My Best Friend

My Best Friend


I bet you had question why i called Hyesungie as my best friend right? Kkkk. You just saw us in front of camera. Fans called us water and oil because we always bickering, both of us didn’t want to give up, had competitiveness aura between us, tried to prove who was the best he or me, and hmm.... Hyesung always rejected my skinship! Tch, that spoiled little prince... Oops! I should watched my mouth! If he knew I called him like that, I would flew away because of his taekwondo round kick... O_O

Hyesung was good friend, care (although his nag made my head wanted to burst), lovely, gag man (woaahhh! You should saw his jokes that he made in front of me, it was funnier than Choongjae! If only he didn’t shy in front of camera... i bet he would be number one gag man!), he’s pretty (ehm! You agree right?), macho (psst! Now he often went to gym and worked out after I insulted him on broadcast about he didn’t had abs! Hahaha. Well, you could see his muscle arm..but not as big as mine,keke), and.... he had beautiful voice~! Indeed! Our lead vocal :3

Ah... Suddenly i remembered some of our memories.. Sigh.. it has been 16th years we together...


1. Steve Jung

That day, i walked in town with Jason, ah.. i mean Andy, and we saw a pamphlet that attached on the wall. It wrote about audition from South Korea agency to found new singer or dancer. I interested in it and decided to watched the audition. Fortunately, the audition was held for public and outdoor.

“ Jason, wanna see it for a moment? I just curious.. if it’s not fun we can leave” i lifted my brow and Andy grinned, agreed with my idea.

“ Sure! I’m curious too” Jason said in cheerful tone

We ran immediately to audition stage which not so far from our first spot. I saw there were so many people, made me and Jason should sneaking through the crowd, and... at that time i heard,

“ Contestant number 6, Steve Jung!”

I watched the thin boy in beautiful frame climbed to the stage. He’s looked young and might be as old as me or younger than me. Suddenly the weird feeling came to me and i felt he was so.. “beautiful...”. Jason looked at me with deep frown on his forehead. Damn.. seemed i said what i thought.. I just grinned to answer the confused Jason.

“ Number 6, Steve Jung. I’ll sing a song... the title is position... Hope you like it”. I could see his pale face with small trembling hand that held the microphone. Sometimes he touched his fringe and his dry lips. I chuckled, he’s looked cute and i knew.. he must be so nervous now.

Music played and the boy started to sing. When he sang.... I thought i heard the voice from heaven. So different and unique. It’s soft and made my heart warm...pleasant feeling came to me. I couldn’t help but stared to that thin boy. Felt like the time was stopped.. then all around me was in slow motion.. I kept stared until the loud applause from the crowd made me realized that the boy already finished his sing. I dumbfounded and blinked my eyes. Still amazed with what i heard before.

I took deep breath and sighed it slowly. WOW

“ Jason… I want to become a singer, with that boy and back to Korea” and at that moment I could saw shocked face from Jason. Yes… I wanted to be singer and met that boy! Must!


2. Water and Oil

“ Ya! Mun Junghyuk!” I was reading manhwa in my room at dorm after we back from training, while I heard Pilkyo rage scream from bathroom.

No need took too long, then the slim boy appeared full dressed on my sight. Tch, he still didn’t like to wore towel only.. 

“ Yes.. what’s up?” I yawned and still not let my eyes from my manhwa. Pilkyo seemed furious and s the shampoo bottle in front of my face.

“ This is all your stupid act right?! Where is my shampoo! Why you gave me such a stupid joke and changed my shampoo with this ketchup?!” The rage Pilkyo was so cute. His face redden, held his anger.

I tried my best to held my laugh and acted cool. “ Not me.. I didn’t do anything with your shampoo”

He was getting annoyed and I liked it! HAHAHA!

“ Ya!! Sunho didn’t do this childish thing! Only three of us here and I’m sure you did it!” the annoyed Pilkyo yelled.. Ah.. his high pitch vocal hurt my ears.

“ Not me…” still reading

Sroot!!! An instant moment the manhwa that I read became full of red and smelly liquid!!

“ YA! JUNG PILKYO! Look at what you have done!!” I yelled furiously and stood glared angrily to his small eyes.

“ It’s my revenge for what you have done to me! It’s all your fault and you should pay it!”

I grabbed his collar shirt and he did same thing. I just wanted to threw my fist to him before Sunho came in and shouted, tried to calmed us

“ Hyung! Stop! Why you two fighting??”

