Chapter 4

Gone, Gone, Gone

"Nobody is coming for me..." Kyuhyun thought, swimming in and out of consciousness, "Mimi can't hear me."

He felt was his feet lifting off the ground as Leeteuk picked up his limp body, and then he out.


Leeteuk spun his head around to see a tall man advancing very quickly.  Hurriedly, he shoved Kyuhyun into Yesung's arms and slammed the trunk doors closed, securing them with a padlock.  Preparing for a fight, he raised his fists, but he was tackled to the ground roughly before he could land any punches on the oncoming person's face.  Leeteuk's attacker straddled his stomach and began raining blows all over his face.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY LITTLE KYUHYUNNIE!" Zhou Mi screamed in between punches, his vision blurring as tears stung his eyes, momentarily stopping to rub his eyes, he lessened his weight on Leeteuk's stomach.

Leeteuk seized this oppurtunity to flip Zhou Mi underneath him and pin his arms onto the dusty concrete with his knees.  Looking for something to subdue the man beneath him, he spotted the chloroform soaked rag that Yesung must have dropped earlier in Kyuhyun's struggle, he managed to keep Zhou Mi on the ground while he grabbed it.  Leeteuk firmly held it over Zhou Mi's face, despite the violent thrashing from the younger, and waited for his movements to lessen signifying he was unconscious.  When Zhou Mi stopped moving, Leeteuk stood up and wiped the blood off his face from their scuffle.  

Pulling out the key to the padlock he unlocked the lock and swung open the doors, Yesung was inside crouching next to Kyuhyun who had blindfolded and laid in the corner of the back of the van. 

"We have an unexpected second," Leeteuk grunted, lifting the longer limbed male into the back, "turns out out this is Kyuhyun's older brother."

Yesung smirked as he rolled Zhou Mi onto his stomach and zip tied his wrists together.

"The more the merrier." he chuckled, tying a strip of black cloth around Zhou Mi's eyes.

Leeteuk slammed the trunk doors behind him and yelled, "Eunhyuk, we're good to go!"

Eunhyuk nodded and turned the keys in the ignition, the van vibrated as the engine started, and with a roar it began moving forward.

Kyuhyun awoke with a start.  Everything was dark, he was in an  unfamiliar place, and he heard to men talking.  The smell of smoke burned his nose and throat as he tried to remember where he was, clearing the fog in his mind, it all came back to him.  He was kidnapped earlier today, or was it yesterday? and now they were heading to an unknown location, where unknown men were going to do who knows what.  Thinking about his fate terrified Kyuhyun, and fear gripped his heart.  He began shaking as he tried to speak, but his voice wouldn't come out.  Tugging at the restraints on his hands was futile as the hard plastic cut into his wrists the more he struggled.  

Yesung noticed the slight movement from Kyuhyun and notified Leeteuk.

"Hey, Teuk, one of 'em is up."

"Oh, it's our little Kyuhyunnie~" Leeteuk said mockingly, moving closer to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows.  The only person to ever call him 'little Kyuhyunnie' was Zhou Mi, how did these people know his nickname?  He didn't have much time to ponder that fact, because his blindfold was ripped off and he was blinded temporarily by the brightness.  Blinking to adjust his eyes, the first person he saw was Zhou Mi, lying beside him.

"Z-Zhou Mi? What are you doing here? Zhou Mi! Wake up!" Kyuhyun tried to get as close as possible to his brother.  He nudged Zhou Mi's chest with his head, "hey, Mimi, wake up!"

"Hey! Don't ignore me kid!" Leeteuk snarled grabbing a handful of Kyuhyun's hair, pulling his face close to his own, "we're gonna have to teach you some manners."  He blew cigarette smoke into Kyuhyun's face, making him choke and sputter as he inhaled it directly, and released his grip on Kyuhyun's hair letting his head hit the floor of the van with a thud.

Turning to Zhou Mi, Leeteuk slapped Zhou Mi in the face and screamed.


After no response, Leeteuk took the cigarette out of his mouth and pressed it to Zhou Mi's cheek.  Jolting awake, Zhou Mi let out a piercing scream as it burned through his skin.

"Stop! What are you doing to him?!" Kyuhyun yelled horrified.

"What does it look like?" Leeteuk spat, "i'm waking him up!"

Kyuhyun looked at his brother with worry as Zhou Mi lay crying from the pain in his cheek.

"K-Kyuhyun..." Zhou Mi sobbed, tears dripping from underneath his blindfold.

He hadn't seen Zhou Mi cry since their parents died, and seeing it now only made his heart sink.

"Mimi?" He gulped feeling sick to his stomach.

Kyuhyun never got a reply from Zhou Mi because Leeteuk cut in.

"Enough with the chit chat," Leeteuk said holding up a strip of black cloth, "this goes back on, and if I hear either one of you say anything, you're dead."  

Leeteuk harshly tied the strip over Kyuhyun's eyes once again and left the brothers in silence.  After a few more minutes of waiting, they came to an abrupt stop.  Car doors opened and slammed shut, and Kyuhyun felt someone take hold of his shoulders.

"Let the fun begin." Yesung whispered, before pulling him out of the van roughly.

A/n: This was a crappy felt awkward to type, but that might just be me...oh well, thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! next chapter things are gonna get bloody, so I might have to rate the chapter M, just warning ya ^^" See ya~!

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yojeongpark #1
Chapter 6: So sad :'(
Qmi brothership was so touching
yojeongpark #2
Chapter 6: So sad :(
Qmi brothership is so touching :'(
ohmysuperjunior #3
Chapter 2: oh my god. why. i'm only on chapter 2 and then my stupidity had come over me and i scrolled down to read the comments and found out QMI died in the end. i friggin spoilt this story for myself. ;----;
Chapter 7: Why my kyuniee always die.
bigbanggdlover #5
Chapter 7: This was a good story. Good job author-shi! :D
Chapter 7: They'sad....but kyunnie and mimi together now
Chapter 7: NOOOOO MIMI
why'd you have to die too T___T
i wish there was a third alternate ending where neither of them die. i'm going to be depressed for the next couple of days, i swear.
Ji-Hana #8
Ok so now I know you enjoy making me super sad!
Chapter 6: *sobbing* ahhh noooooo kyuhyunnie!! T___T (he's not even my bias but oh well...) what a sad ending, poor mimi! :'(
Chapter 6: *sobs* (T ^T) IT'S excuse me as I sob my eyes out ; 3 ; MY SECOND BIAS....KYUHYUNNIEEEE know I hope the police find Leeteuk and Yesung |D Give them a piece of justice if I do say so myself :D Haha anyway this was a really great story! >u<