had her sole focus on feeding Junghwa. Jungkook scowled.

Usually his sister would have eaten by this time and would be at home taking a nap so he could bother Hanuel when they came over for dinner. But no, his sister refused to eat once she heard that she would be able to go over and play with her favourite unnie.

Junghwa giggled when Hanuel poked her cheek. She finished eating a while ago, and Hanuel hadn't even touched her plate. Jungkook glanced towards her plate.

“Junghwa, here, I'll play with you in the living room, okay? Let Hanuel eat. She didn't even get to eat because of you.” Junghwa pouted as Jungkook picked her up. Hanuel waved to her and turned back to her food.

He did the dumbest things sometimes.

“Eat up, Hanuel. I'm sorry for bothering you with Junghwa. She just can't seem to be separated from you sometimes.” Mr. Jeon apologized. Hanuel smiled and shook her head, “No problem. She's adorable.”

“So how are you classes going?” Mrs. Jeon asked. “They're going okay.” Hanuel replied.

“Have you managed to beat Jungkook on any test yet?” Her dad teased. Hanuel turned red, “Dad!”

The parents laughed.

“Jungkook surprises me sometimes because he doesn't look like he does much studying at home but he manages to bring back such good grades.” Mrs. Jeon admitted. Hanuel's mother shot her a look as if saying 'see, why can't you be like that?'

Hanuel stabbed her food bitterly. Way to make her feel worse about always losing to him.

“If only my daughter could be like that.” Her dad sighed. Mr. Jeon laughed, “I'm sure she will. One day, she'll be able to beat him.”

Hanuel sighed.

This was going to be one long dinner.

- - - - -

“Oppa, you didn't even finish your food.” Junghwa rolled her eyes as she lay on his lap while he sat on the couch. “ I know.” He replied. “Go eat then.” She urged. “So I can play with Hanuel unnie.”

“Your unnie has to eat too. Don't be so selfish.” He poked her nose, causing her to roll around on his lap.

“You're a meanie!” She frowned. Jungkook sighed, “How?”

“You always steal Hanuel unnie away from me.” Junghwa pouted as she sat onto his lap and crossed her arms childishly. “More like you make it so I can't bother her.” Jungkook replied.

Junghwa's face scrunched up as she hopped off his lap, “I don't like you. I'm going to find Hanuel unnie.” She ran into the kitchen, on the verge of tears.

Hanuel was done her food by now and looked down to see Junghwa pulling on her sweater. “What's wrong?”


Oppa was being mean again!” Junghwa exclaimed.

“Was not!” Jungkook shouted back from the living room. The parents chuckled and shook their heads in amusement while Hanuel laughed and picked her up. “Well, let's go punish him, okay?” Junghwa nodded excitedly, “Okay!”

Jungkook looked up from the television when he saw the two walk out. Hanuel sat on the couch beside him while Junghwa lay onto both of their laps.

“Unnie, will you play Princess with me?” Junghwa requested as she tilted her head. Hanuel blinked, “How do you play that?”

“You can be my Prince!” Junghwa giggled as she sat up, causing Jungkook to wince when she kneed him. Hanuel laughed, “I'm a girl though. Why don't you ask your oppa?” Junghwa looked up at Jungkook who narrowed his eyes at her. Junghwa shook her head, “Nah. Oppa isn't manly enough.”

Jungkook burst out laughing, “So you're saying your unnie is manlier than me?” Hanuel's face fell, “Yah, is that what you meant, Jungie?” Junghwa shook her head defensively, “No! I'm just saying you're more polite and nice unlike oppa! Unnie also has manners like a Prince is supposed to.” Hanuel smiled, “Okay. I forgive you.”

“So let's play, unnie. This mean oppa can watch television by himself.”

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

How on earth did Hanuel make his sister love her more than him?

He had no idea.

- - - - -

Hanuel came out the bathroom and walked back into her room. She sat on her bed and stayed there for a minute or two. Little kids took a lot out of her energy.


Playing around with Junghwa for three hours was more draining then running laps around the school, in her opinion.

She rolled to the other side of her bed to her desk and sat down onto the chair. She wanted to start on her project now, so she could get a head-start before Jungkook. She took out her notebooks and began working.

After who knows how long, her head kept bobbing to the side. All she knew was that she was done her rough notes and was farther along in the project than she had expected. She had a slight headache and she had a bit of trouble actually keeping her eyes open. But after looking at her progress, she managed smiled in satisfaction.

A new chat popped up on her laptop. She clicked it and her eyebrows furrowed.

It was a new message from Jungkook.

Lol, you're probably working on that Science project right? Try-hard.

He was such a stalker sometimes.

So what? I'm not slacking off like some people. And I'm not a try-hard. Now leave me alone. I'm going to sleep.

She signed off so she wouldn't receive his next messages. She yawned as she lay down onto her bed and closed her eyes.

Just another typical day had gone by.

- - - - -

Jungkook walked into school the next day, bored.

Hanuel didn't take the bus this morning.

So where was she?

Did she even go to school?

He took a detour to his locker, through the hall where hers was located just to see if she came.

She wasn't there.

But her stalker was.

Kangdae looked up, “Oh, good morning Jungkook. Did Hanuel come to school today?” Jungkook shrugged, “I don't know.” Kangdae nodded awkwardly, “Uh, ok. Thanks.” He left while Jungkook rolled his eyes.


But then he thought back to it. Didn't he just wonder about the same thing?

- - - - -

“Hey, Jungkook.” Jaehee smiled as she walked past him in the hallways. Jungkook looked up from his phone, “Oh, hey Jaehee.” She smiled, “I'll see you around.” He nodded, “Alright.”

He walked into the cafeteria and went towards his usual table. Jimin looked up, “Hey, you know that our mid-term reports are handed out today?” Jungkook shook his head, “Not yet. I'll check later.”