“ He start it!” we answered in unison, and turned our angrily gaze to our opponent eyes

“ Hyungdeul… Please…” Sunho said miserably

Mikkulaji…” hissed Pilkyo

 “ Spoiled prince..” I replied him, and then… our fists threw away to our opponent face.

Sunho tried to separated us once again but his body too small and weak to hold our power. He fell on the floor.

“ Aish!! I don’t care anymore!!!” Sunho exited and we continued our fight. And… ah… at that time I could feel Pilkyo round kick on my face and stomach. Damn… it’s hurt… -_-“


3. Ricsyung Couple

I was reading our fan café and smiled like idiot to saw what fans did to us. They paired six of us and my eyes couldn’t go from “Ricsyung Couple”.

            Hyesung oppa always rejects Eric oppa, kkk they’re so funny!     

            Hyesung oppa, please accept Eric oppa’s love <3

            Water and Oil, awkward.. but I like it! The more I watch their awkward act, the more I fall for them >///<

            Hyesung oppa must be loves Eric oppa so much, so he plays pull and push trick to make Eric oppa comes to him, kkkk

            Hyesung oppa is sooo damn pretty! Eric oppa soooo damn handsome! They match together!


Hahahaha! I like the way fans more ‘support’ me than Hyesung and I let out satisfied laugh to knew it.

“ Yo, Eric! What are you reading?” Hyesung came suddenly and sat down beside me, tried to looked what I read on computer screen.

“ Ya… you must be angry if you read it,hahaha”

“ What? Tch.. give it to me!” I let Hyesung read on the screen, and I could saw the change of his face

“ Aish… this princess… Ya, are you happy eh? eh?!” Hyesung pouted, felt annoyed

“ Of course! They support me!” I chuckled and felt won over him!

“ And they said I’m pretty? Am I so freakin’ pretty, looks like a girl???” ah… he started to be sensitive again…

“ Ya.. don’t be so serious over this thing… and yes, you always reject my skinship, fans thought we’re awkward together..and.. you’re so beautiful Hyesung-ah… it’s your charm!”

Hyesung seemed getting more annoyed, “ Ya! I’m not a girl! And I reject all of your skinship because I don’t like it! You sticking me like a leech!”

“ What?? Eissshh!!! You spoiled little prince!!”

“ Hah! Mun Junghyuk the mikkulaji of skinship monster!”

I hocked and getting angry, “ Jung Pilkyo, the spoiled little prince who doesn’t has an abs!!”

And… our fist collided again…

Fortunately, Minwoo came and separated us.. I bit scared if I should felt his kick again.. no more please… -_-


4. I always beside you whenever you need me

I entered my room and threw my body on the bed. I buried my face on pillow, felt bit narrow. I was so tired, my thought..and my heart as well.. I wanted to cry, but my pride as man forbid it. Hah! so what with man’s pride??! why man considered as weak when they let his tears out?? !!!

I heard my door knocked by someone. But I was too tired to opened it.

“ Eric-ah.. it’s me..” Hyesung’s voice came from outside


Then I heard my room door opened, and the footsteps came, approached me. I could feel someone beside me, and the soft hand my hair gently.

“ I know what happen to you… Junjin and others will came soon, and we will have a good time at club. You can dance and drink as you like, Eric..”

Hyesung kept my head and I felt very comfortable.

“ Eric....”


“ Hyesung-ah.... I… I hate become man…...”

“ .......Why?”

“ Because I can’t cry when I want to…”

I heard Hyesung laughed, “ Ya… so you are mocking me now, eh? I’ve cried so bad when my voice cracked on live broadcast.. Tch..”

“ No.. no.. I don’t hate you… I just.. hate myself..”

“ Junghyuk-ah…” Hyesung soft voice called my name, made me felt so warm but it made me wanted to cry more and more..

“ Hei.. Junghyuk.. get up and look at me. Then tell me what you feel.. I always beside you when you need me…”

I lifted my head and get up, sat down faced Hyesung. Hyesung smiled and nodded slowly. I took deep breath and sighed.

“ I love her…”

Hyesung kept looked me

“ I want to marry her.. really.. I’m willing to give up everything to be able together with her forever..” I could felt my trembling voice, sigh…

Hyesung nodded and smiled

“ But.. why? Because she older than me so I don’t deserve her?”

