Make Up, Swimming Pool, and Friends

Love Can Be Complicated

Chapter 8

Make Up, Swimming Pool, and Friends


Wednesday came and passed without any sight of him.

Thursday was the same.

It wasn’t until that Friday that I encountered Wooyoung.

Every morning I would get up early and wish Minah a good day before she left to work. Everyday I would leave the apartment and take walks or swim. Never would I just laze around the house.

Today, I decided to jog around the park again. While running along the path, I was staring up at the clear sky. It was baby blue again except the clouds had gone off to play somewhere else. The sun and the sky could be seen making acquaintances again.

Without warning, I was knocked down to the ground.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

The man helped me up. I accepted his hand, but fell back down. I never did see what the stranger looked like until he bent down to my ankle to examine it.

“I think you sprained it,” he states. Clearly, he hasn’t seen my face yet either.

My eyes widened at him. “Wooyoung,” came out as a tiny whisper.

He looked at me and finally realized who I was. His eyes widened too, but he was quicker to react while I was still.

Wooyoung scoops me up into his arms and walks away from the spot I was knocked down at. He grimly smiles at me and whispers, “I’m glad Fate gave me this chance.”

Now that I’m aware of things again, my blood is beginning to boil. “Yah! Let me go!” I yell at him, “I don’t want to see, hear, or feel you. Get away from me you jackass!”

I was thrashing around in his arms, but he didn’t let me drop. He spoke instead, and his voice came out stern and calm. “Don’t move so much or else you’ll drop and your ankle will get worse.” He pauses for a minute then chuckles, “Isn’t it funny how I meet you again by knocking you down?”

I roll my eyes and mutter sarcastically, “Sure it is.”

Judging by the directions, he’s taking me back to his place again. All the way through, I kept complaining that I could walk and didn’t need his help. Truthfully, my ankle didn’t hurt as bad this time. It’s even healed now.

But Wooyoung shakes his head. “This way, I get to hold you in my arms and you won’t escape.”

His hold tightens around me. Sighing, I give up and accept my defeat.

Kicking the door open, Wooyoung steps inside and takes off his shoes and mine’s. He sets me on the couch. I stand up immediately, but he’s here to block me.

“We need to talk.”

“No we don’t,” I reject, “I can just live on my life without seeing you. It’s easy.”

“No Eunmi. Please just listen. I’m sorry for all the things I’ve said. I never should have said them, and I do regret saying it. I was stupid and hated myself when I saw you crying. What kind of person am I to make my own dance partner cry? I’m really sorry, Eunmi.”

Some would’ve been touched at his apology and would’ve forgiven him.

I, however, narrowed my eyes at him. My voice rises in volume as I speak.

“Dance partner? You think I’ll still be your dance partner after what you said? Hell no. You can find yourself someone else because I’m done.”

I walk away from him and inch closer to the door, but his body now blocks that too. His back is pressed against the door, and he’s unwilling to let me leave.

“No. Park Eunmi, you will not be done with me. I don’t want to find someone else. I want to dance with you because I know we’ll win.”

I sneer back at him, “You can’t tell me what to do. So you’re just using me to win money? If you want money then get off of your lazy and work.”

His eyes showed hurt, which meant my words affected him a little. That did not stop him though.

“I’m not letting you leave until you agree.” With one swift motion, his hands now have a firm grip around my wrists.

Shouts are thrown across the distance between us.

“You can’t force me to do anything!”

“Just agree and I’ll let you go!”

“You’ll let me go sooner or later, even if I don’t agree.”

“Fine, I’ll just…” He’s trying to come up with a plan.

“Just what?”

A few moments later, his eyes are locked with mine’s. His words are threatening. “I’ll just look through your phone and call your family. I’ll tell them that you snuck out and where you are.”

The doe eyes turned into narrow slits. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh but I would,” he challenges.

