Love has never met Height.

Your love that towers over me.

There are many things Kyungsoo wants in his life. Sadly, life doesn't always go the way you want it.

Kyungsoo sits at the side of his bed, facing the windows. He sees that one star that shines the brightest and shuts his eyes.

"Dear God, My name is Kyungsoo. I think you already know that." Kyungsoo clears his throat, let’s not sound ridiculous Kyungsoo, he scolds himself. "My wish is to become extremely tall..." He pauses for a second. Kyungsoo doesn't want to be extremely tall. Extremely tall people are scary people. "Ok, scratch that, God... I just want to be tall." Kyungsoo opens his wistful eyes. "I just want to be tall. Being a 160 centimetres isn't y especially since everyone in my grade is way taller than me. Even Baekhyun is 165 and he is only 16. That's still short actually but..."

Kyungsoo thinks he has used up his time and he doesn't want to waste God's time. Kyungsoo never forgets his manners even in prayers. "Thank you God and goodnight. Sweet dreams."

Kyungsoo is not sure whether God sleeps. He snuggles into his sheets, closes his eyes, smiles and still prays to be taller.


Two years ago, Kyungsoo was 160 centimetres. Now, he is 170 centimetres. 10 centimetres in two years is not that bad right? Considering he prayed two years ago to God. Kyungsoo still thinks that isn’t much considering he is a guy and he wants to take girls out on dates. That isn't happening since most of the girls are all taller than him like when the hell did that happen?

Kyungsoo is not very pious but tonight the day before his 18th birthday he prays again. Eyes closed, Kyungsoo kneels with his palm in a prayer. "Dear God, it's Kyungsoo again. I spoke to you two years ago. I know, I'm horrible but it is my 18th birthday soon and I was wondering whether I could grow another 10 centimetres. I hope I am not asking for too much." He opens his eyes, and sees the star twinkling. "Thank you God. Goodnight. I'll talk to you soon." Kyungsoo is not sure when is the next time he has to set up an appointment with God though and so he sleeps.


Growing up for Kyungsoo hasn't been all that great. Especially since he is short. If it weren’t for his big eyes and his awesome cooking in cooking class, he would probably be invisible. Kyungsoo thinks it would be better if his height was, well, more than what it is.

When Kyungsoo was 10, he was the tallest in class. That was until a bully called Kris came into his class charging like a bull. Kris has too many names, Kris, Kevin Wu, Kevin Li, Wu Yi Fan, Ben ben, evil fire-breathing dragon, which is the name Kyungsoo gave Kris. Kris has lived in multiple countries, Canada, China, Korea and Hell, well, not exactly, Kyungsoo just thinks Kris is from hell since he is very sure Kris breathes fire. It's a lot to take in especially if you are 10.

When Kyungsoo was 15, his best friend Baekhyun and Suho were 2 centimetres shorter than him at the start of school in January. He laughed at them for being shorter than he was the first day he met them after a long break. When summer ended and the second semester started, Baekhyun and Suho went up 5 centimetres and laughed at Kyungsoo. Karma is a .

When Kyungsoo was 16, he got into a fight with none other than 175 centimetres, Kris. The crowd was going wild; nobody dares mess with Kris, the evil fire-breathing dragon. Kyungsoo was not backing down though as he swung his fist into Kris' chest. Kyungsoo resulted with a black eye, one month of detention and infinite hatred for tall people.

That is the reason why Kyungsoo wants to be extremely tall. People who are tall intimidate Kyungsoo to the bloody pits of hell. Kyungsoo wants to be intimidating too. He wants to have eyes, which are slits, ginormous hands (to beat Kris up with) and Kyungsoo sighs; he just wants to be tall.


Kyungsoo is freaking determined to be tall.

Drink milk? Kyungsoo has done that. He accidentally drank expired milk the second day in his milk diet.

Monkey bars? Blister, blisters, and cramps. Kyungsoo was hanging on for too long.

Kyungsoo gives up because God is going to make him tall, Kyungsoo is sure.


