

After 11 years of being away from home, the Princess of Aurio is finally coming home. Does she have what it takes to rule a country she barely knows?


Okay, Fair Warning: I am NOT a writer. I am just a storyteller who wants to share a story:) This is my first fanfic so I don't know what I'm doing so feel free to comment on any mishaps or spelling error! Also, I'm a little OCD so I may write in to much detail, just tell me and i'll change it! I trust you readers^^ Anyways, enjoy! ~~ PNIKKI

Setting:The Kingdom of Aurio (Ah-Oo-Re-Oh)

A small equatorial island south of Vietnam and east of Peninsular Malaysia (In the middle of that oceanic area). An advanced constitutional monarchy founded in the mid 19th Century. Often called "The Melting Pot of Asia" because most of residents are from the surrounding countries.


Seraphina Arianna Prior (Pre-Ore) ("Sera" or "Ari")

Age: 18

The Princess of Aurio. She lived in Aurio until her parents died when she was 7. After that, she left the country and was raised by her main guard going by her middle name "Ari". She grew up as a normal student although she moved constantly. At home, she would be tutored on how to be a princess leaving little time for friends. She's skilled in all the main languages, goverment, history, etc. Incredibly sweet and kind-hearted, but sometimes clueless. Also she has a love for art and painting (hence the picture *cough cough*


Xia Xue "Jessie" Lin

Age: 22

The Lady-In-Waiting for the Princess. Jessie was her best friend and one of her only friends when she lived in Hong Kong. Jessie sees the Princess as her little sister and would do anything to protect her. Also, she's not one to be messed with because she basically a trained killer...      


Age: 21

A very mysterious guy. He is one of the Princess' main guards. He is the serious, quiet type and a jack-of-all-trades. He is the ideal guard but as a person, he can be a little awkward to be around because of his dark aura.


Age: 20

Think of L... Okay, now think the opposite of what your thinking. Chen is the Princess's other guard. He's a smooth-talking hansome guy who loves to play around. Him and L are also best friends ironically (opposites attract I guess?)


Nichkhun Horvejkul

Age: 22

The Duke of Angelos, the capital of Aurio. He was the Princess' friend when they were little kids because there families are close. (His ancestors are some of the founders of the country who were traders from Thailand) Often seen in the media as a player and party boy. In reality, he is just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Additional Characters:

Jonathan Smith

Age: 64

His name is a little shady, huh? Well he is the security captain of Aurio and also a close friend of the king. He is like family to the royals and was the Princess' guardian while she lived away. He has served the royal family for his whole career.

Renaldo Prior III: King of Aurio

Age: 67

The reigning king of Aurio. He is very much a people person and a fair ruler. He is not just a figure head, but actually has lots of say in the government. When his son and daughter-in-law (the Princess' parents) died, he had lots of health problems which almost led to his death as well.

Selene Prior

Age: 52

The king's niece and the Princess' aunt. After the Princess' father died, she took his place as Prime Minister. She is very strict and traditional when it comes to her ruling.




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