Chapter 9

Dreams + Reality = Happily Ever After


Kris continued to drive but every now and the. He would glance over at you and could tell you were dozing off. The slight dark circles under your eyes took to his interest and at the next red light he turned to you. "Haven't been sleeping well? Your starting to get panda eyes like Tao." You pouted but then sighed, you were sleepy. And it was because he was haunting your dreams every night since the announcement that he would be your love interest. "Just jet lag from Canada I guess." 
Kris nodded, knowing what you said was a complete lie. He turned into a parking lot of a very fancy apartment tower and you looked up at it amazed. 
*and I thought my apartment was nice...* 
You turned to kris confused as to why you were here and he only got out and opened your door for you. "This is my place, I thought we could just relax and watch a movie, cook dinner. I'm sure the D.O. will be more than happy to cook up Hana an amazing meal." Your eyes grew wide as his fingers intertwined themselves with yours. 
*dangerous territory. For all I know his place could be sound proof and I won't be able to scream for help...* 
You both took the long elevator ride up and on the way, a woman boarded and she gave kris a smoldering look. "We'll Kris you haven't rang for me in a while, having fun with your new love interest instead?" Kris pulled you close and away from the woman his eyes tight with a glare. "That's none of your concern Ji Eun." The elevator doors opened to Kris's floor and you looked up at him confused. "Who was she?" He only shook his head as he opened the front door and the lights. "Some woman I used to work with. Old coordi noona." 
The two of you sat on a large sofa in the living room and it's softness was quickly inviting you to lay down and nap. Kris picked out an old movie on Netflix and pulled you into his arms and laid down, you quickly tried to get away but his strong arms kept you still. "I won't do any thing to you so just relax. I'm not erted all the time." You sighed and rolled your eyes but stayed put and made yourself more comfortable in his embrace. 
*I guess it won't kill me to cuddle a little...* 
You ended up laying on top of kris as the movie progressed , it was a comedy and every time kris laughed you felt his body shake underneath you. Soon enough you began dozing and falling asleep, and once Kris saw that your eyes were completely closed he began to draw shapes with his finger tips on the skin of your lower back that was showing.
By the time the movie had finished it was about time for dinner and kris spoke gently in your ear so as not to startle you.
"Hey Sunny, lets wake up and make some thing to eat I'm starving." You yawned and stretched feeling completely rested and smiled softly still dreamy from your nap. "Hmmm okay." The two of you sat up together and kris hugged you from behind for a moment before getting up. "Do you remember when we made pasta for the first time." You laughed an nodded the embarrassment of the moment bringing redness to your cheeks.
"Oh god that was horrible! The noodles came out so soft." Kris chuckled as he helped you get up from the sofa. "Well we are going to see if you improved any." 
The two of you stood in the kitchen together the pasta cooking and the sauce bubbling in a pan, you sat on the counter and kris stood in front of you leaning his weight on his hands. "If I recall correctly this is how we had our first kiss." You smiled and shook your head sighing softly looking up at the ceiling. "This is how we had our first kiss." You confirmed gently before looking at him biting your lip gently. Yup this was dangerous, Yi Fan was on top of his game. You knew if things kept going the way they were you were going to end up in big trouble. 
While processing these thoughts Kris's hands creeped up the sides your face incasing you in his gentle hands and you stared into his eyes startled. "It won't kill you if you kiss me back just this once..." He whispered gently before kissing your lips tenderly, you heart shook unsure what to do. His lips were persuading you with each passing second until you finally caved and began returning the kiss. 
* I'm so weak.*
Despite your thoughts the kiss grew more intense with passion and Kris lifted you up off the counter back into the living room as to get you vertical. "Hmmm." You sighed softly when your back hit the comfy sofa and Kris began to devour your neck. "God your perfect." He whispered into your ear before nipping at it gently causing you to moan softly. "D-Damn it Yi Fan, I said no kissing off the set." He lifted himself up and only smiled down at you. "Well I'm surprised you've held out as long as you did. Think how realistic it'll be when the director yells action." He pecked your lips again and you shook your head gently. 
"I can't do this again Yi Fan." You looked into his eyes with honesty, despite the amazing kiss you had Hana to think about. Kris could hurt you as many times as he wanted, but you had to protect her from the man that is her father. You didn't want her to feel the same feeling you felt when he broke your heart and left Canada to fulfill his dreams. You didn't want her to feel unwanted, or that she wasn't good enough. For her sake you had to keep a distance from Yi Fan. 