“You probably got the highest mark in the class anyway. Why bother to check?” V questioned. “So he can laugh about it in that Hanuel girl's face, right?” J-Hope commented. Jungkook grinned, “Yep.”

“How come she tries so hard to beat you all the time anyway?” Jimin asked. Jungkook shrugged, “I wish I knew the answer to that.”

“Yah, Jungkook.”

The guys looked up.

Hanuel crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Jungkook, “Did you check your mid-term report yet?”

Jungkook smirked as his friends watched in fascination, “Who knows? I probably got at least a 95% average though." She gasped, "Are you serious?"

“What? Jealous, Miss. Second Place?” He raised an eyebrow. She narrowed her eyes at him, “Don't call me that.”

“Yeah, you're jealous.” Jungkook grinned. 
“Whatever, I'll beat you next time then.” She walked away as Jungkook grinned, “Try harder, try-hard!”

His friends turned back to him.

“Yeah. We still have no idea what your relationship with her is after all these years.”

He didn't either.

- - - - -

Jungkook walked into his class and was relieved to find that Hanuel was sitting in her seat. Hanuel looked up and scowled at him before looking somewhere else. He chuckled as he sat down in his seat. He took out his phone from his pocket and texted her.

You lost to me again.

He watched as she took out her phone and turned around to glare at him. She quickly typed in a reply.

Next time, stalker.

How about we make a bet? Whoever gets the higher mark on this project can request the other person to do one thing for them?

You're on. I'll beat you and make you run around the school .

Oh, of course you'd love to see that.

Not only are you a stalker, you're also a ert. Yeah, a erted stalker.

Says the one who wanted me to run around ~

She didn't get a chance to reply since the teacher came in but his mood was lifted already.

She was way too funny to tease.

- - - - -

“Whoa, Hanuel, you managed to reach 50cm while sitting down on your flexibility test. I'm impressed. New record for any girl.” The teacher praised as he wrote it down onto his clipboard. Hanuel smiled, “Thank you.”

The teacher then walked over to examine the boys who were just finishing up their test as well.

“What the hell? You pushed the marker off the box! How did you manage to do that, man?” Hanuel turned her head to the commotion. Jungkook was doing his flexibility test as well. The teacher walked over, “I never knew you were this flexible, Jungkook. Nice job, you got the highest score today and probably out of our whole school.”

Hanuel sighed in frustration when she heard the news.

How the hell did he manage to always beat her by such a little difference? It pissed her off greatly.

- - - - -

“My mom wants me to go buy some groceries.” Jungkook said as he walked out of the school with Hanuel. She looked at him, “Yeah, so what?”

“Come with me.” He ordered. She raised an eyebrow, “Hell no. Go by yourself, you erted stalker.”

“But you promised you would buy Junghwa a lollipop, so why not just buy it now?” He bargained. He heard her sigh in defeat and he knew that he had won.


They walked into the supermarket, two blocks from their school and Jungkook went to get a cart. Hanuel followed behind him grudgingly. She felt tired from sleeping so late last night, and the coldness of the supermarket was giving her a headache. She shook her head a few times to stay awake.

Jungkook examined the meat and placed it down before strolling the cart down the aisle. Hanuel followed along. Once they reached the candy aisle, she walked ahead of him to get a lollipop.

“Your sister likes strawberry right?” She asked. Jungkook looked at her, “How should I know?” She gave him a look, “You're hopeless. No wonder she hates you.” She placed the lollipop into the cart and he scoffed, “It's not like she actually talks to me without crying and running away.”

“It's because you're not whole-heartedly talking to her either.” Hanuel replied.


“How am I supposed to do that?”

“I guess you just have to be nicer. You treat her as if she's old enough to understand your stupid remarks. You have to match her eye level.” She explained as she looked around the supermarket.

He softened as he watched her from behind. She somehow had the best advice out there.

“So can we go yet?”

His face fell back into his normal expression and he nodded, “Yeah.” He walked up to the cashier and she checked out his items. He was about to pay when Hanuel put a coin into his hand. He looked at her in confusion.

“I'll pay for the lollipop so I don't have to owe you anything.”

Jungkook simply nodded as he handed the lady the bills and she gave him his change. He thanked her and grabbed the grocery bags. They waited outside for the city bus since their school bus had already left by now.

Hanuel looked at him, “Do you need help holding the bags?” He shook his head, “I'm fine. Why? Worrying about me now? That's so sweet of you.” She turned away, “Ugh, why did I even bother?”

When the bus came, he let her get on first before following suit. They sat down beside each other. He placed the bags under the chair and watched as other people got on after them. Once the bus started, he turned his attention out the window. After a while, he felt a soft weight on his shoulder and he turned around in confusion.

His eyes widened in bewilderment.

Hanuel had fallen asleep, and from his past experiences with her on school trips, she would fall asleep on the person's shoulder- no matter who it was. He almost scoffed when he sat up straighter and lightly moved his shoulder so her head wouldn't fall off. He took note of her pale face and the light circles under her eyes and knew she was probably up all night trying to finish that project.

She never failed to surprise him sometimes.

She was the only girl he knew who would try so hard in every little thing she did.

She never once cheated on a test and if she was going to try and beat him in something, she would do it fair and square.

She was fair to everyone around her.

Well, maybe not him but everybody else.

He softly smiled and looked back out the window.

He was going to get a higher mark than her on this project no matter what so he could win that bet.



Omg, thank you guys ;-; How I managed to get 24 subscribers in one chapter, I have no idea. But thank you so much. <3 

I'm just grateful that there's people actually willing to read this! ^^; Aha. Thank you, though~

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ^-^ 

Bye! (:

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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)