“ Why her mom rejected me?! Because of my status and age? Hah! Why she didn’t accept my sincerity? Hyesung-ah… I truly.. love much… damn….”

Ah.. my tears now filled my eyes… My sight became so blurry..

“ Hah… I hate if I should cry because of women… hahaha…” I tried to laugh but suddenly Hyesung pulled my body to his embrace… He hugged me tightly and patted my back softly.. All of my ego defeated.. My defense was fell down, collapse.. My tears burst out.. I cried

That night.. I cried whole-heartedly in Hyesung embrace… My best friend embrace..


5. Fishing

My military service day was slowly came. I felt bored, did nothing. I already didn’t have any activity, as well for Shinhwa. 1 month ago we held our 10th anniversary concert and I registered my military service. I was watching tv now. It showed the discovery channel about fish. Suddenly, an idea flashed on my brain. I called my best friend immediately.

Beepp...Beeepp…. Bee-

“ Ya! Why do you call me, you stupid brat?!”  as usual.. our master of curse

“ Hyesungie.. I miss you~”

“ Aish.. hurry tell me what you want!” I chuckled, this man was something..

“ Come with me”

“ Where?”



“ Hyesung-ah?”

“ Why so suddenly?”

“ Just because”

“ Tch! All right… I’ll be ready in one hour. Anyway, where is the location?”

“ I dunno.. we think about it later”

“ Hah.. I knew it.. okay then, see ya..”

“ See ya~”


I smiled smugly, and immediately prepared a fishing pole and clothes. A fun day with my best friend coming soon!

That day, Hyesung and I caught a lot of fishes. We held a small barbeque (it should be fish grilled) party between us and saved some for other members. And.. did you know? Hyesung willingly stayed in my room and we slept together (but he wanted slept on separate bed, tch). Hah… That man.. He only became super kind person because my military service day coming soon… -.-“


6. Nagging Syung

“ Mun Junghyuk! Do you know what time is it? And you still sleep?! Hah! Today we have recording! Boguen have called you umpteenth times, he gave in and begged to me to fetch you! And you still don’t want awake???”

Hyesung pulled my blanket roughly. I groaned, tried to grabbed my blanket.

“ I’m sleepy Hyesung-ah… Let me sleep for 10 minute, no.. 5 minute… pleaseee….” I begged

“ Time is golden, don’t waste it! Get ready! NOW!!!”


I didn’t care and went back to slept, until I felt my hand pulled by him, he dragged me to.. bathroom!!

I felt super cold water on my head

“ Hyesung-ah!!! It’s COOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD!!!” I whined and tried to pulled my self. Hyesung grabbed my wrist tightly and kept watered me with that damn cold water.

“ It will make you awake, you lazy brat!”

Then Hyesungie washed my face, and gave me my toothbrush. I opened my eyes and took that toothbrush and brushed my teeth lazily.

“ Don’t take too long, I’ll prepare your clothes. I give you 3 minutes!” Hyesung left me and entered my room. My grin widen… ah.. nagging syung in the morning wasn’t always annoyed.. so cute~

In 3 minute I back to my room. I found the gray training and black jacket on my bed.

“ I can’t find any clothes on your wardrobe. Did you forget to laundry your own clothes?” asked Hyesung as he put my bag and black hat on the bed.

I hit my head lightly.. hha… this 11th album activity was busied me.. I forgot to laundry my clothes… you stupid thing Eric.. tch

“ never mind.. just wear it.. fans still love you even thought you wear something ugly,haha”

“ Because I’m super handsome right?” I

“ Whatever.. I’ll wait you on parking lot. 5 minute is enough!”

“ But I’m hungry…” I whined

“ I aksed Bogeun before to buy us some foods for breakfast.. Hurry….!”

I smiled and nodded. Ahh… I was happy to had such a caring friend like him~


A weeks later…

“ Mun Junghyuk!!!” I startled and panicked, I saw Hyesung came to my room and he looked so angry as he wrapped his arms and he glared me , tried to killed me with his death shoot.

“ Hyesung-ah.. i.. i.. pakced my belonging right now..” I told him while put my clothes in my orange luggage. I put my ipad, laptop, camera and my cosmetics on my bag in a rush.

“ You know what time is it?? And in 2,5 hours we have our flight to Shanghai! Bogeun called me because you didn’t answered him!”

