The Meeting!

Live For Today,Look Foward to Tomarrow.


           I've been here for a week now and it is now sunday.My host parents told me id be starting school tomarrow

                  i was excited and at the same time so flipping nervous! As i rolled out of bed literaly and hitting the floor,Still

                 sleepy i got up and went into the bathroom to get ready first i took a shower i then combed my hair and took

                 photos of my messy hair.I then fixed it into the same regular curls just a tad bit tighter,with black laceed boots

                 with a heel at the bottom of them,A white loose tanktop type shirt,and a gray blazer,I layered on a tad bit of

                  makeup to complete the look with a cute hand bag.As i got prepared i walked out of my room today leejonj

                 promised to take me on a tour of seoul! was so excited,Then i suddenly got a text message from hyeyeon!!


                 Hyeyeon: krisy! What are you doing today i thought maybe we could hang

                              out or maybe i can show you around seoul!  {- ...-} l0l!                                       

               I laughed at her text message she was so funny ,but wait i was going with leejonj maybe she

                could come with us,Im sure he wouldnt mind! It would take away from the akwardness of us two

                being out together,Mhmmmm i thought to myself then i ran down the stairs as quick as lightning

                with that Mr. and Mrs.shuo said in a scared voice,"Yahhhh why you run so fast." they said in english

               i was alittle suprised then i went and answered to ask were leejonj was.!Oh you missed him about 30

               minutes ago dear he went out to hang with friends!  I then said oh,Dissapointed but on the bright side

              me and hyeyeon could walk around alone.They then asked me did i have any planes with him not wanting

              to get him yelled at i nodded a simple no and replied,Just was wonderin.I asked them could i go out with

              hyeyeon they said yes of course ,But,But  first no child of ours go's walking around hungry let us make breakfast

              first.I agreed than ate all the yummy food they cooked i was amazed how well rich people could cook & happy

              although part of me wondered why did Leejonj ditch me i felt a tad bit worried!,But then i got over it once i

              got done eating i headed out the door confirming them first that i was leaving out. I then texted hyeyeon.

                                 to:Hyeyeon:hye! l0l i can make it ill meet you in front of your house at 3:15

                                   cant wait to see you :)!~

                            from,Hyeyeon:HEYYYYYYY okay! haha see you then girly oh and i gotta inform

                                                 you more about school so you arent lost!its a crazy school i gotta warn u!*~*


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            It was 3:30 and me and kris~style were walking around seoul! We were having a blast we wore the same outfit

                 almost we had on the same colors it was very funny like we planned it or something!? HYE!~I Felt my arm being

                tugged away from then i faced krisy and asked whats wrong?! Look thats leejong and other guys and girls who are

               they?As i looked to turn into the direction she was pointing i saw leelong like she said and to follow i said ,Ha

               those are the rich kids the (VERY) rich kid group,krisy laughed and then asked yea so why aren't you over there

               well its a long story ill tell you later whose.So then who's the rest of them?,she asked unpateintly i quickly

               replied and said well thats Key with the glasses on,Taemin has the yellow raincoat on,she nodded as i went on to

               say,thats Minho with his good looks and tall legs,thats Amber with the townboish look with blond short hair,

              then victoria is the girl with the mini skirt i said victorias name i hope she didnt relize my change of voice in 

              her name because i did and krisy asks alot of questions i said in my head.Well thats luna with the dirty blond hair 

              well thats them and yea leejonj.she signed in a breath of disbelif that i was done.As they came closer she grabed

               my arm once agian,and we started to duck from behind jewelry stand. I asked her why she was hiding in a annoyed 

               voice then she replied,BECAUSE! Leejonj promised to take me to seoul today but instead ditched me and now i know

               what for she said in a sneaky voice.does he have any relation to any of those girls she asked questionably odd,"Ummmm

              not really but victoria has been trying to get with him scince 10th grade she's a senior now and the rest of the girls

              are her little possy ,Then i begin to confess ,you see when i was apart of that click i was popular the same status as 

              victoria but the day i cofessed to leejonj i guess she told me right to my face she hated me and i wasnt a true friend

              but the truth was she wasnt the true friend,See i liked lee way before she even noticed him then when i told her as

               her being my friend she started to go after him she wanted evry thing i had and i couldnt take it any more,i always let

               he get away with stuff like that but not this time i had to confess to him I HAD TO KNOW WEATHER he had feelings