On his 18th birthday, Kyungsoo found out he has grown 3 more centimetres. He gleefully tells Baekhyun that he has grown 3 centimetres in one day. Baekyun's reply? "You won't be growing anymore. Once you are 18, the body stops growing." Baekhyun pats Kyungsoo on the back while Kyungsoo pouts and mentally curses Baekhyun for being just a centimeter taller than he was. "Don't be sad though, soo. Suho is shorter than you."

Baekhyun got a kick in the shin for that.



At the start of college, Kyungsoo meets up with Baekhyun and Suho, his best buddies since forever. He sits down with them for coffee and he thinks to himself: Holy , I’m friends with only short people.


All Kyungsoo’s life, he has always been friends with people who are his height or shorter. Kyungsoo doesn’t have many friends actually.


That was until he met Chen and Xiumin in Mathematics class and Chemistry class.


Chen walks up to Kyungsoo. “Hi. My name is Chen. I am 178 centimetres.” What a way to introduce yourself, Kyungsoo thinks. “I’m Kyungsoo.” He doesn’t say how tall he is though, that’s embarrassing.


“You are probably 173 centimetres.” Chen says, sounding clever while he passes Kyungsoo the notes the lecturer gave him. “Thanks for pointing it out, Chen.”


“No problem.” Chen says, finishing his first equation on the paper. “We will be great friends.”


Kyungsoo smiles. He does not want to be friends with anyone over 180 centimetres. Kyungsoo does not do the whole stereotype thing but people who are over 180 scare him especially if your name is Kris, Kevin Wu, Kevin Li, Ben ben and fire-breathing-freaking-dragon. Kyungsoo has learnt his lesson alright.


In Chemistry class, he meets Xiumin. Who isn’t only so full of himself, that shows with his cheeks though. “Hi, I’m Xiumin.”


Kyungsoo thanked god because Xiumin didn’t say how tall he was.


“I’m 179 centimetres. SO close to 180.”


Kyungsoo spoke too soon.


“Kyungsoo. Height? Unidentified.” Kyungsoo says shaking Xiumin’s hand.


“You are 173. I’m pretty sure.” Xiumin said while placing the Bunsen burner under the flask.


Great, just great.




Kyungsoo introduces his two new friends to Baekhyun and Suho. Kyungsoo prays Baekhyun won’t say anything stupid. Kyungsoo has been Baekhyun’s friend for too long to know what kind of mouth Baekhyun owns. A loud one.


“Hey Kyungsoo! Wow! You made tall friends.” Kyungsoo tries not to strangle Baekhyun or accidently throw his hot coffee all over Baekhyun.


Chen and Xiumin high five each other and sit down, Kyungsoo in between.


Chen nudges Kyungsoo while he drinks his hot coffee. Kyungsoo almost spills the coffee on his brand new jeans, Kyungsoo is careful. He looks over to Chen and Chen grins. “What kind of guys do you like, Kyungsoo?”


Kyungsoo spills his coffee.




Kyungsoo is not sure whether he likes guys or girls.


That was until he meets Chanyeol in English class, Kyungsoo is sure gay runs in his veins.


However, Kyungsoo does not make friends over 180 centimetres. Kyungsoo is pretty sure Chanyeol is more than 180. Kyungsoo’s heart says yes, go for him, try him out while his mind goes, no, you don’t date people who are taller than 180 as they can be fire-breathing-dragons.


That only implied to Kris though.


Speaking of Kris, Kyungsoo sees Kris sitting right next to Chanyeol. How the hell and when the hell did Kris enrolled himself in the same bloody college is beyond Kyungsoo but this just made it all the more worse.


Kyungsoo hearts sinks because he really wanted to be friends with Chanyeol even though that meant breaking the, ‘I’m not friends with people over 180 centimetres even if they are cute.’ That and, ‘I’m not friends with people who are friends with the fire-breathing-dragon’




“Hi. Do you mind if we make a team?” A deep voice comes behind Kyungsoo. “Yeah, do you mind?” Comes another voice, it sounds pretty irritated. It takes awhile for Kyungsoo to digest the two voices but he is pretty sure the second one belonged to Kris.


Frightened, Kyungsoo looks back and meets Chanyeol whose eyes were twitching, grin obvious with the brightest smile and nicely aligned teeth. That made it all better until he faced Kris, eyebrows arched, eyes in slits, and lips in a straight line. “Can you bloody make up your mind, Kyungsoo?”


