Curiosity killed the Cat! Literally

Live For Today,Look Foward to Tomarrow.


Lee was dead alseep wraped up in my pink blanket on the floor.I pulled out my phone and quickly snaped pictures of him

sleeping.He was such a wild weird sleeper,It looked like he could rest for years.I just giggled to my self he began to wake 

up and and yawn like a lion.What are you doing,Oh nothing just taking pictures of you sleep with a pink cover i said as if

it was normal.You are so weird and irritateing then he plooped his head back on the ground trying to fall alseep agian.

Oh im annoying i said loudly im gonna get real annoying i jumped off my bed with my pillows and began smacking him 

in the face with them.Wake up time to go to school wake up,Wake up,wake Up!HAAAAHAHA he said sarcasticaly your

very funny Krisy.Now stop trying to be a comedian before i -Before what ,Before what!Ugh !!!He said furosuosly getting up.

I quickly dashed to my bathroom locking the door behind me.BANG-BANG~BANG~BANG! Open the door so i can knock

your head off! I only laughed and said,Time to get up for school Leejonj! I heard him leave my room while yelling and slaming

my door.Remind me not to sleep in your room agian,Damit your even more annoying in the morning! I got ready washed my

hair and got dressed,Then styled my hair.I came down the stairs an Hour later Lee was coming down the stairs just after I 

did.Are you ready Kid! I gave him a squinty glare with saying no old man,Yah dont call me old!Haha i started to laugh and 

tease and call him old man or oldi~Lox scince he always calls me Kid,Or Kido.We got headed for school when we arrived

I thought it would be okay but i got weird stares and mean looks from me,I ammediatly thought more rumors!?What the hell

Kinda nightmare is this.I wanted to skip breakfast today and sit on the benchs while students practiced ranning laps.Hey!

Oh hi Amber? I said confused ,Then Victoria sat on the other side of me.Hey you guys what-cha doin here?I asked anxiously

Were here because we wanted to talk to you about Luna.Ugh! Im waiting to hear this what is it?Well lina has done something

very bad she said you slept with the principal and the presidents of the companys to attend this private school! What the 

shes gone to far now im putting this to an End! I got up storming guessing she might be in the breakfast room with them 

following after me telling me not to go and to wait! But i wasnt in the mood to be stoped i had to set her straight! LUNA

i yelled her name she was in a group huddled over talking to some boys and girls.PROBABLY SPREADING MORE 

RUMORS ARENT YOU!...... What !?get out of here before i embarss you.Embarss me yea as if you havent done that LUNA

you have humiliated me ,targeted me,hated me,lied to me,and talk behind my back to me!Um Actually thats to your face also!

I knew everyone was stareing in the cafeteria but I didnt care one bit.Luna why tell every one why you dont like me tell 

everyone the thruth why you are a evil cuniving !You sound real tuff dont you i did it because you deserved it and i cant

stand you!You walk around thinking your so pretty and have no flaws but thats why you dont have any real friends! I know

About diamond yea what a great friend you had to bad shes a dead ! Thats when my world fell apart i could feel 

my veins pumping along with my heart very fast.I could feel my body being taken over it wasnt me i promise to God that' 

What ever had my body wasnt me it couldnt have been me! I leaped arcoss at her punching her in the face.All i heard was

Fight,Fight,Fight,Fight! Chants that sounded like a million people ......I felt her pulling at my hair and i swung my head 

around kneeing her off of me I am stronger than her or what ever you wanted to call me at that time being! I honestly dont

think it was human actually! I felt blood running all over my hands as i was on top of her repeatly punching her in her face.


COULDNT NOT AFTER WHAT SHE SAID! I finally on my own got tired and had risen up not knowing if i killed her our not

but at the moment i didnt care.And was happy i slung the into the floor! I started to cry and feel light headed i just took

off running,I really couldnt see anyone behind meor around me or infront of me.It seemed like i was running for days in a 

dark room,All i could here was my name being called by a familiar voice!