               for me?!,krisy then inturpted me by saying  with a astonished look on her face how did she find out?,Well lets just

               say luna is not so sweet and nice i thought we were bestfriends but she's a backstaper to!WELL,Well what about that

               amber chick,Amber i said questionably i really dont know after me and victoria and luna fell out she just decided to

               follow them and leave me hanging and i guess i was just a lonely girl i really didnt care about revenge or friendship any

              more its was of no use to me any more scince the person that i loved had been taken from me,I then had nothing more

               fight for!~HYE dont worry you'll always be a friend to me.then i replied saying i think you'll be more like a best friend

              then krisy started to laugh and said,WEll my legs hurt from squatin behind this stand !shesh,we giggled and stood

               up as i turned around beginig to walk i heard a loud voice yelling to my direction calling my name.i signed thinking

           who could that be it was victoria and the rest of the crew sitting at the table ordering! what could she possible want?

            I started not to come over untill i thought this has to be something important if she's talking to me so i begin to walk

              over motioning krisy with my hand to come with me ,She had a furious look on her face then it suddenly changed 

            when we got to the table.What brings you here with this foreign girl they all started to chuckle except for leejonj

           were hanging out and this is kristyle not some foreign girl what do you want vicky,HAHAHA she only laughed and 

           responed only my friends call me that!GOT IT !HYEYEON.It looked as if she had been drinking than i was suddenly

           inturrupted from my thoughts,When kristyle said ,look what do you ladys want because we have no time to listen to

           your drunk chanangans!with leejonj then responding ,WITH a huge sign and said,American tell me agian why are you

           here take you and your friend and leave then taemin spoke up right when krisy was about to go off!,Umm we mean

          no trouble im sorry my friends were out of line and nice to meet you kris~style i belive then her saying its ,ITS kristyle 

          and thank your friends for wasteing my and hye's time well be on our way now,Then leejonj finally said make sure you get

           home on time this time kido OKAY! as we walked away i can tell that left every one with shcokful expressions on their face

           probably with them asking him questions about kristyles and his relationship and him answering them. i was ticked off

        but i was happy krisy stood up for me with that note it was getting late and she and i decided to go home and i walked

            krisy home ! with that we said our good bye's and i cried all the way home thinking about leejonjhyeon,i

             cant belive he made me cry!~but its not like he hasnt done that before!.


               H Residence 1 Massive Three Level Family Residence in South Korea: H House

omg,hey guys im sorry this was so long but omg i tried to explain the whole story of the rivals in one chapter!silly me,oh Blooper alert i will be putting the argue ment of leejonj and krisy in the next chapter and her going to school im so excited ,secrets will be revieled  and will her first day be great or horrible,oh and what will happen with hyeyeon and the fx members and leejong that was a nasty meeting wasnt it ! hope you like it please subcribe and comment you opinion matters sorry if i have errors in spelling i will go over it in the meantime enjoy!!!~





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nini56 #1
Chapter 23: So she is gonna start a new life for herself. Good for her i think it is best if she do so. Hopefully one day they cn start all over.
nini56 #2
Chapter 22: Thanx for updating its definitly getting intense. I def anxious to c wat will happen next
nini56 #3
Chapter 21: Nice update, you can tell that they really care about eachother through their passion. I wonder wats gonna happen next on this vacation :)
nini56 #4
Chapter 20: Wow i missed this story, im glad ur back ,and yeah u totally went there. I cant wait to see what happens next with them :)
Chapter 1: My suggestion for you would be get a friend to proofread your work. You have a pretty good story going on here. I would love to see the turnout of your fiction. Good work.
nini56 #6
Chapter 19: Wow thats a nice teaser im really anxious to see the rest. Keep up the good work
nini56 #7
Chapter 17: Ooh didnt know that minho would di that to her, that is so messed up i wonder what she is going to do next that is so embarassing cant wait until you ypdate
nini56 #8
Chapter 16: i like this story i wonder what will happen with lee and krstyle's relationship after the trip and is she going to tell minho that they kissed keep up the good work it's really good :)
meg213 #9
Chapter 13: Good job I love this story! :)
meg213 #10
Chapter 12: I love this so far!!!! OMG wouldn't it be a twist if Lee liked Krisy, more than a friend or sister!!!!! Call me crazy but I'd actually LIKE that ha! Anyways its real good but you just have to fix some writing errors, like misspelling, things like that but no worries everyone spells things wrong by accident sometimes. LOVE THIS :)