Am i fall in love?

I Love You, Kibum

- Jonghyun’s POV -


“Hyung.. I guess you fall in love with Key” I feel so surprise when I heard Minho’s word.


“Yah.. you.. don’t kidding me.. how come I fall in love with him? he’s just my friends and brother.. same as you”


* ting tong ting tong*


I heard someone ring our dorm bell. It must be Hyeongseop since Onew and Taemin know the password of our dorm.


“Hold on Hyung.. I’ll open the door” Minho stand up and walk to the door


“Hai Hyeongseop.. how are you?” I hear Minho greet him.. I stand up and walk to see him too


“Hi Hyeongseop” i greet him and he smile to me


“Hyung.. are you feeling better already? last night I didn’t see you when I back home because Minho said you slept already. How’s your fingers? still hurt?”


I wonder this guy why so care to me..


“I think it’s more better than yesterday.. you wanna pick up Kibum right? hold on I’ll tell him.. Minho give him a drink.. I will call Key”


I back to my sharing bedroom with Key and I see Key still in front of the wardrobe room.


“Kibummie.. Hyeongseop is coming already” I pokes his shoulder and he look at the clock and I wonder why




“he supposed to pick me up around 8.. why its still 7 but he already come..Hyungggggg… help me to suggest a nice clothes for my date tonight.. “ He start to panic because he still not ready at all. I’m not sure he already take a bath or not


“yah.. you already take a bath or not? why your face seems like just wake up?”


“hyung.. once I back home I feel so sleepy and fell asleep hyung.. help me.. I don’t want Hyeongseop see my pillow face” he start to panic.. tsk! Kibum.. it’s not first time though. I still remember Key ever said he went camping with Minho, Hyeongseop, Woohyun, Mir and Jinwoon before.. so Hyeongseop already see his pillow face I guess..


“Kibummie calm down.. you go take a bath first right now.. I’ll try to find a nice clothes for you”


“okei Hyung.. thanks” I see he take a towel and runs to the bathroom


I wonder why I’m willing to help him… I always help him since we know each other and he also do the same things for me..but I meant.. why I help him this time.. he wanna go date with Hyeongseop. “Don’t you feel so hurt last night because of them, Kim Jonghyun?” I shake my head and ignore it.


I look at Key’s clothes. My God I just realize he has lotta clothes and mostly branded. No wonder peoples labelled him as a stylish guy. I take his Blue long shirt with light brown jacket and his jeans. I think this is good for Key.


“oh you done already.. here’s the clothes.. I think its nice..” I see he just out from bathroom with half and brush his hair with towel. 


Gosh…. he looks so handsome.. his body just too perfect. and I don’t realized I keep staring him.


“Hyung.. seems its nice though” he pick the clothes that I chose for him before and he wear it.


“Hyung.. how do I look?” He standing in front of mirror and see his reflection.


I keep staring him. he looks so handsome and neat.


“perfect Key.. you look so handsome.. Hyeongseop will like it!”


“really hyung? okei.. He must be waiting for me too long. Hyung let’s go outside” he walk to the door and I follow him from behind. My eyes keep staring at his back.


…Key.. he’s handsome…



-Key’s POV-


Hurr.. why I fall asleep.. he must be bored waiting for me.. I just take a bath and wear the clothes that Jonghyun hyung chose for me. I think he has a good style too..


“Hyung let’s go outside” I walk and open the door.. I see Hyeongseop is chatting with Minho. Both of them laugh and I feel so happy to see he seems closer to Minho recently.


“Baby sorry I fell asleep..hehe.. are u waiting so long?” I come and sit to his lap.


“not that long. Baby you looks so handsome..shall we go now? I’m afraid the resto will be full because it’s dinner time.”


“hehe.. Jonghyun hyung is the one who chose it for me.. yup.. we should go right now.. Hyung, Minho.. We’re going outside now.. see you..” I stand up and hold Hyeongseop hand to out from dorm


“Minho, Hyung see you” Hyeongseop bow to them and follow me.


-Jonghyun’s POV-


“Hyung, Minho.. We’re going outside now.. see you” I wave to them with I don’t know this kind of feeling. not hurt but really don’t want Key to go. But what should I do since it will be weird if I stop him.


“see you.. take care” I back to the living room after both of them left.


“Hyung.. are you okei? I see your face seems lil bit sulked.. by the way our conversation still not finish hyung” Minho approach me and sitting beside me


“Minho why Onew hyung still not back?” I try to avoid his question


“Hyung!!” he slightly yelled to me


*sigh* “Minho-ya.. I don’t think I fall in love with him.. He just a brother.. same as you.”


“are you sure hyung? then why you sulked before? let me guess… you actually don’t want he do date, right?”


I hate Minho.. he really smart about something like this. He always know if there’s something not right among the members and mostly his intuition or guessing are right. I hate himmmmm… pfft..


“heol…. I hate you.. how come u can read my mind? ” I feel lil bit annoyed to him


“so its true hyung? well Hyung.. then you really fall for him. If not, why you don’t want him to go? it’s a common for us to see Key hang out with his friends everytime he has no schedule. And from what I see, you usually don’t mind even never care about it. Then now why you suddenly want him not to go? hahaha”


He laugh at me.. I feel want to punch his face


“Yah Minho yah.. don’t make a conclusion that even you dunno.. I’ll try to figure my feeling first.. and don’t tell anyone about this.. okei? or I’ll tell Heechul hyung in army that you start dating Sulli.. he wont be easy to you since Sulli his favourite sister..” I laugh and threatened Minho in the end


“Hyung.. how dare you do this to me.. You even the one who ask me for help last night” I know he feel so annoyed because of my words


“hahahah.. I just kidding.. don’t tell anyone especially Taemin. you guys super close and later Taemin will curious..”