“Wait, no. Scratch that. You don’t have a choice, you are in our team.” Kris sits next to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo is not sure what is going on but he knows he is still staring at Chanyeol with his droopy heart making eyes of his, he stops and looks back at the whiteboard.


Chanyeol sits next to Kyungsoo and leans in to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo tries not to move to close to Kris. Kris may just kill him. “Hi, I’m Chanyeol. Nice to meet you, Kyungsoo. I hope we can be awesome friends.” Chanyeol whispers.


Kyungsoo almost chocked an ‘I love you.’


Kris rolls his eyes and Kyungsoo thinks this is going to be a long English lesson with all-smiles-Chanyeol and fire-breathing-Kris.




When Kyungsoo said he wouldn’t be friends with people over 180 centimetres.


Kyungsoo was dead serious.


“Kyungsoo! Wait up!” Chanyeol runs over. Kyungsoo curses because holy , this guy is going to tower over me and I’m so short and you are so beautiful, I cannot think.


Kyungsoo swiftly looks back and stops. “Y-yes?” Kyungsoo stutters.


“Can we meet up to do the project later? Kris has basketball practice to go to. He and I will meet up later. He told me to go over the introduction with you.” Chanyeol asks, scratching his head.


Kyungsoo has to say no. He must not be friends with this guy with his big grin and twitching eyes.


“Sure. Coffee at 2 sound good to you?” Kyungsoo mentally slaps himself.


“Sounds good. See you then.” Chanyeol ruffles Kyungsoo’s hair and walks away, bag bouncing against his back.


Kyungsoo is now a puddle of sweet goo.




It’s a bad idea to be friends with people over 180. They tend to tower over you and Kyungsoo thinks his heart is about to get towered over too.


Kyungsoo wipes his sweaty palms on his new jeans. It’s 2:05 and Chanyeol is late.


“He isn’t coming…” Kyungsoo tries not to sound upset. Tall people tend to forget. Tall people also tend to be really late even with their long legs.


“Hi Kyungsoo. I’m not late am I? Sorry, if I kept you waiting.” Chanyeols pants.


“No, it’s fine.” I still love you, Kyungsoo thinks and slaps himself, literally.


Chanyeol looks at him and Kyungsoo tries to act invisible in his chair. “Did you just slap yourself?”


Kyungsoo laughs. “No.”


Chanyeol likes the way Kyungsoo laughs. “Yeah sure, you didn’t.” Chanyeol laughs.


Kyungsoo likes the way Chanyeol laughs too.




“Hi Kyungsoo.” Kris says, sitting down even though he is not invited. Kyungsoo tries to act like nothing is wrong. Nothing is actually wrong; the canteen is free for anyone to sit. “Hi Kris.” Kyungsoo curtly answers.


“You look like you are going to in your pants, dude. Chill out. I’m not going to start a fight with you.” Kris snickers and bites his sandwich, mayonnaise at the side of his mouth, “That was so high school.”


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and scoff. Yeah sure, high school was so fun for you.


Kris feels bad and he puts his sandwich down. He puts his handout in a handshake. “Friends?”


Kyungsoo doesn’t want it to be awkward anymore and he definitely doesn’t want Kris the bull after him if anything. It’s even more embarrassing in college. “Sure.” Kyungsoo shakes Kris’ gigantic hands.

Kyungsoo takes his napkin and wipes the corner of Kris’ mouth and Kris laughs, thanking Kyungsoo.


Chanyeol doesn’t like what he sees.




“So…” Baekhyun starts. They are having their usual sleepover plus Xiumin and Chen. Kyungsoo sees them as best buddies now. “Do you like Kris or Chanyeol?”


Chen guffaws. “He obviously likes Chanyeol.”


Xiumin snorts, lying down on his stomach. “He likes Kris, you dumb mutt.”


“You are the dumb mutt, you piece of .” Chen says, taking the pillow and hitting Xiumin with it. “Everyone knows Kyungsoo likes Chanyeol.”

Before anything gets out of hand, knowing Xiumin and Chen when they fight. Suho speaks up, “He likes both. Kyungsoo is a playboy.”