                                  No One's(Pov).

Kristyle was running towards the busy streets and through cuts and had blood driping down her hands.Krisy Kristyle wait!

Krisy,Krisy,Krisy,Krisy! WAIT. Minho sprang after Krisy after hearing the whole conversation between her and Luna.What she 

stoped herself near a abandoned ragedy spooky park.What do you want Minho!?...I ~i am sorry that she said that to you He 

said with confusion,and sadness.He then brought her into a tight hug while she cried in his arms.Minho she said meekly,

Yes Krisy ,She looked up to him in his eyes and said Luna ,Yea i know shes terrible for that i cant believe her....No Minho !

he had a little confusion his face,Shes ~Lunas in love with you!What hahaha.Minho's face was suprised at first then it turned 

into a sad expresion.Mhm Krisy please sit here he said nervously.Krisy sat on the dusty damaged bench and he sat next to

her.I personally also think Luna has a great personallity and all but im not in love with her back,He said with His head hanging

low.Minho i Think you know this already but Luna wont stop untill she can have you,But i believe its her own desires she wants

in this also!The fact that i believe shes so agianst her arranged marriage so she can be with you i think its sweet in a way but

I really dont want to be apart of her games! Minho rose his face to Krisy leaned and looked her in her eyes and said,Krisy

when i first meet you i really Really liked you but now i think im falling in love with you.He then leaned to kiss her pink brownish 

glossy lips.Krisy felt heat and warmth when his mouth touched hers ,And tasted his breath scent to be menty with Sweet lemon.

They Both slowly began to open there closed eyes agian,And unconnect their lips from each other slowly.She was so red he 

could actually see her blushing this time.I think i've Always liked you to she began to speak up as her voice cracked.And as

she rose her shy head to look him in the eyes,She said ,And Minho I think im begining to love you to.His face then lite with a bright

smile and in his heart he thought he felt like the happiest man on earth!She laid her head on his shoulder and he laid his head 

on her head.And closed his eyes and she closed her eyes to,They ironicly both began to imagine life with each other every day'

And spending the rest of their lives together! I guess its the thought that counts at the end of day.Wheather or not they'll 

think about living their lives, To live for another tomarrow to see their imaginations come to reality...............☺☻♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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I was in the school's office I guess faceing a punishment.I saw luna sitting in the chair across from me with the bloody tissue

held to her noise.Now tell Me Miss.Palmer what came about this fight?The old man said with a calm voice.Well I think i just

went off and let words get to me so what ever punishment you want to give me i fully deserve and understand.I decided

I wasnt going to tell what Luna said and wrote about me.Its time to let things go.Well i as thinking supension but maybe 

expeltion or maybe id go alittle light on you scince you Are a descent student other than this little fight here.....Wait! It was my 

fault i wrote bad things about her in the bathroom stalls,Im sorry for that! I also told everyone horrible untrue rumors about

her that also wernt true.I started it even more today by telling every one she slept with you and other school board members

to attend this wonderful school.Mhmmm IS THIS TRUE LUNA! Yes sir its true and i apoligize to you and to you also krisy!

She walked up to me and said im sorry i brought your friend into our arguement.I did what you told me though.What is that,

Whats going on why are you doing this for me?! I was so shocked and confused.Krisy i found my father and got in touch

with him im going to start being the better person.Ive forgiven him and desided to move with him to Germany,She Smiled

then begin to cry im not getting married !I could tell the principal was listening and shocked heavily also.My mom is deeply

angry at me but i hope she can forgive me as i forgave her for what she has put me through.I talked to Minho he told

me that you told him I was in love with him,I still have feelings for him but I relize it was only for my selfish reasons to make

and trap him as mine.He basically told me you tried to get him to relize my love for him i thank you for that seeing how much 

you love him to,He really likes you to. So I guess I'll see you around ,Umm iguess so!I looked to the door where i saw her

leaving and was probably

never going to see her come through that door agian let alone see her agian,Good bye Luna!? IM SO CONFUSED 

