Chapter 3: Something About the Neighbor

Finding Love at Unexpected Place by yukino78
It’s about 9pm when they finally settled in. They have their things put in their assign rooms at the Kim’s House. Si won and Dong Hae will be rooming together and then Leeteuk and Ryeowook together. They both have the two rooms on the on the second floor. Ki Bum and Hankyung will be in the study room which has a queen size pull out sofa bed.

They all gathered around in the living room waiting for the pizza they ordered to come. Jon is about to turn on the TV when he heard his cousin speak.

“Who is that girl who drove us here?” Ki Bum asked.

“How old is she?” Ryeowook asked just right after Ki Bum asked his question, “Is she even legal to drive?”

“Oh that’s right. Who is she? She looks a bit y.” Si won said. “She didn’t even say hi or introduced herself.”

All the guys starts asking questions at the same time and throwing their own opinions about the girl earlier. They stopped talking when they saw the shock expression on the sibling’s face.

“Don’t you guys say that!” Jon said.

“She is the sweetest Unnie I ever know!” Jessie adds defending MJ. “And, she is old enough to drive and drink!”

“She is?” Si won asked. “She looks so young and small.” He said a bit doubtful.

“Everyone is small compare to you guys.” Jon rolls his eyes. “She is older than you guys, well, except for Leeteuk Hyung.” Jon adds. The guys are shock.

“Then what’s with the attitude then?” Dong Hae asks.

They saw the siblings squirming on their seats. Then Jon told them what happened that afternoon. The guys feel guilty now thinking the worst of the girl earlier.

“No wonder she dressed like that and very grumpy. I’ll be grumpy too if I don’t get any sleep.” Leeteuk said.

“Right now you just called her Unnie, but I thought I heard you call her Er Jie earlier.” Hang Kyung asked.

Jenny and Jon grin, “Yeah, we got used to it. Tony, who is her younger brother, calls her Er Jie and they both call their older sister Da Jie.”

Hank Kyung raised his brows. “They’re Chinese?”

The siblings both nod their heads.

Si won noticed Hankyung’s reaction. “Why? Are you interested?” Si won teasing him.

“I’m not.” Hank Kyung said. “I haven’t really seen her face to be interested.”

“That is true now that I think about it.” Dong Hae said. “She was wearing a hoody and a big sun glass that almost cover half of her face.”

“Should we go there and thank her for this afternoon?” Dong Hae asked.

The guys all turned to Dong Hae and smile. “That’s a good idea!” Leeteuk said. “We should go and visit.”

“Wait!” Ryeowook shouts, “How about the pizza we ordered?!”

“Can’t we call them back and tell them to deliver it to the house next door? Just give them the house number of your neighbor.” Leetuek said.

“That’s a good idea.” Ki Bum nods his head.

“I don’t think we should barge in their house this late.” Hankyung said disapprovingly.

“I agree with Hankyung Oppa.” Jessie said.

“You do?” Ryeowook looks at her.

Jessie blush a little. “Yes, we already troubled her too much today. She’s probably sleeping right now.” She then looks at her cousin. “She’s a very light sleeper, so if we go there we might wake her up and she will be mad.”

Jon’s eyes went big. “That’s right! She might ban us again to coming for a week.” He paused then he added, “No, it might be a month this time!” Jon looks horrified. He has one wild imagination.

“She banned you guys before?” Si won asked trying not to laugh.

The siblings nod their head.

“I’m curious.” Hankyung said, “What happened that she ended up banning you guys from coming over.”

Jessie looks a bit uneasy. “Well, four years ago, Tony Gege is a senior in our school. I was a freshman back then and Jon Oppa is a junior. Some girls found out that we live right by each other and they befriended me.”

Jon nods his head and adds, “That was a bad month for us.”

“Anyway,” Jessie glared at her brother for interrupting her, “Those girls came with me one time pretending to study together. We were having a hard time understanding the formula for geometry. One of them suggested asking Tony Gege for help. I thought it was harmless, so I told them I’ll be back. What I didn’t know was that they followed me to Tony Gege’s house. When Tony Gege opened the door the girls shoved me to the side and started talking to him. Gege didn’t know what to do. He finally invited us in and offered us some drinks. Our main purpose for going there was forgotten. Few minutes after that Gege’s phone started ringing in his room. He excused himself and went upstairs. One of the girls decided to follow him after a few minutes that he left. I told her not to go, but she told the other girl to watch me and don’t let me go after her. I started to panic. I just realized what these girls are up to.”

“Scary girls.” Dong Hae said.

“Then I heard the front door open. I saw Er Jie walking in.”

“This is the good part.” Jon said looking excited.

“Good part?” Ryeowook asked looking back to Jessie.

“Yah! Jessie yelled! “Stop interrupting me!” Then she composed herself again and continues telling the story. “Well, Er Jie saw me sitting with a girl holding my shoulder down. She noticed the atmosphere and asked what we were doing. Before I can answer I think she noticed there were three shoes by the door, but there are only two of us girls in the living room. She looks inside the guest bathroom and came out confuse. She then runs upstairs. Next thing we know Er Jie bringing this girl down the stairs dragging her by the ear. The girl was screaming bloody murder. Er Jie threw us all out of the house.” Jessie ended the story.

