Chapter Two

Heart Attack

The day of the competition was today. They were doing everything by sections. People who wanted to sing, got to sing. Then is went to dancing and things like that. Last ended up being the modeling, which is what Naeun was 'auditioning' for.


"And next, Choi Jinri!" A girl around her age came walking down the catwalk, who obviously wasn't going to get in. She could barely walk in the heels she was wearing, and Naeun's were a little bigger than that. She ended up being the last person.


"Lastly, Miss. Son Naeun!" She put on a smile and strutted down the catwalk, hearing some people talk about how she walked. Maybe it was just her heels; they were rather big. But not like six inch big or anything crazy like that.


When the winners were being announced, Naeun was already about to leave with her brother when her name was called. "And the winner for the modeling round is....... Son Naeun!" She turned around, a little shocked. She was just doing this for the heck of it, not actually to win.


Naeun walked over to go get the infomation on where to start going and stuff like that, when the Jinri girl walked over to her. "Hey. I just wanted to say congrats for winnning." Naeun smiled back so she didn't look rude. "Thanks. At least you gave it your best."


Her smile faded away when she saw who came up from behind her, covering her eyes. "Taemin!" Jinri turned and pounced onto him. "I thought you couldn't come!" He smiled. "It was last minute. They decided to give me the rest of the day off."


Taemin looked up to see Naeun and blinked. "Um, Naeun? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I was in the competition." He looked at her confused. "But you hate these things." She shrugged. "Thought I'd give it a try. And oh look, I won!"


'God, is this week meet up with all your ex's week or something?' Naeun asked herself. First Jongin and now Taemin. Who else is next, Kikwang? She shivered at that thought. Out of all the boyfriend's she's had, Kikwang is the only one who laid a finger on her. Oh boy, did he sure get it from Dongwoon and her father alright.


Naeun felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked up. Jinri. "I just wanted to say bye. Can't wait to see your face everywhere!" She chirped and waved. Then she looked back at Taemin and he smiled at her, trying to be nice. They dated back in high school, but her being a normal girl and him being that guy that everybody liked because of his dancing, it didn't work too well. Lets just say, she had to switch school because of it.


Naeun walked back over to her brother and sighed. "Guess who I just saw." Dongwoon looked up from his phone. "Jongin again?" She shook her head. "Um.... Ilhoon." She shook her head again. "Hyunsik?" He had one last boyfriend in mind. Yes, she's dated five people in her life already. At least it was only five. "Well then, that leaves Taemin. Because I'm sure Kikwang is still in jail for beating on you." She nodded her head.


"His new girlfriend was in the competition with me. Choi Jinri." Dongwoon looked at her, a simple plain face. "The one who couldn't walk in  the heels, right?" She nodded her head. "Wow. She looks too young for him; at least 17. He's like, 24 or something, right?" She tilted her head "I think so. If I remember right, his birthday is this month, so he's turning 25."


"So, what now?" Dongwoon asked. "Well, I'm hungry. Oh! And I'm supposed to go to this place to meet my new agent and photographer tomorrow, so don't forget. I'll give you the address later." He nodded his head, then walked out of the building. "So, where do you wanna eat?"

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ploykz-sunny #1
Chapter 2: update soon
ploykz-sunny #2
Chapter 1: i love that song
Noonanomuyeopo #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
ploykz-sunny #4
omo i love that song. update soon