Our fierce glares don’t die away. We’re dueling with our eyes as we speak. In the brown orbs, I could tell that he actually would search through my phone for a family members’ number. Seeing the possibility of getting caught, I sigh and back down. My arms slump down to my side. Wooyoung let’s go and steps away from the door.

Coming closer to me, he asks softly, “Will you still be my partner?”

I look away from his puppy eyes and nod my head. My expression had a mixture of annoyance and joy, which is confusing.

He didn’t notice anything and just sighed his relief. I got a strong feeling that he wanted to hug me or do something, but he didn’t. That’s how I knew he was being careful and serious.

“Anyway, have you ate lunch yet?” he asks, taking my mind back to him.

I shake my head mutely.

“I’ll make something then. You go sit down and rest.”

I follow his orders and sit on the couch. I find myself staring at the angel he has. It was so similar to the one I bought.

Wooyoung came out 30 minutes later to find that I was still staring at the little statue in wonder. He chuckles at me and sets the plates down on the coffee table. The dishes were rice, sesame chicken, big vegetable leaves to wrap the meat with, and a medium-sized bowl of spicy noodle soup. It was all placed in front of us, ready to be eaten.

We silently fill our once empty plates with the delectable food. Taking a small sample, I nod my head in approval.

“Did you cook this?”

“No a ghost did,” he replied sarcastically. Flicking my lightly on the forehead, he says playfully, “Of course I cooked it woman! Who else is here besides me?”

Bluntly, I told him, “A ghost.”

He rolled his eyes and mocked me. I ended up ignoring him and watched the variety show that was on. Wooyoung, noticing that I was paying no attention to him, joined me to watch the show. We were laughing although I rarely laughed during the show. Wooyoung was enjoying himself and laughed at funny parts, which was most of the show.

I had gotten bored after a while. Not a sound escaped my body as I took my plate to the sink, washed it, and went inside his room. I sat on the bed and look all around me. His instrument was still there bordered by his desk, which became a little messier. Nothing had changed much really.

Something did catch my eye however. I had the urge to go and pick it up, and I did.

I walked to his desk and picked up a black composition notebook. The notebook was already open to a page that began with, “I love you.”

My eyes traveled down the whole page, and I took in the words.

**Some samples of that page**

I never knew this would happen.

I never expected to fall for you, but I did.

Now I’m stuck because you push me away.

I just want your love.


Is it hard to ask,

“Will you be mine?”


Please know that I do love you.

It’s better if we were apart.

You would move on soon and the feelings would fade away.

Goodbye love.

“You know it’s rude to snoop through other people’s stuff.”

I looked down at the book and then turned around to Wooyoung, who is leaning on the doorframe. My eyes are searching through his to find an answer. However, the answer would not be presented through the eyes. It would be through words.

“Are those lyrics?” I confronted.

He seemed a little taken aback, but he nodded his head calmly.

“Who are they about?” I pressed on. I couldn’t help it. Sometimes curiosity can’t be contained. Sometimes it’s okay to let it out.

He stands straight and walks towards the book. Closing it, he says clearly, “Now that is something you don’t need to know.”

I tilted my head a bit, considering his answer. Obviously, it was personal, but I had a nagging feeling about something I couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Looking up at me, Wooyoung says something. His eyes are talking to me. They’re pleading me. “Please don’t ask again.”

Changing the subject, he actually speaks this time. “So I was thinking that we could hang out today. 2PM is going to the pool soon, and I’m taking you.”

Surprise takes over. “What?”

“You’re going to the pool with Jang Wooyoung and his friends, which are the other 2PM members.”

“But…” Quick! Find a counter argument. “But I don’t have a bathing suit or anything.”

He scans my body and shrugs. “We’ll just stop by a store and buy you one before we meet up with them.”

“But…” My voice was pathetic now.

“No! You’re going with me,” he says with a smug grin. “We should go now.”

