Opening Up My Heart!

Live For Today,Look Foward to Tomarrow.


        Krisy was still sleeping i laid on the floor next to her hospital bed.I had slept their all night because i didnt want to leave

         her at the hospital alone.I checked my phone to see what the time was it read 7:41am.The nurse suddely came in the 

        room with a tray of orange juice,suasage,& toast.Hello i see she isn't up yet,But dont worry ill set this on the table she'll

       be just fine once shes up.She said with a big smile on her face,Im sure she'll be fine atleast i hope she is.Just as the 

       nurse was about to leave the room i quickly shouted out words and said,"So di-did the docters find out what caused her 

      to blackout or faint!".......Um well i believe their still working on it but i asure you when they do find out they'll let your parents

     know,Thankyou Miss i didnt catch your name,Oh im sorry im nurse Yunni,And im Lee-Leejonj,Nice to meet you.Nice to meet

     you to take care your a great boyfriend.Excuse me i said in a little shock! Your girlfriend she'd be really happy that you care

    so much about her health,Right!Hahahaa,I started to laugh nervously.You see Krisy is not my girlfriend you have it all wrong!

    She's my little sister,Uh UH OH im so sorry i assumed that she was your girl~fri..Um i mean you look different from he~.......

    No,no its fine she's my host sister but i claim her as my blood little sister!Your fine okay ,Okay she winked back at me with

    shock still upon her face,And left out the room.Well that was totaly awkward i thought to myself! Hey were back is she doing well, 

     Two loud voice filled the room my mom&dad.Yes she's doing okay but she oviously hasnt woke up yet,Oh thats okay she must 

   still be tired.My parents stayed for about 2hours than got an important call so they had to leave!Then i got a text From Key!


     FROM,Key:Hey remember Friday basketball practice starts at 2:30pm today.Where are you i can come and meet you!


   To,Key: Oh thats today i cant make it im at the deugute general hospital with krisy she out last night.........Sorry.


   FROM,Key: Oh no why didnt you tell me im on my way to see her...poor child!!!!!!!☺no reason to be sorry things happen!!



   I kinda laughed at key's attempt to give some sort of pitty!,But i didnt reply back to his text there was no need to.I was still on the

    floor laying next to krisy's bed still alittle sleepy scince this is always early to me!Thinking about what must have been going 

   through her mind i knew what was going through mine.I've never really cried in my whole entire life,I still wondered why did that 

  day why was I me Leejonj hyun Shuo so weak yesterday.When i saw her on that chair leaned over like that on the ground.It didnt

  look like sleep it looked like pain,lonelyness,sadness,frustration,She had a worried face.I dont know why i cried so much but i 

 really didnt know why when i looked at her laying there i blamed myself,I immediantly said it is all my fault i - I DONT KNOW WHY?!

  As these thoughts began to frustrate my mind,My thoughts were interrupted by shufling on the bed sheets! I slowly lifted my self up

 beside krisy's rest bed to see her opening her eyes and awakening!



 Wher~where am I,I slowly looked over to find Leejonj kneeled on the side of the bed i laid in.Krisy your woke well how are you!?

 He asked.I was so taken back and supprised at everything!What do you mean how am i ,The question is where am i. I said with

 a little anger trailing from my voice which i didnt mean to let out,I was just confused.Krisy you had out last night and so 

long story short you're at the hospital!,HOSPITAL!,As i leaned my head back agianst my pillow trying to think about what happened 

last night krisy think,think ......After 5minutes of silents and Lee with a huge amount of sad emotion on his face i then remembered!

I had just got off the phone with my mother&father i think i was sad because i thought about my new life and diamond i thought about

how my new life accepted me much faster than my old one,How the thought  of people being forced into arranged marriages,

the thought of me being angry but i couldnt remember why who i was angry with i dont remember i cant remember that i just

remember your voice Lee,i ~I then started to cry with tears rolling down my face i began to feel Lee's arm wrap around me telling 

me that he was there for me and he'd protect me no matter what!Krisy its okay i dont know all about you pass life and what ever 

bothers you,You can tell me anything right now if you want to,You can't hold it in a young girl like you should have less on her mind.

You shouln't think all those negative things come on tell me!I began off with wiping my face,Thankyou Lee,UhUm i think i am ready to 

talk about it! I was in school i never had any friends i was always to smart and nerdy to be around,I didnt have a quiet mouth i got 

into alot of fights and i was'nt your ideal type of girl! In highschool it was the same thing.In 9th grade a girl jumped me in the 

bathroom because i got smart with her one day,Well she nearly killed me that day along with 3 other girls i laid in the bathroom floor

bleeding to death.I did have one friend though her name was diamond we were together scince 4thgrade when i was bullied she 

always stood up for my.She saw me laid half dead in the bath room and cried and got me help when we were at the hospital she

told me that ,She wanted to go straight home that day but something told her to go in the bathroom before she left!She told me if 

she didnt always stick to what her heart told her she'd probably never se me alive agian! We both cried Together and laughed to.