“ Ah.. I’m busy packing.. so I couldn’t answer his call..” I cursed myself to stayed late and didn’t packed last night

“ Aiisshh!! Give it to me! You! get ready!” Hyesung pushed me and packed my things. I nodded obedient and opened my wardrobe. I sighed… damn.. why did I forget to laundry my clothes again…

“ What’s up?” Hyesung asked me as he finished packed.

“ My clothes.. I don’t have any clothes except my old clothes and training suit…”

I could hear annoyed sigh let out from his mouth.

“ All right.. you can wear your old clothes!” Hyesung then searched my clothes and took a shirt and a short.


“ But Hyesungie.. this shirt lost its button… two buttons..”

Hyesung gave me a brown vest. “ Wear it to hide it”

“ But.. it’s already small to me…”

“ Tch, better than you don’t wear anything! Hurry!! I’ll wait you outside, 5 minutes is more than enough!”

Blam! Hyesung closed the door roughly, left me dumfounded while I just stared at the shirt in front of me.

“ Well.. if Hyesung told it’s okay..then it’s okay..”

5 minutes later I exited my apartment and found Hyesung in a van, waited me impatiently. I entered the van and sat on middle seat.

“ Hyesung-ah.. it’s so narrow….” I complaint

“ Tch.. hold it… let’s go!”

“ But… am I look like weirdo?”

“ No.. you good in anything..”

“ Really?” I grinned

Hyesung sighed, “ yes.. because you’re super handsome..” he answered me lazily

“ hahahaha! Okaayy! nae beppu! Let’s go go go!!”



Ah.. thought about it, Hyesung always helped me and always there if I need him. He’s truly best friend right? I remembered how he let me had lunch in his apartment when I was hungry and there’s no foods in my apartment. Then he made me kimbap (although so many sesame seeds and oil -_-), he also gave me birthday present every year! I was happy to had best friend like him.. How could I live without him? Kkkkk

Ding Dong!

I stood up to opened the door. I smiled widely when I saw lovely face in my intercom.

“ Hyesungie~~!” I sang happily when opened the door.

“ Is someone here? I hear you talking with someone?” he asked curiously and took a look in my apartment.

I shook my head, “ Nope.. none here.. I’m playing with my Gomdori”

Hyesung tilted his head and saw Gomdori behind me

“ So.. don’t you let me in your apartment? I passed the Sushi Restaurant and brought some. And sashimi of course. Did you have lunch?”

My eyes widen and shone brightly when I heard the word sashimi let out from his mouth. I hugged him tightly.

“ Nooooot yeeeettt!!!! I’m hungry and I’ll eat anything you brought to meeee!! Come in! And give that sashimi to me! Jung Pilkyo you’re the best!!!”  

Hyesung chuckled cutely and tried to pushed me, released him from my hug.

“ Ya.. if you not letting me go, I pull my sashimi offer” I released him immediately. He laughed and walked to my kitchen. I followed him and prepared plates, took the sashimi on it.

I sat down and grab two sashimi and eat it! It’s damn good!!!

“ It’s good?”

“ Better than good! This is super delicious and I feel like fly away to ninth cloud!”

He chuckled happily to saw me, I was happy too.. ah.. this warm feeling..

“ Hyesung-ah.. You’re the best!! My best of the best friend!!!” I shouted and munched the sashimi again.

“ Of course!!! Hahahaha!”

And today.. I wrote new memory with my best friend again~



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fairlyfarr #1
Chapter 1: feels like i'm reading eric's diary! weee~ ;D
followurdestiny #2
Chapter 1: so cute and sweet...
Chapter 1: I love it!! Thank you for the story :D
aora1234 #4
Chapter 1: Seems real ^^. Beautiful friendship between Ricsyung. I love these two to death ^^. I need to get over them already.
Eric has his eyes on a certain girl already, and when the confession day comes, I'm sure my Ricsyung feel will go down with it *sobs*. So, let us just embrace every Ricsyung moment while we still can ^^
wid_03 #5
Chapter 1: hahaha,, I just tought that your story was really happend..
and what if thats true story??? XDhahaha
wid_03 #6
Chapter 1: hahaha,, I just tought that your story was really happend..
and what if thats true story XDhahaha
Chapter 1: it's not romantic like usual RicSung but it's very beautiful!
Good job!!
LillacEmerald #8
Chapter 1: This is a really good fanfic :)