Without another word, he takes my wrist and drags me to the door. I did try to escape back into his room, but he’s blocked me. No way would he back down, so I had to jam my shoes on and go. Walking down the hall, Wooyoung skips along happily like a child while I sulk in the back.

“Hurry up, Monkey!” he rushes.

“Shut up!” I bite back.

He does shut up but goes back and take my wrist once more. I sigh and let the boy drag me to a store near his house.

Oh look, they only sell two-piece swimwear for women.


Wooyoung noticed this too and instantly pulled me in. We greeted the clerk and went to the swimwear section. While Wooyoung was jumping up and down excitedly, I was scowling at the bikinis.

He finally calmed down and pointed at them. “Pick something.”


“Fine, I’ll just pick something for you.”

I shrugged. “Fine.”

Wooyoung kept his word and picked many different pieces out. He offered one outfit that was all black and revealing. In all honesty, it would make any female look like a . I rejected it.

He kept those outfits coming until he presented one particular one. Holding it up, he suggested that I go try it on and I did. The whole thing was a sky blue color. The top wasn’t revealing much and the strap wrapped around my neck like a halter-top. The bottom was a short skirt but had shorter blue pants underneath it, which kept everything covered. I liked it more because of the fact that it was a light blue.

Coming out of the fitting room, I stood in front of Wooyoung. I tilted my head at him. He grinned and nodded in approval. A small smile played at my lips. Going back, I took it off and changed back to my daily attire. Wooyoung took the swimsuit from me and went to go buy it. By the time he was done, I was already out, and we were out of the store.

Getting in his car, I placed the bag under my feet. Wooyoung starts the car and drives off to the pool.

When we get there, I see that there were some people there, and his other friends were waiting. They spotted us walking towards them and became wild.

“Hey Eunmi!” Taecyeon waves at me.

I give him a small wave back.

Standing across from them, I mumbled a small “Hi,” and looked to the ground.

I got the opposite response. They greet me with such enthusiasm that it almost makes me want to smile.

Wooyoung asks them, “You guys don’t mind is she’s here right?”

They all shout in unison, “No,” and continue on by saying they would love to have me here and such.

One member asks, “Do you remember our names?” and the rest follow along.

I let out a quiet laugh and make eye contact with each one of them. “Chansung, Junho, Taecyeon, and Minjun.”


Led by Taecyeon, we go to sit down at an empty table as he nags us about sunblock. We’re all in chairs except for Junho, who makes the table his seat.

Tilting his head to the side, Junho asks me, “How old are you?”

I lean back and answer him. “I was born in 1990.”

Junho gives a rather cute eye smile. He explains, “I am too and so is Chansung. Wooyoung hyung was born in ’89. Taec hyung and Minjun hyung were born in ’88. That means the hyungs are your oppas!”

I look at the three older ones. They all have a sly grin on their faces. I sigh and shake my head. “Guess I have to call you ‘oppa’ now,” I mutter.

Taecyeon hits my arm playfully and assures, “Don’t worry, Eunmi. We’ll be good to you.”

Minjun complains, “It’s hot. Let’s get in the pool already.”

This sets them off in a frenzy again. All of the boys are talking about the water. In the midst of talking, they’re also pulling off their shirts. Some of you (Or almost all of you) would sit there and watch them get half . I didn’t. Instead, I was lost in the blue sky.

Wooyoung throws his shirt on the table and nudges me. “Go change.” He forces the bag into my hands and makes me go to the washrooms to change.

Peeling off my clothes, I pull out the contents of the bag. I sigh, eyeing the outfit again. Finally, I make myself wear it. Stuffing my other clothes in the bag, I step out of the stall. I peek my head out of the door, not revealing my body yet.

All the guys turn their heads to me. They’re waving me over and saying, “Come out.”

I shake me head. “I don’t want to,” I whine in a childish voice.

They still try to coax me out.

In the end, Wooyoung came over to me.

“One last chance, Eunmi.”

I still shake my head.

He sighs but has a sly smile on his face. And I find out why.

