

Author's Note: Okay I have to say the part when Ravi said "michi geot gata" and does the little eye rolling thing was creepy. Whatever he's still ing hot though LOL. Enjoy~

Ravi sighs as he sits on the stair case outside from his loved one's bedroom. The girl had told him she will be back in a couple of minutes because she needed to change out from her usual wear to a formal dress. He was sitting on the fourth step, one knee bent while the other is extended out. His back leans against the staircase's rail as he waits for her to come out. When she does he smiles at the girl warmly. "Ravi how long have you've been waiting out here? You could have sat in the living room."

"I wanted to be the first to see you my darling." He responds to her question and watches as she squats down to his level in front of her and reaches out for his hand. Before she could even touch it with the tip of her fingers, their surroundings change to a dark and sinister-like setting. Her lover's outfit changes from a white suit to a black suit and his eyes appear to have hatred in them. Ravi grabs as his head feeling a pounding in it.

He hears his loved one's voice calling out to him. "Ravi, Ravi, are you okay?" She tries to touch his hand again but he swats it away. "No don't touch me you wench! Get away from me!" he screams at her and jumps up from the staircase to deal with the pain in his head. He growls sinisterly, thrashes his body about, and lastly screeches out as black wings grow out on his back.

"Ravi! You're a... a..."

The man looked over his shoulder at her with a smirk. "I'm a fallen angel you wench."

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ALTERshuk #1
Chapter 1: Ooooooo Leo~ *imitates N*