Well my friend diamond had her own problems.She'd get weak ,Like she couldnt walk to long or do any extrem sports.She had ahsma/

breathing problems.As she got older it got worse her conditions began to be very bad!She knew it was her time to go and i did

to. I then began to cry agian as i talked to Lee i then bagan to stutter and tremble at my words as i spoke continualy to say.Well

we both knew her day would come but i never thought in a million years that day would end right in front of me! What do you mean

krisy!?,Said Lee cutting me off .Well Lee you see we had decided to go to

the park one day!And we sat on The bench it was silent for a moment,We then started to talk for a while then it got silent agian I

thought she had fell

asleep,Her head was proped on my shoulder as if she had just fallen alseep! I called her name to wake her up when she didnt 


I EVER HAD GONE IN FRONT OF MY EYE'S I was always angry at myself i was always sad and angry and said i'd never have 

another friend agian to replace that anger i've always lied to myself about it untill this day i knew my lie's would kill me one day 

but i never knew that it would happened with the thought of it on my mind!................After i had finished speaking Lee was fighting 

back tears but i was'nt i knew i couldnt fight anymore for something for someone that was'nt here anymore for someone who wanted

me to move on! I had to own up to my past life finally! Im sorry Krisy but i want you to know i will always be your big brother and you 

know you can tell me anything ok dont let those thoughts eat you alive its very unhealthy,OKAY! Lee was always over protective i 

never knew why but decided to leave it at that!Then suddely Taemin,Minho,Key,&Hyoyeon walked in the room with sad expressions

on their face.Awww noona are you okay taemin said with his aegyo voice ,then key following after him!Krisy i was so worried about

you when i heard the news. And its great to see your woke and alive said minho in a worried voice,Hye didnt speak she just ran up

 to me.

She then hugged me tightly,OOHHH krisy are you okay i thought the worse things would have happened im so sorry i wasnt here

sooner,Hye its okay just dont kill me!But~but how did you know i was here? ,Oh Minho told me she said with a  happy voice trying to

make the situation less awkward!Minho how did you found out ?Well i was at home and Key texted me and we all meet up and we 

got you a get well card and some candy your favorite kind,He then smiled widely and cutely.Thankyou you guys you're so sweet!

Taemin and you found out how?OH i was already with key so he told me first he started to giggle im glad your okay!Im glad to every

one began to run up and hug me.I thought in my head this is the most loved i probably ever felt.We all laughed with each other i was

happy Hye got along with the others but i still saw key giving her side looks but told him to the side to calm down.He agreed he'd do it

for my sake.The nurse gave me some more test and the docter gave me my perscription if i felt dizzy or lightheaded!Our parents

came to get me and Lee scince he didnt drive his car.We arrived home and i texted everyone all night especially Minho.

I was happy that every one got along& that i got my feelings out of my heart.But something still ercked me i still wanted to know,Well

what real reason key didnt like Hye why didnt Lunna like me if she knew she'd have to marry somebody else anyway!,Why did lee

never talk to Hye scince the other lies that i was told about it was untrue!Why did him and Hye really stop taking .There was alot of

things on my mind but scince my host parents told my real parents what happened i had to contact them to assure them i was fine.

I then got off the phone with them after our 1hour long conversation and i went down stairs to watch T.v with the rest of the family as we

ate dinner! Truefully Lee was teaseing me and telling me,"dont ever think im a mushy person I just had my moment ya kid okay!"He said 

with glareing eye's as if he wanted to have some type of bad boy reputation!Well i just laughed and called him musy,But then started to 

ignore him and i 

 then rolled my eyes at his cocky comments,I THOUGHT IN MY HEAD NOT BAD OR FRUSTATEING THOUGHTS BUT  

 GOOD THOUGHTS!,"I never felt this much at home ,i never have felt this much support and love from people!" I guess you never

know what will happen in life if you dont live to see what happens as life goes on!,I was glad my life went on with out the people i 

loved.With knew people i loved and i especiallly wouldnt forget my old life! But how could i ever not recognize my entitlement to

my new one.

                                 THE NEW ME,THE NEW KRISTYLE!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥













 WHAT YOU THINK,!!!!!!!!!!!TY FOR READING☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥☻☻☻☻


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nini56 #1
Chapter 23: So she is gonna start a new life for herself. Good for her i think it is best if she do so. Hopefully one day they cn start all over.
nini56 #2
Chapter 22: Thanx for updating its definitly getting intense. I def anxious to c wat will happen next
nini56 #3
Chapter 21: Nice update, you can tell that they really care about eachother through their passion. I wonder wats gonna happen next on this vacation :)
nini56 #4
Chapter 20: Wow i missed this story, im glad ur back ,and yeah u totally went there. I cant wait to see what happens next with them :)
Chapter 1: My suggestion for you would be get a friend to proofread your work. You have a pretty good story going on here. I would love to see the turnout of your fiction. Good work.
nini56 #6
Chapter 19: Wow thats a nice teaser im really anxious to see the rest. Keep up the good work
nini56 #7
Chapter 17: Ooh didnt know that minho would di that to her, that is so messed up i wonder what she is going to do next that is so embarassing cant wait until you ypdate
nini56 #8
Chapter 16: i like this story i wonder what will happen with lee and krstyle's relationship after the trip and is she going to tell minho that they kissed keep up the good work it's really good :)
meg213 #9
Chapter 13: Good job I love this story! :)
meg213 #10
Chapter 12: I love this so far!!!! OMG wouldn't it be a twist if Lee liked Krisy, more than a friend or sister!!!!! Call me crazy but I'd actually LIKE that ha! Anyways its real good but you just have to fix some writing errors, like misspelling, things like that but no worries everyone spells things wrong by accident sometimes. LOVE THIS :)