Chapter 7

Dreams + Reality = Happily Ever After


~same night as chapter 6~

Kris kept chuckling as he got into his car and began driving home. Your expression when you realized he hadn't given you your script was priceless, and he laughed at the memory continuously as it creeped back into his thoughts.

*Still as clumsy as she was in high school. *

He arrived home and did something he hadn't done in a while. Take a shower and hop into bed with out calling one of the many desperate women in Korea who wanted to sleep with him to join him. No, tonight was different tonight he wanted to lay in bed and think about things that normally never let cross his mind.

Hana was the biggest question mark he had about you. And he knew  everything you were hiding from him was behind that beautiful child of yours.

* I've never seen such a good looking kid*

All he knew was her father was Chinese, and that he never had any contact with his daughter. Which aggravated kris in a way, a child as sweet, lovely, creative and... just  perfect like Hana deserved everything and anything that she wanted. Including a father. He thought of the sadness and pain that lay in your eyes when he asked about the mystery man that had given you your wonderful child and how it made his stomach turn into knots with anger.

He to his side facing the wall if his room that was a complete window looking out  at the city of Seoul below him as he kept thinking more and more of you and Hana, the both you filled his mind with questions and worries. He didn't even like the idea of the two of you being alone back at your apartment.

"She's not the same girl who I stole her ity from."

He muttered as he pulled the sheets closer to his chin thinking about you and womanly you had become. You were no longer some lost and shy girl in high school who had the cliche dream of becoming a star. No you were a mother, and a damn good one at that. Your will power and strength had doubled in size along with your s and perky , he chuckled at the last bit of that thought.

*The fact that she's become an idol despite everything, and I don't even know the whole story yet.*

Yet after seeing you, a girl who had been with him before the fame before the money was refreshing.  He sighed softly and got up to get a glass of water, in the kitchen an old memory came of the two of you trying to cook pasta so that you could scrape by in cooking class with a C. Kris leaned back on the counter as he sipped his water recalling your mortified expression when the pasta noodles came out bloated and soft. He remembered how put out you were about the fail and how he skillfully pulled you into his arms and kissed you for the first time.

" Hahaha She was so clueless backthen! God that's probably what attracted me to her in the first place!"

Kris continued to chuckle as he walked back to his room And laid down ready for a good nights sleep. And then a final thought crossed his mind before he closed his eyes, well more like a question.

*If it was her cluelessness that attracted me to her the first time what is it attracting me now?*

Besides the fact you had become a much more stronger and self reliant person, besides the fact you gained the curves that embodied that strong woman. What was it that lured him close to you? With another sigh he closed his eyes almost excited knowing he would be picking you up again tomorrow.

~The next day~

Kris arrived at your flat half past one and was surprised when Hana answered the door still in her pjs. "Hi Kris ! Thanks for the the pink boots I loveeee them!" Kris lifted up Hana into his arms and smiled  when she gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for her boots. "Where's your Mom?"  She pointed towards your bed room with one hand as she rubbed her sleepy eyes with her other.

"Hmm she's still sleeping she was up late last night talking to auntie Emma." Kris set her down on the ground and smirked at an amazing idea. "Hana why don't you get  ready so we can meet up with  Exo for lunch and I'll go wake up your Mom."

Hana nodded skipping to her room as Kris walked down the hall toward your room. He walked in the see you curled into a tiny ball under the covers. He pulled up the covers gently to see underneath and was very glad to see that you still slept in short nighties the kind that roll up when you sleep. He was some what shocked at the y choice of underwear as he slipped under the covers to join you.

"And this is the same girl who still wore hello kitty undies in High school." He whispered softly as his hands up your bare milky legs to give a a rude awaking that you haven't had in years.




Hehe thought I would add  naughty naughty thoughts in your brains as you wait for the next chapter. All right don't rip off my head for not updating! Trust me I know I can't stand it when people don't update their stories but as always life has to get in the way of things you love doing. I had a family reunion out Midwest to visit my country living relatives. And there was noooo wifi! Nearly ripped out my hair. I was seriously in the middle of no where ! Blahhhhh! I did have a great time though once I got over the fact I could not  surf the web. It was great to see family and spend time with them!  But I'm grateful to be home with the love of my life to scoop me up in his arms when I arrived at the airport home! But I promise from now on updates will be happening a lot more often! So as always if you guys have any questions, thoughts, feelings, please don't be shy and leave them in the comments below ! until the next update !

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SyamimiRahimi #1
when are you going to post your story ?? i cant wait ! >.<
Chapter 11: Owww brothaaa there's a lot of better guys than him! Well KRIS! Is better than him kekeke just trying to cheer you up :D
Chapter 10: OMG your story is really interesting and fun to read!! It really feels like a drama :) I like it! I hope u will update it soon :D
Chapter 9: Lol hahaha I really like it how u describes Tao as an friendly panda hahahah xD
mulppanggg #5
Chapter 9: honestly i feel it's kinda odd of her so easily gave in when kris kissed and held her. it maybe the atmosphere and all, but still... it's a great story afterall. please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: yay! please tao ge help kris to realize that he's hana's father :))))
thankyou for your update
Chapter 8: Awww~ I hope she tells Kris that he is the father!!