“I know hyung.. but one things I wanna tell you.. once you realize you fall in love with Key.. please promise me to not do anything that make him not happy. He just found his happiness with Hyeongseop recently. I’m happy he looks so alive and cheerful compared to some years ago. Please hyung.”


“I won’t do something that makes him not happy. I Promise” I smile and Minho nodded me.


“I want to take a bath.. you call Onew hyung to back home soon. I’m hungry”


“okei Hyung”




-Hyeongseop POV-


”Baby u looks so handsome today..” I realized I’ve already repeat this words more than 5 times but I don’t care.. he really handsome and I love him too much..


I hold his hand and while I’m driving and his eyes rolling..


“Baby stop it.. hahaha.. how come you driving only with one hand?” he caress my cheeks and I keep hold his hand


“I can do it. I just miss you too much.. hehe” I kiss his palm hand and he smile..


“baby we just meet yesterday and we texting nonstop.. but I miss you too actually..” he kiss my cheek and peck my lips..


his soft lips taste like strawberry. so sweet..


“baby you put strawberry lip balm? I love it..” I peck him once more and he laugh and nodded..


We arrive at Le Petite and it’s slightly crowded. I’m start to worry that peoples will recognize Key since he’s too famous and I give him a black glasses and a cap for him.


After get a table on private area, we order a menu directly since I feel so hungry.


“baby there’s something really bothered me since morning.. I really fall in love with you and I don’t want to keep secret from you. I feel so jealous when you call me this morning and you said Jonghyun hyung make you as pillow.. what did you mean?”


“Baby you’re so funny when you’re jealous. it’s his habit since long time ago. He loves to hug my waist everytime he wakes up but I don’t know why his habit suddenly back. He already stop do that since he had a girlfriend, Se Kyung. Actually I don’t know too why he acted so weird since yesterday. I wanna ask but I don’t have a chance.. later maybe I will ask him..”


“ohh I see.. I just curious and yeah baby I’m jealous. But since it his habit so I don’t care as long as you tell me.. Sorry If its annoying you because I really cherish this relationship and i really love you” I give him my puppy eyes and he caress my cheeks..


“I do understand.. I also love you too much since you give a lot of  happiness for me. don’t worry, baby..” he rubs my arm and I smile.


after the meal come.. we start to eating.. and suddenly an idea popped out from my head


“Baby you said you want to running in the morning at Han river right? shall we start it tomorrow? after that we can eat breakfast together. I’ve already check my schedule and I don’t have schedule on morning. mostly after lunch until night. I’m afraid I cant meet you during dinner time like this. I must rehearsal for London’s runway with all models.”


“Are you sure? wont you feel so tired if you run in the morning after rehearsal? do it 1-3 times this week it’s okei, Baby.. I’ll go to meet you near your rehearsal studio so we can dinner together if I don’t have any schedule at night. I also need to recording for our new Japanese album. =( “


“ooh.. but tomorrow morning you don’t have any schedule right? if there’s no schedule, let’s go running, babe.. you hate exercise, right?” I laugh and his face turn into sulk..


“ahh I hate you don’t tease me.. huhh” he pouted and he looks so cute makes me want to kiss him but there’s other people in here so I just rub his palm


“hehe.. don’t be mad honey baby.. i know you love me.. so let’s running tomorrow okei? I’ll pick you at 5.30 am in the morning. okei? Now let’s back to your dorm.”


“huhh.. okei..” I smile and he pinch my cheeks..while pouting.. hehe.. Key why you so cute.. >__<


I stand up and pay the bill and driving him back to his dorm



-Jonghyun’s POV-


I’m full already after Onew Hyung bring us a bucket-of-chicken-again.. =_=

I back to my sharing room with Key and he still not back home from his date with Hyeongseop..


“Why he still not back?” I check the clock and its 10pm.. Well it’s still 10 pm though.. why you expect he will back this soon, Jonghyun” I rolling my eyes and shake my head.


Suddenly I remember all the conversation that Minho and I were talking before. That MeanHo why he suddenly tell me that I’m in love with Key.. tsk!


I admit Key is the one who really know me too well compared to others in SHINee and I really close to him since trainee and debut. He’s so nice and I really love him but as brother. I also do realize we did skinship a lot in front of the fans and I know there’s lot of JongKey shippers out there. I’m happy to be with him and I love to hug him, kiss him but its just as brother. I never have any feeling to him before and I think Key also like me as his Brother.


“I don’t think I’m fall in love with Key.. but why I feel so jealous even hate and dislike when I see Key and Hyeongseop together as couple..” I keep wonder of my self..


“am I really fall in love with him? or just jealous because there’s someone “take” Key from me? or because Hyeongseop able to touch, kiss, hug Key while am not or what??” I’m questioning my self with a lot and I feel so headache to find an answer.


I suddenly remember that I feel upset this morning because when I was hug Key’s waist he called Hyeongseop and do lovey dovey conversation while I’m still in there.


“why I should mad? its normal for couple to do lovey dovey on phone right? I was did that a lot with Sekyung too.. and why I feel mad when Key and Hyeongseop do that?” another question popped out on my mind




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soon =) sorry for the long hiatus
LoveJonghyun90 #2
Chapter 24: No update ady? Update pleaseeee
Chapter 24: really nice was so good
Chapter 23: wow it was so touchy i liked it.thanks for the update
Chapter 22: thanks for the update.i loved it
Chapter 21: nice update.i liked it.update soon
LoveJonghyun90 #7
Chapter 20: Look forward to the new chap ^^
Chapter 20: thanks alot for the update its good