


Joon hated rainy days.


The pitter-patter of the rain against the ground, the screaming of students as they run through the streets, some covering themselves with their blazers as they’ve forgotten their umbrellas, some walking as they conversed with their friends, umbrellas covering them from getting wet, could be heard all around.


“Hey, Joon, did you see that? The girls who ran passed us, their bras were pink!”


Joon sighs. “Mir, you’re such a ert. I don’t know why you’re so popular. “


Mir taps his index finger onto his chin. “Hm… I don’t really think I’m popular.”


The slightly taller one amongst the two gawks at him in disbelief. “You are! Just today a girl offered you her umbrella.”


“Huh? But she had an extra umbrella, she was just being kind.”


Joon shakes his head slightly. He thinks Mir is stupid for not noticing that the girl probably brought an extra umbrella with her all the time, even though she doesn’t even need two umbrellas, is for moments like this. When she could offer a person she likes a spare, giving them a reason to talk. It’s so obvious so he is beyond confused on why this dimwit doesn’t realise it.


It must be nice, Joon thinks, for that girl to bare her feelings so openly when he can’t do the same. He’s envious.  


“Then why didn’t you take it? It’d be helpful for us instead of just standing here in front of a closed shop waiting for the rain to stop.”


“Eh… It’d be a pain to remember to bring it back, plus, I don’t even remember who she is.”


A few minutes had passed, the sound of rain still surrounding them, Mir looks at Joon, noticing he had turned quiet.


“Joon, your bag’s getting wet.” He says.


“Hm?” Joon looks to his left, where his bag was hanging from his shoulders. “Ah, crap.”


“Get a little closer to me.” Before Joon could even ask what he meant, Mir pulls at his arm and brings him closer to his side.


He feels hot, though it’s freezing right now. He figures his cheeks must be a flush of red right at this moment, and he is slightly thankful (but still annoyed) for the car that just drove passed them, covering them with murky water so Mir doesn’t notice his face.


“Seriously?! Come on!” Mir complains. “Waiting here was so pointless.”


He ruffles his hair, trying to get as much water as possible but failing to do so. Water drips, and drips, and drips slowly, from his hair to his cheeks, to his neck and to exposed collarbones. Joon gulps, taking his every sight of his best friend in this state.


He really is good looking, he thinks. Why do I have to be in love with you, he wonders.


Mir looks at him, so intensely that Joon thinks that he had become transparent, showcasing all his emotions out to his friend.




“U-uh, yeah?” He stutters.


“You’re see-through!”


Joon blushes. “What do… you-“


“I can see your s”


And he blushes even more. “Shut up! It’s because I’m cold and I couldn’t be bothered to put on my shirt after P.E cz it was hot!”


“That’s great.”


Joon sighs, his eyes closed because really, he just wanted to die of embarrassment. “What’s great?”


“I think…” Mir goes in closer. “It’s better than those bras.”


Joon snaps his eyes open in surprise, only to be even more stunned by Mir’s soft pair of lips to impulsively press onto his with all his might. What is going on, Joon wonders once again.


Mir pulls away, his face so filled with love that Joon wants to hit himself for not noticing this before.  Why, why, why…


The sound of a bell made them break apart ever so slightly, looking towards where the sound had come from.


“I’ll go buy an umbrella. Wait a second.” And with that, Mir enters the closed shop, now open, without looking back.


He feels like his heart is going to explode from the way it was beating at full speed, thinking that maybe he’s having a heart attack from the shock of his best friend returning his feelings right now.

The bell rings again.


“Let’s go.” Mir says, as he opens the umbrella, pulling Joon’s hand and entwining them so easily as if that’s where Joon’s hand always belonged.


And without another word they walked through the wet sidewalk, side-by-side, not needing any words to say because the smiles on their lips said enough.


Joon hated rainy days, but this day, he didn’t hate it so much.


- - 

A/N: i actually just wrote this. Inspired by this manga, so i didn't think of the plot, it was all from the manga but i thought it'd be cute if i were to write it as a fanfic, and since i feel comfortable in writing joomi... yeah. 

comment and tell me what you think please! ^^

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Chapter 1: cute!!! love love love
that was lovely! I'm so happy I read this fic!^^
you made this confession magic! Mir was such a tease! and Joon's feeling were so intense it was heartbreaking to think that they might not be together!
Chapter 1: OMG.
I absolutely love love love this one-shot!
My only problem now, is that, I can't seem to properly describe my overflowing emotions for this story.
This perfection of yours has rendered me speechless - for once.

Great great job! Hope you'll write more JooMi!
Chapter 1: Awwww this is too cute <3
Chapter 1: Aww, adorable! ^^ ♡
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl adorable ; A ;
Neoxxy #7
Chapter 1: It's so so soooo cute >3<
Joonmir one of the cutest ships ever!
Chapter 1: So cute and fluffy^^ i love it^