Without warning, his hands fly over to my sides and tickles me. I burst out laughing and my body folds over. He continues until I’m away from the sanctuary of the bathroom. Stopping the torture, his arms snake around my waist as he guides me closer to his friends. Poking me one last, Wooyoung let’s go and steps back.

I blink and try to calm my breathing. The guys are standing there gawking at me. I look back at them a little confused and annoyed. “What?”

Taecyeon finally steps up and jokes, “Nothing. You just look hot in that.” He says this in English, thinking I wouldn't know what he said.

I tip my head to the side a bit and give him a look. “You know I can understand you right?” I reply fluently in the same language.

His eyes widen as he steps back with his hands in the air. “Now I know.”

I laugh at him and walk towards Chansung.

Snapping my fingers in the frozen statue’s face, I ask him, “Are you okay?”

He and the others snap out of their trance and surround me with compliments. I wave them off and point to the sky.


All of their heads turn upwards. I take the chance to run behind Junho and push him over the edge. He falls into the pool and pops his head back in a few seconds.

“Hey that’s mean!”

I kept laughing at his wet and pouting face. Well, I kept laughing until someone’s arms picked my body up and threw me into the water. Swimming back up, I saw the guys laughing and high-fiving each other. Now I knew who the culprit is.

“Yah, Jang Wooyoung!”

His grinning face turns to me. He points and shakes his finger at me. “That’s unacceptable Missy. It’s Jang Wooyoung Oppa for you.”

I roll my eyes at him and get out of the pool while helping Junho out too. I whisper to him my revenge, and he agrees. We both charge at Wooyoung and chase him into the pool. Now we’re the ones laughing.

The victim comes back up to the surface and shakes his wet hair. He swims over to the ledge and tugs my arm hard enough to make me fall in.

“Yah!” was the last thing heard before I was under the water. Swimming up, I slap his arm. As revenge, he dips his hair in the water and then shakes it in front of me, getting the water on my face.

Seeing that they were starting to get left out, the rest of the guys jump into the pool, splashing water everywhere. Laughing, I swim away from them.

After playing in the water freely, we all come together and decide on a game.

“How about we race?” Minjun suggests, “and the losers have to pay for the dinner... some time next week. We’ll do three rounds, so we’ll have three losers.”

Everyone nods their head. It wasn’t a bad idea actually.

First, Taecyeon takes the chance to be our MC for the game. He does a lame intro, but we laugh at how silly he looks anyway. After renouncing the punishment, he calls out my name and Minjun. We jump in the water and get in position.

Before the round starts, Minjun looks over to me and whines, “Go easy on your oppa. I’m old you know.”

“You’re only 25 years old.” I roll my eyes at him and look back at the track.

“Get ready swimmers!” Taecyeon shouts, “Junbi~ Shi~ Jak! (Ready, set, go!).”

Minjun and I dive into the water and swim for the sake of our cash. When I’m up for air, I hear the boys shouting my name, Minjun’s name, and many other encouragements. Honestly, you couldn’t really tell who was rooting for who.

“And they’re half way there!” the MC yells. “Oh oh oh! PARK EUNMI TAKES THE LEAD!”

Taecyeon really does love to MC doesn’t he…?

In no time, my hand makes contact with the cool wall. I bring my head up to see Wooyoung staring at me. He grins and yells back to the audience, “Eunmi made it first!”

Right after that, Minjun’s head appears right beside me. “I lost?” he asks in a daze.

I poke his arm and stick my tongue at him. “That’s right, your dongsaeng won,” I playfully.

He does the same. “Oh so we’re that close now? Are you my dongsaeng now?”

I shake my head, not in a denying way but in a way that says I won't answer him. I climb out of the water and help Minjun out too. Wooyoung wraps a towel around me.

“Hey where’s my towel uh?” Minjun asks jokingly.

I laugh and walk back to the group. As I sit down, they’re all congratulating me and admiring my skills.