Diva Baekhyun who was busy wearing his eyeliner looks back at the three doofuses who think they know Kyungsoo just as good as he does. They obviously don’t. “He likes Chanyeol, you dimwits.”


Kyungsoo sighs, eyes on the ceiling. “Baek is right.”


“Obviously, I’m right.” Baekhyun says, finishing off Xiumin’s eyeliner.


Chen shows Xiumin the middle finger and Xiumin pounces on Chen to strangle him. Kyungsoo throws a pillow at Xiumin before anything.


“So…” Suho starts again, “You like someone above 180. I thought you wouldn’t be friends with people who are over 180?”


Kyungsoo sighs and hugs a pillow. “That obviously was the plan of my life until we became a group in English class. And that wasn’t until I know who Chanyeol is and how lovely he is and how—“


Kyungsoo thinks he is in deep .




Kyungsoo is in deep .


He wants to tell Chanyeol how he feels. His heart feels like exploding, nuclear ing fission. It’s not helping that Chanyeol is just looking at him helplessly and lost waiting for Kyungsoo to start talking.


Kyungsoo has tried to talk but he keeps chocking on air. His voice is not even coming out. Kyungsoo looks like a mute explaining everything with his hands.


Once Kyungsoo is done explaining with his hands and done mentally cursing his voice box and grey matter for not helping him with everything. He takes a breather because holy , moving your hands so much is some workout.


Kyungsoo’s cheeks are tomato red and Chanyeol still looks so beautiful to Kyungsoo. The sun that is shining that day is making Kyungsoo feel so hot. Kyungsoo needs to be in an air-conditioned room pronto, he is sweating everywhere and he doesn’t want to be seen like this in front of Chanyeol.


“I’m going to go—“ Chanyeol's lips are on Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is trying so hard not to think because over-thinking Kyungsoo is not something you want to see; Does my breath smell? Did I brush my teeth this morning? Should I close my eyes? Should I use tongue?


Chanyeol let’s go and smiles at Kyungsoo, teeth displayed for him to see, eyes twinkle and twitching just for Kyungsoo to see.


“You should stop thinking so much, Kyungsoo. I can hear you think when I’m kissing—“


This time, it’s Kyungsoo who kisses Chanyeol.


Kyungsoo has officially given up with his stupid life plan of not being friends with people who are 180 and it is about time too. Now, he understands why God never made him taller than what he was. He never wanted Kyungsoo to tower over someone just like how Chanyeol is towering over his heart and entire being, literally that is, Kyungsoo is not complaining either as he kisses Chanyeol even deeper because in relationships, both the towers love equally no matter what the height is.



I'm blaming a little someone for putting me on this Chansoo wagon. (And I'm pretty sure she is going to make me love every other ship there is in the sea). I hope you enjoyed it <3

(oh and credits to the owner for the picture hehe)

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Chapter 1: Like 99% Chansoo stories are so fluffy!!! I'm glad my ship is saling sp well <(^_^<)
nightingalesatnight #2
Chapter 1: This is so precious and cute!!
Mascarade #3
Chapter 1: KyungSoo, you're not alone in this, I made the exact same promise when I was 15, and I gave it up eventually.
This was really good, you made an awesome job :3
Chapter 1: HAHA..... when i read about the sleep over
things... i feel they are girls that talk about love
before for this story ^^
Chapter 1: Oh my, why didn't I found this earlier?? XD This was just soo cute!!! It's nicely written too! I like how you characterize Kyungsoo here and Baekhyun too. I love it! I really like this kind of Chansoo fic.

Great job Author-nim!! :D Thank you so much for creating it!~^^
chosebyung #6
Chapter 1: hard to find a cutie pie like this of chansoo hehe i am sooooo inspired of it, author-nim ;~; please write more about chansoo yeahhhhhhhhh
btw i was wondering if you were vietnamese?!
Chapter 1: soooobbbbssss this is so cute and fluffy and everything QAQ
Chapter 1: that was so cute oh m y GOD
Chapter 1: This is too cute omg
Chapter 1: asdggklljhfss this is so cute. das right, Kyungsoo, if God made you taller Chanyeol will have trouble lifting you (?) lmao sorry, didn't make any sense..this is cute. period.