“After that incident Tony told us not to show up in their house for a week to calm her sister down.” Jon said.

“Tony said that not Er Jie?” Hankyung asked.

“Yes, it seems like Er Jie was still upset. Tony Gege said her sister saw that girl going through her stuff in her room.”

“That’s bad. I would be upset too if I see someone going through my stuff.” Si won said.

“Tony said her sister lost her trust on us.” Jon said a bit sad. “It took us months to get her to trust us again.”

“Tony also mentioned that Er Jie re-arranged everything in her room just to get that feeling out that someone has been in there touching her stuff.” Jessie added.

“I see.” Ki bum said.

“Okay, that’s decided then. We are not going there tonight.” Hankyung said. Before anyone can say anything they heard the doorbell ring.

Jon jump up and said. “Pizza’s here!” then he runs towards the front door.


Hankyung can’t sleep. He looks at the clock and it’s blinking 03:22. He sat up and looks at window. It’s always like this with him. He always has a hard time sleeping at a new place. He scratches his head and stood up. He decided to get something to drink, so he went downstairs to the kitchen. He looks inside the fridge to see what choices he has. There’s some orange juice, cranberry juice, chocolate soy milk, bottled water, and some sodas. He grabs the chocolate soy milk. He tasted it and he likes it. He poured some more to his glass and about to drink it when he noticed some light coming out from the neighbor’s backyard. He put down his glass and walks towards the door. He opens the backdoor and stepped out of the house. He is trying to look over the fence to see who it is outside this early in the morning. The fence is a bit high. He is about to give up when he noticed there’s a couple of the wooded fence that are broken. He noticed that a person can fit in it and without even thinking he slide through it. He stood up straight on the other side of the fence and trying to take some of the dirt off his shirt when he realized what he just did. He’s about to go back when he hear some music behind him. He turned around and saw the girl they were talking about earlier. She has her back on him. He walks a bit closer to see what she’s doing. She has her eyes close while rocking back and forth on the rocking chair. Hankyung walks closer to see her. She has a laptop on her lap and beside her is a table. She has her iTouch on the table playing some song he never heard before and a big cup that looks like coffee. He doesn’t want to disturb her, but the same time he wants to see her face especially her eyes. He is still trying to decide what to do when he accidentally bump on something. It made enough noise for the girl to hear. She opens her eyes and turned at his directions.


MJ finally got some sleep. She looks at the clock and it says 0215. She stood up and went to the restroom to wash up. She grabs her laptop and iTouch and went down the stairs. She looks around for some food to eat. She hasn’t eaten anything since she came back from picking up the guys from the airport. She decided just to have a cup of coffee. She’ll cook later. She then takes her coffee outside. She put her laptop, mug, and iTouch on the table and then she did some stretching. It is a pretty breezy night for summer. She looks at the sky and saw that it’s clear. She thought there might be some storm coming because of the wind, but it looks clear for right now. She then walks towards the rocking chair and sits their trying to relax. She loves this time of the morning. Everything is quiet and everyone is asleep. She then opens her laptop to see if there’s new e-mail. While her laptop is loading, she went through the song list in her iTouch and picks an album to play. She has a lot of emails to go through. Once she finished reading she decided to go this website ‘Asianfanfiction.’ It’s one of the website she been going a lot recently. She loves to write stories and then she posts it on this site. It’s nice to share your imagination to others and she gets so excited reading some of the reviews and comments about her stories. There are times that she just sits there and read other people’s story. They are just good. This is just away for her to relax and just simply get away from the chaos she face at work and sometimes at home.

She sat back down and closed her eyes for a while just taking in her quiet surroundings. Listening to her favorite music and drinking some coffee makes it just perfect. Then out of the blue she heard something. It startled her. She stood up and looks at the source of that noise and to her surprised she saw a man standing just few feet from her. She stands up fast and backed away a little. She’s trying to find her phone just in case she needs to call 911, but then she remembers that she left it on the night stand in her room. She’s about to open the door and go in when she heard the guy talk.

“Hey, don’t you remember me?” He asked.

MJ shook her head and asked, “Do I know you?”

The guy scratches his head and smile. “Yeah, you picked us up at the airport yesterday.”

“I did?” She asked and then she remembers. “Oh yeah, I did.” She looks at him, “So? Which one are you?”

“My name is Hankyung.” He introduced himself.
Hope y'all liked it!
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Chapter 4: I love this pairing, YEH and Siwon.
Update, please. Gomawo :-)
LuoYiChen #2
Chapter 4: Cute story!!! Please update soon
eunhyeabie #3
pls. update soon
still waiting for the update.. >.< please update :D hehe! im really looking forward to this story
butterfly555 #5
haha he still brought it bad swion
butterfly555 #6
Oh my gooodness. :D<br />
Texas there they goo!<br />
#8 fic...i'm trying to venture outside<br />
so i'm trying a suju fic this time.
butterfly555 #9
haha they got so happy cause the auntie said yes
butterfly555 #10
omo u started a new one on here as well yaaaaaaa