“You swim fast, Eunmi.”

“It’s a good thing though because now you don’t have to pay.”

“You’ve got to teach me how to become faster one day.”

I chuckle a bit and shake my head at them. I felt a little warm on the inside. Suddenly, a frown was on my face, and I was deep in thought.

**My thoughts**

Could I be warming up to them?

But why them? We’ve only hung out like this once.

I seem so nice to them. Well, nicer than I would be with others.

How can they change me?

Will I accept this change?

“Hey are you okay?”

Taecyeon was lightly tugging on a lock of my hair.

I nod and change the topic. “Who’s swimming next?”

“I made Junho and Chansung go.”

Laughing, I joked, “You just wanted to MC longer.”

He gasps and pretends to be surprised. “How did you know my motives?” he exclaimed.

I smile at him and turn my attention back to the next two swimmers. They were communicating with Wooyoung, who was at the other end, using body language.

“Okay!” Taecyeon burst out suddenly.

The maknaes are a little startled but get into position when Taecyeon begins to count them off. Using his hand as a fake gun, he “fires” it and shout at them to swim. Both boys dive into the water and cover a lot of meters quickly. Soon, they’re at the half way point and then near the end.

“Junho made it first!” Wooyoung bellows.

The winner celebrates a small victory with an exaggerated dance while the loser pokes the other’s sides to stop him. The two of them, plus Wooyoung, comes back to were Taecyeon, Minjun, and I were. Seeing Chansung sulk a bit, I pat his back once and offer him a tiny bit of comfort.

“It’s okay maknae.”

He looks up at me with curious eyes. “When is your birthday Eunmi?” he asks.

“September 12, 1990. Why?”

They all grin at me. Chansung answers, “Because I’m not the maknae here anymore. You are. I’m born in February.”

I roll my eyes at them and push Taecyeon and Wooyoung forward.

“It’s your turn now!”

The rest of us all nag at the competitors to get into the pool and get set. They wouldn’t even dip their toes into the water.

“But we’re dry already!” Wooyoung whines.

To that, Chansung and I gang up on Wooyoung and push him into the pool. Minjun and Junho do the same to Taecyeon.

“Just get ready,” I yell at them.

Taecyeon’s head pops up and he scolds me playfully. “Yah, show some respect by calling us ‘oppa.’”

I add on, “Oooooppa,” and hold out the ‘o’ sound.

“Hyung get on with it!” Junho complains. In an instant, he begins to count them off. They get in position without any protest.

“…2, 1, GO!”

Diving into the water, Wooyoung and Taecyeon gain speed as they progress.

Minjun elbows my arm and whispers, “You wanna make a bet?”

I give him a confident look and accept. “I’ll bet 15,000 won that Taecyeon will win.”

“Fine. I’ll go with Wooyoung then.”

We shake hands on the bet and quickly retrieve our wallets. When we turn our heads back, Taecyeon is already at the edge with a triumphant smile.

“Taecyeon hyung wins!” Chansung yells to us.



The two of them walk back to us. Wooyoung notices that I’m holding out my hand to Minjun.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“We made a bet and Minjun-sshi lost.” I turned my head to Minjun and gave him a wicked smile. “Pay up.”

He’s holding the 15,000 won in his hand but isn’t handing it over. “Not until you call me ‘oppa.’”

I roll my eyes at him. “Oppa.”

The simple word does the trick. He reluctantly hands me the money and pouts while whining.

“Oh hush, it’s only 15,000 won anyway,” I tell him.

“But I work hard for my money.”

Ignoring him, I look at the others. “Let’s play volleyball in the pool.”

Wooyoung looks into a bag that one of the guys brought. He pulls out a red and blue volleyball. With a grin, he says, “Looks like we’re in luck,” and throws the ball into the pool.

I look at Junho and challenge him. “I bet I can get the ball before you can.”

“Bring it on.”