Kris looked into your eyes and knew that something was keeping you back from continuing what to both of you knew felt amazing. He knew he had to play his cards right if he was going to have a chance later on. He moved too fast and he knew it. "I get it. Costars only. We'll pretend it never happened." You were shocked by how easily he took your words and nodded your head. "T-Thanks." 
The both of you fixed yourselves and made way to the kitchen to only see over cooked pasta in the pot, and the sauce left to cook too long had turned dry and crusty. "Aww man!" You stomped your foot as you turned of the stove and sighed annoyed. Kris laughed so hard that his sides ached and you soon joined in. 
"Things just never change! Leave that there I'm sure we can grab some thing to eat on the way to go pick up Hana." The both of you still chuckling as you left got into the car to find some thing quick to eat.
~at the Exo dorm~ 
You followed Kris in and saw all the boys were waiting for you, it was 9:00 pm past Hana's usual school night bed time. You looked around and didn't see her any where and a small panic hit making you voice go up an octave. "Um where is my child?" 
Tao laughed and waved your worries away. "Oh she's sleeping in Luhan's room I'll take you to her." You nodded and and followed the friendly panda looking boy to Luhan's room to find you daughter sleeping peacefully in the center of a king sized bed. "Aigo this child of mine." You walked over and pushed her hair away from her face admiring her for a moment before Tao broke the silence. "She looks a lot like Kris." You heart dropped to the floor as you turned to look at him. 
"She is half Chinese that's probably why." You answered in a cool voice so as not to give your self away but Tao pushed on. "No she looks like kris, I mean she has several of his features. Like his eyes, smile..." You turned your eyes narrowing, he knew something you could hear it in his voice. "What are you trying to get at?" 
Tao sighed and looked at Hana. "He's her father isn't he?" Your heart was going a mile a minute and you shook your head in denial but your eyes were stinging with tears. "N-no he is not."
Tao looked at you and then you saw some thing in his eyes that were telling you he meant no harm he reached over and touched your shoulder gently. 
"I've known kris since our earliest training days. He told me about you and him back in Canada.She's a lot like him. She can even have his attitude at times." 
You bit your lip tears streaming down your cheeks. You looked at him pleadingly as you spoke so soft so as not to wake Hana. "No one knows but me and my sister. Please this a secrete I have to keep safe. Please don't say a word to anyone. " You voice cracked and Tao kneeled down a gentle smile on his face as he wiped your tears. "Your secret is safe with me." You nodded as you whispered a million thank you's. 
*Kris gege has a daughter and doesn't even realize... the idiot. It's so obvious he's her father. I promised this girl I wouldn't say anything but I might have to help gege solve this for himself.*
You collected yourself and took Hana into your arms as you walked back to join the others. You glanced at Tao with curious eyes your mind going crazy with worries and thoughts if this boy told your secrete to anyone you would have a whole bunch of people to answer to. The press, your boss, and the most terrifying one Yi Fan. 
Wahh so Tao was a smartie and was able to figure it out! You guys keep asking when is kris going to find out but you guys have to realize when he finds out that's the and we all know after the the story soon ends. I wanted Tao to be a friend to Sunny, since her sister is off traveling most of the time I thought she would need another supporting character and Tao fit that spot perfectly. I promise kris will find out Hana is his daughter soon enough because I don't want it to drag out. As always if you guys have any thoughts, questions, ideas, or feelings on the story don't be why and leave them in the comments below ! Until the next update ! 
Love , 
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SyamimiRahimi #1
when are you going to post your story ?? i cant wait ! >.<
Chapter 11: Owww brothaaa there's a lot of better guys than him! Well KRIS! Is better than him kekeke just trying to cheer you up :D
Chapter 10: OMG your story is really interesting and fun to read!! It really feels like a drama :) I like it! I hope u will update it soon :D
Chapter 9: Lol hahaha I really like it how u describes Tao as an friendly panda hahahah xD
mulppanggg #5
Chapter 9: honestly i feel it's kinda odd of her so easily gave in when kris kissed and held her. it maybe the atmosphere and all, but still... it's a great story afterall. please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: yay! please tao ge help kris to realize that he's hana's father :))))
thankyou for your update
Chapter 8: Awww~ I hope she tells Kris that he is the father!!