What's Gotten Into You?

What's Gotten Into You?

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Jinki. We haven't said a word to each other since we both started work today. It didn't really bother me, my head was killing me anyway. I walked beside him on the sidewalk but he didn't reply to my question. I spoke up a little to try and get his attention.

"Oppa! What do you want to do?" Still no reply. His eyes never left the path in front of him. I guess he was in a bad mood or something so I just kept quiet until we reached SHINee's dorm. Jinki walked into the doors and I followed closely behind, the door closing behind me.

"Hey, Onew-hyung!" Taemin said when we walked in. I was a little upset he didn't address me too but I ignored it.

"Hey..." Jinki replied. His voice was different, I could tell that my thought of him being in a bad mood was correct. He took off his coat and shoes, throwing the coat down on the floor and walking straight to his room. I waved to the SHINee members and followed Jinki to see what was wrong.

"Oppa, is there something you want to talk about?" I asked as he sat on his bed. Again there was no answer and I was starting to get pissed. Jinki rested his arms on his legs and buried his face in his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh. "Oppa please talk to me!" I yelled. He looked up. I got happy but he only stood up and walked right past me and out of his room. "I'm just going to follow you until you talk to me." I said and followed him out.

"Where are you going, Hyung?" Jonghyun asked when Jinki went to the door and put on his shoes and coat.

"I'm going on a walk." He replied and walked out

"I'm worried about him. Ever since... you know... happened, he hasn't been the same."

"Yeah. It's like he's angry but depressed." I heard Key and Minho talking as I followed Jinki out. I wonder what happened.

Did something happen during his rehearsal?

Did I do something wrong?

Is he mad at me?


Calm down, Lina.

You've done nothing wrong.

The only thing you've done wrong was waking up with this splitting headache and chest pain.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Why the hell won't he answer me? "Hey!" I stepped in front of him and he stopped. "Why are you ignoring me? Answer me dammit!!"


There was no reply.

With a groan, I turned around and started walking back to SHINee's dorm when I felt something hit my shoulder. I stopped for a second and realized it was a raindrop. Jinki turned around too when it started raining and walked the same way I was and I followed behing. He didn't seem like he was in a rush or anything. He even went to the park and sat down on a bench in the pouring rain.

I took a seat next to him and he sighed. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black box. When he opened it, I saw a beautiful engagement ring inside. I felt my stomach jump up to my throat but all he did was look at it. I saw a few tears roll down his cheeks and fall onto the box. "Oppa....?" I knew I wouldn't get an answer from him. Jinki stoop up and, with a grunt, he threw the box as far as he could. He sat back down and had even more tears flowing down his face. I wanted to hug him but I felt like this was my fault, so I didn't.

"Hey! You dropped something!" Someone called out as they walked up to us.

It was Jonghyun carrying the box Jinki just threw. "Were you really planning on doing that, Hyung?" Jinki nodded.

"It feels like she's here..." He said with his head down.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, I feel like she's still here. I don't know why but it feels like she's sitting right there next to me." He pointed to where I was siting.

"Okay," I was really starting to get annoyed. I was scared too, their acting was unbelievable. "You guys are just ing with me, right? Well, it's not funny anymore so stop it."

"How are you doing without her?" Jonghyun asked

"Jonghyun knock it off." I growled angrily.

"To be honest.... I'm a mess." Jinki replied

"Jinki stop this." I was starting to get desperate. I wanted this joke to be over with but they just continued to talk.

"Stop it...... Stop it... STOP IT!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"I really do--" Jinki stopped in the middle of his sentence. "Did you hear that?" He looked at Jonghyun.

"I didn't hear anything."

"It was a whisper. It sounded like Lina."

"Well, maybe she's screaming at you. They say if a ghost is screming to someone, it'll only come out as a whisper to the person."

A ghost...? No. That can't be right.

"What did she say?" Jonghyun asked.

"She said.... 'Stop it!' "

"Maybe she thinks we're just yanking her chain here. I may not be the smartest guy but I think that, if she is a ghost, she doesn't even know she's dead. She probably thinks you're ignoring her. She could be sitting right there like you said you felt."

"Hey..." Jonghyun started again "If I may ask, how did Lina-noona die?"

This was the most ed up joke I've ever heard.

"She was stabbed in the chest." Jinki replied with a shaky voice. "It was on the news but we were busy when it came on." He pulled it up on his phone and showed Jonghyun but I only saw the headline and picture.


That picture...



Oh my god.

"Jinki stop now...." I whispered and tried to hit him but my hand only went through him.




I couldn't move. I was just staring at Jinki with the most shocked expression, on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, man. I know you really loved her. C'mon." Jonghyun pulled Jinki up off the bench. "Let's get out of this rain and back to the dorm."

He and Jinki left and I was sitting on the bench when someone else came and threw and umbrella down on the exact spot I was sitting and it went through me, hitting the seat of the bench.

I was killed and left for dead.

I'll never get to be with Jinki ever again.

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Chapter 1: Woah!! Nice twist there!! I really loved the way the truth ca, e out... it was like..... BAM! I was seriously shocked for a moment
2028 streak #2
Chapter 1: Aw... Such a sad story... I really wasn't expecting that
The_Stalker #3
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW >< Why you do this?! Dude, I'm seriously crying now... :'(
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww :( poor Jinki..

The ending was really unexpected though wow... :o great job author nim ^^
Marciakslp #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^