We both take off running and plunge into the pool at the same time. I start swimming to see that Junho was speeding up. As a result, I latched my hands onto his shoulders and pulled him back. Taking the lead, I’m laughing while swimming to the ball. I felt the cool material in my hands and I halt. Holding it up in victory, I’m smiling at Junho, who is now submerged underwater. Suddenly, Junho jumps up and takes the ball out of my hands while splashing me with water.


Now he’s the one smiling with the ball. I shake my head at him, and the others are in the water too. We scatter around and end up forming a circle away from other people.

**The rules**

1. Don’t let the ball drop. If you do, you’re eliminated.

2. You can only hit the ball once.

3. No cheating.

“Yah yah!” Minjun shouts to calm us down. “The winner will be the last person in arasso?”

“Neh!” we all reply in unison.

Junho tosses me the ball and everyone gets their “game face” on. Throwing it in the air, I wait for the right time then serve it to Wooyoung’s direction.

The game begins.




After playing four games of water volleyball, we’re drained of energy. We’re all lazing in a chair at our table. No one is talking right now. Talking a lot of work…

Finally, Wooyoung breaks the silence by suggesting that we go eat dinner.

I shake my head. “I'm tired. I wanna go home.”

Everyone else agrees with me.

In five minutes, we’re packing our stuff and going to the showers to rinse off quickly. Washing my hair of the chlorine, I scrub the rest of my body off. I finish quickly and change back into the shorts and shirt I was wearing. After washing the bikini, I dry it and stuff it back into the bag. I leave the shower to find Wooyoung waiting alone near the exit. Spotting me, he smiles and waves me over. With a moment of hesitation, I walk over to his side.

“Do you like today so far?”

I nod my head. “There’s nothing to hate,” I added.

Just then, Taecyeon followed by Junho and Chansung come into view.

Wooyoung points back to the door and shouts at Chansung, “Yah, go get Minjun hyung.”

Turning around, Chansung sticks his head in the bathroom. Even from a distance I could hear him yell, “Hurry up, Grandpa!”

A second later, Minjun emerges from the washroom while hitting Chansung.

“Yah! I’m older than you,” he scolds.

I start to feel the agitation of being starved. I cut into their conversation.

“Please, please take me home. Maybe we'll go eat next week or something.”

Everyone turns to me and nods their head. We all make our way back to the cars and pile in. Taecyeon and I ride in Wooyoung’s car while Chansung and Junho ride in Minjun’s car. Starting the engine, Wooyoung drives me back to the park because I wanted to walk home.

Getting out of the car, I tell Wooyoung the plan before closing the door.

"Next Saturday we all can go out to eat. I'll be free then. Bye guys."



**Ahh~ A day in the pool is inspiring I must say ;D Anyway, this chapter will be like a part one of the day. The next chapter is a continuation of the day, so I’m not finished here.

**The next chapter will be… spicy. I’m sure all of you have different meanings (or similar ones) for the word spicy. BUT it will also be sweet and tiny, tiny angst (?). We’ll just have to wait for the next chapter shall we? >:3

** Happy Halloween guys! Want to save me some candy? Kekeke~ or maybe some comments...

**Take care you guys~!




Wooyoung isn’t one to give up easily as I hope you’ve figured out by now. He pulled me back into his arms. While I was squirming around to get out, the man holding me captive leans close to my ears, nibbling it with tenderness. His offer comes out in a husky whisper.

“You can escape your life’s worries. You can escape here, where I’ll be waiting. I’ll offer my knowledge and strength to help. I can be your paradise.”

“But… Just stop luring me in Jang Wooyoung.”

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challenges guys... challenges...


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jac_21 #1
Chapter 19: please continue, i love this story!!!
Acgoo1999 #2
Updateee!! I'm a new subbies heree!! And i also upvote, why, cuz i eff ing love this storyy!! Update soonn!!
itismerobyn #3
Chapter 10: please update soon
i love your stories ^^