Carnival Trip - Daesung (Big Bang)


“Do you have the tickets?” you asked as you shuffled through your purse, making sure you had your necessities.

                “Got them right here,” Daesung pulled two tickets for a carnival out of the back pocket of his jeans and waved them near your face.

                It was a last minute plan to attend this, but it was a beautiful evening and the tickets were cheap, so how could you both pass up this opportunity?  Because it was at night, you were really hoping it would be lit with pretty lights.

                The carnival was nearby, so it was only a short walk.  As you approached the front booth, Daesung handed the man your tickets.

                “Look at all the games!” Daesung shouted like a little kid as he saw all the attractions.  It was pretty packed with a large variety of games.  You didn’t hesitate at telling Daesung what you wanted to play, either.

                “Let’s go play the bottles game,” you pointed towards a booth and grabbed his hand.  You were moving pretty quickly, but Daesung kept up with your pace.  He was as equally excited as you were.

                “Only 100 won for three shots,” the man running the booth advertised.  You pulled out the money and smacked it down on the wooden counter.  “Here you go, Little Miss,” He set down three baseballs in front of you.

                You picked one up and aimed for the three milk bottles in the distance.  It barely missed them and swerved to the left.

                “Good try, Jagiya!”  Daesung cheered from behind.

                This was your second shot.  You threw the ball and knocked the top bottle down.

                “Congratulations!”  Your boyfriend gave you a quick hug before picking up the last baseball.  “Try your best,” he gave you a thumbs up and handed it to you.

                You put all of your concentration into this one, last shot.  You really wanted to win a prize.  As you drew back your arm, you focused in on the center of the two bottom bottles.  Your arm swung forward, releasing the ball, and to your disappointment, you missed completely.

                “No!” you yelled in despair.  Daesung was patting you on the back, comforting you.  The vendor let out a lighthearted laugh.

                “You did very well, Miss.  Fancy another try?”  He held one of the baseballs in his hands and gestured towards your direction.

                “Ah, no thank you,” you politely declined.  There was so much else you wanted to play and this game certainly wasn’t your best.  Daesung linked arms with you and began leading you in another direction.  “What do you want to do?”

                “Over there,” he pointed to a large tower with a bell on top, “The strength test.  How could I not win?” He flexed his muscles, “And I want to win you a prize.”  He smiled his adorable smile at you.

                “Alright, Good luck!” Now it was your turn to be the cheerleader.  Daesung had the oversized mallet in his hands and gave you a quick thumbs up.  He pulled the mallet back behind his head and quickly swung it forward. 


                “You did it!” You squealed and jumped up and down before rushing over to give him a hug.

                “Which one do you want?” He pointed over at the prizes.

                “Oh,” you’d gotten caught up in the excitement, “Um, anything you think I’d like.” You smiled brightly.

                Daesung pointed out which one he’d like to the man.  “Here you go!  A bear that’s almost as cute as my Jagiya,” He handed you a huge stuffed, baby pink bear.

                “Oh my gosh,” you hugged the bear tightly, which was almost half your size, “It’s so cute!  I love it,” You reahed for Daesung’s hand and hung on to the bear with the other.  “Let me go win you a prize, now.”

                You searched for a game that you were positive that you were great at.  It took a little while, but you stopped when you saw a water gun game.  “Ooh!  I’m good at this game, and look at the prizes!”  Daesung glanced up and saw a Doraemon plush hanging as the top prize.

                “Ah, you have to play this one,” He ushered you towards the seat at the booth.  You paid your money and waited for the rest of the seats to fill up with other people who want to play.  After the four other seats were occupied, the man explained the game.

                “Alright, now all you have to do is aim your water gun at the small target and hold down the button to shoot the water.  As you shoot, the stuffed animal will rise up.  First person to have their stuffed animal reach the top and make the bell go off, wins!”  You aimed your gun as the man began counting down.  “3…2…1…go!”

                You hit the button and quickly adjusted where the water was hitting.  You were pretty far ahead compared to everyone else, but one of the other players was keeping the same pace as you.  The bells sounded and you looked up to see that you had barely won.

                “You won!  You really are good at that game,” He looked a little antsy, “So, are you gonna get the Doraemon prize?”

                “Of course,” the man handed you the big Doraemon plush, which you then handed to your boyfriend.  “Here you go, Oppa.”

                “You are the absolute best girlfriend,” He gave you a big, tight hug and then kissed you on the cheek. 


You yawned quietly as you continued to walk the carnival.

“Are you tired?”

“Just a little,” you rubbed your eye.

“Come here,” Daesung gestured toward himself.  You walked a little closer toward him and you were lifted up, off your feet.  He had placed you on his back and was going to piggy-back you to the car.

Your eyes became heavy, but you weren’t going to let yourself fall asleep.  You probably looked like a small child, holding onto their teddy bear by the arm and letting it dangle as you struggled to stay awake.

“We’re here,” Daesung set you down next to the car and you crawled in, placing your bear on the floor between your feet.  Daesung set his plush on your lap and began driving home.

You smiled and spoke, “Thanks for an unexpectedly fun day.”



When you and Daesung take a last-minute trip to the Carnival, what kind of day will you and your sweet boyfriend have?


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Isamost2012 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^