Chapter 3

Put to the test

After sharing lots of jokes and stories you both fell asleep on the couch, only to be awoken by banging on the door. You glanced at the clock hanging on the wall - 6.30 a.m. Who on earth would bang the door at this hour? Especially on the weekend. You stood up and answer the door only to find 2 men in police uniform.


'Who is it?" Jaehwan asked, his voice still sleeping.

'Lee Jaehwan?' one of the man asked.

'Oh? Yes, that's me'

'Please come with us. You are under arrest for a . Anything you say can and will be used against you' the other man said while handcuffing him

'Wait, what? Who filed this?' You managed to ask even when you weren't fully awake.

'Aileen Kim.'


You and Jaehwan looked at each other in shock. Seems like that psycho wasn't completely over Jaehwan.

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