RIGHT NOW.later on that day me and Hye meet up at my house and talked about the situation.I ended up not getting any

punishment let alone a scolding after Luna said what she said.Hye ,Me and Minho are a thing now can you believe it i said

excited.Of corse i can ,You guys have had it for each other the day you laid eyes upon each other!So what did Lee say about

you fighting.Well he said he understood why i did it so he wasnt disapointed or mad he was proud of me for standing up

to her yah know.One can only take but so much.Yea I understand Well tomarrows Friday you can come over my house then

we can go out to meet up with Minho and Key,Key ehhhh why would you be their with um Key!? Uhhhh because silly he wants 

to talk to me! Wow, I thought to myself maybe What ever in their pass hes mad about,Maybe he wants to sew those patches.

Well if thats what you wanna do Hye im all for it ! I said with a grin on my face.So how did your parents feel about it .Well

they dont know about it and i plan to keep it that way for a while to k........Okay then ?!She said back sounding affended

HAHA come on Hye lets go eat.After we ate dinner I walked Hye home and of course Lee waited on the steps outside for me

to return home safe.Lee After what Luna told me i dont feel right about fighting her i just feel like sad ya know,I said looking at

him in his face with a dumfounded confused look.Well every sistuations outcome isnt going to make you happy its going to 

make you learn ,You learn that everything in the world and the people put in your life is there for a purpose.Either to get pass

and ignore to make your self better or Soon to be friends who will help make your self better.In this case you dont know what

this obstacle was...Buttt isnt that like a mystery then ,As he got up from his seat and began walking in the house before he went in

he said,Yes but some mysterys in life arent ment to be found out untill you reach the other side of the line-Death.I was alittle

suprised by his words but knew excactly what he ment .I knew exactly what he ment.But I was still Curious and full of thought 

with wonders.I wonder why she changed her mind about me.Maybe she found the happiness she needed without taking it 

from others,YEA maybe thats just it!? Why am i talking to my self, I giggled out my outburst.I then got up to go in the house

But looked up to see a star in the sky that shone bright like a diamond~Diamond.Yea i miss that girl in these situations I 

laughed to myself at the momment.But later cried in my sleep not because I was sad or missed home or someone,It was 

because i was happy.Really actually happy for once im just happy to still live and be here with all the people i love.I 

mumered that thought all through my head while i went off to my slumber!♥♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☻☻



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nini56 #1
Chapter 23: So she is gonna start a new life for herself. Good for her i think it is best if she do so. Hopefully one day they cn start all over.
nini56 #2
Chapter 22: Thanx for updating its definitly getting intense. I def anxious to c wat will happen next
nini56 #3
Chapter 21: Nice update, you can tell that they really care about eachother through their passion. I wonder wats gonna happen next on this vacation :)
nini56 #4
Chapter 20: Wow i missed this story, im glad ur back ,and yeah u totally went there. I cant wait to see what happens next with them :)
Chapter 1: My suggestion for you would be get a friend to proofread your work. You have a pretty good story going on here. I would love to see the turnout of your fiction. Good work.
nini56 #6
Chapter 19: Wow thats a nice teaser im really anxious to see the rest. Keep up the good work
nini56 #7
Chapter 17: Ooh didnt know that minho would di that to her, that is so messed up i wonder what she is going to do next that is so embarassing cant wait until you ypdate
nini56 #8
Chapter 16: i like this story i wonder what will happen with lee and krstyle's relationship after the trip and is she going to tell minho that they kissed keep up the good work it's really good :)
meg213 #9
Chapter 13: Good job I love this story! :)
meg213 #10
Chapter 12: I love this so far!!!! OMG wouldn't it be a twist if Lee liked Krisy, more than a friend or sister!!!!! Call me crazy but I'd actually LIKE that ha! Anyways its real good but you just have to fix some writing errors, like misspelling, things like that but no worries everyone spells things wrong by accident sometimes. LOVE THIS :)