Trapped... Who are you?

Trapped in a Love Game

The day before Henry's first solo concert. It's time to practise~



Henry and Taemin walked towards the dance studio. His concert was so close that he was getting nervous even thought he tried to hide it. As they get closer they saw the dancers already there. All of them were peeking inside the room instead of just going in and didn't even notice Henry and Taemin standing behind them.

'What's going on?' Henry asked and tried to see what they were looking at. All of them jumped away from the door and smiled sheepishly.

'Shhht' one of them said.

'Why didn't you go in?' Henry whispered without knowing why.

'There already was someone when we got here...' The lead dancer said.

'But today this room was scheduled for us...' Henry said while frowing. He walked towards the door to see who was taking away their precious time and the other guys moved away. He pushed the door a bit more open and Taemin stood next to him.

Both of them flinched when they heard the new song.... Trapped. Henry was about to go in and ask how they got the song when it wasnt even out yet but he couldn't move after he saw 'her'.

Neither of them could move, talk or look away. They were totally enchanted by the beautiful girl that was dancing with her eyes closed. Every move of hers seemed perfect and the lights made it seem as if she was sparkling. Even breathing became harder for them.

They were so busy with scanning every little move of the unknown girl that they didn't notice Kyuhyun arriving and standing behind them. He pushed the door even further open, so the 3 of them stood straight in the door opening. Even Kyuhyun felt something weird when he saw this girl and he tried to stop staring like the other 2 but his eyes were pulled to the girl.

They were so busy with the girl that when the dancers tried to peek over their shoulders and accidently pushed them a bit, they didn't even realize that they were being pushed.

When the music came to an end, the girl's moves started to slow down and she slowly opened her eyes while looking straight at the mirror. Behind her were 3 handsome guys staring at her. She didn't say a word or give any reaction at all and just stared back. Again one of the dancers accidently pushed them and this time the 3 guys snapped back to reality. They all felt embarrassed for staring at her and the mood got awkward.


'I'm sorry if we interrupted you... but today this dance studio has been reserved for us.' Henry broke the awkward silence. The girl didn't say anything back and just turned around suddenly.

'Are you new here? I never saw you around...' Henry tried to make her talk but it was no use. The girl walked to the music panel and unplugged her phone from the speakers. The girl was so relaxed and confident while she started walking towards the guys without looking them straight in the face.

They felt a bit intimidated by the girl and without thinking all of them took a small step back. When she was only one meter left between her and Henry, she suddnely looked him right in the eyes. From there on everything seemed to go in slowmotion for him.

He got goosebumps from the sad yet strong sparkle she had in her eyes... as if they tried to tell him something. He could swear that she was smiling at him but time went back to normal and she passed the guys.

She hadn't said a word but the guys didn't seem to be able to get mad at her for it. She walked into the hall way and within seconds she was gone. Everyone stared in the same direction, she went.

'Lets practise.' Henry whispered still looking at the way the girl went. Kyuhyun looked at Henry and glanced once more the same way before sighing and shaking his head.

'What am I thinking?' he mumbled to himself while walking into the room. The dancers went in and Henry waited till the last one of them was inside. He wanted to go inside when he noticed that Taemin was still standing in the hallway, spacing out. Only after Henry tapped on his shoulder he got out of the trance.

'Lets practise.' Henry repeated himself and Taemin smiled weakly. He looked once more at the hallway as if he was waiting for her to come back but instead he saw her walking away again. He flinched and rubbed his eyes, when he realized that he was just imagining everything.

'Interesting girl...' he said to himself and closed the door behind him.

'Did you say something?' Henry asked and Taemin smiled brightly.

'It's nothing.' he answered and walked to the music panel to start the music.







2 hours had passed and all of them were covered in sweat.

'Good work today. I'll see you all tomorrow!' Henry said to the dancers and they all left.

Taemin grabbed his bottle of water and noticed that Henry wasn't getting ready to leave.

'Hyung, aren't you leaving?' he asked and Henry shook his head.

'You can go ahead.' He said and Taemin started to hesitate if it was okay to leave without his hyung while Kyuhyun grabbed his jacket and bag.

'Don't be nervous and don't overwork. We'll be there with you.' Kyuhyun said and Henry smiled at him before Kyuhyun walked out of the room. He went straight to the elevator. When he got in, he didn't go down but went to the top floor instead.

'It's already 5pm.... Most of the people must have gone home.' He mumbled to himself while waiting for the elevator to reach his floor. It was the best time for him to work out at an empty fitness club. He felt tired and started to space out a bit till the elevator stopped. To his surprise he wasn't on the top floor and to surprise him even more, the girl from the dance studio walked in.

Without saying a word or even looking at him, she leaned against the wall with her back towards Kyuhyun. He started to feel the weird feeling again and couldn't avoid staring at her from the back. The fact that she was ignoring his pressence made him feel a bit annoyed and curious at the same time.

'Rude.' He said without realizing. He looked away feeling embarrassed but glanced a few times to see if she gave a reaction at all. When she didn't he started to feel even more annoyed and irritated.

'Annoying.' He said this time on purpose. This time he did get a reaction but not one he had expected. She chuckled but still didn't look at him or turn around.

'You're so childish and it's true that you have a sharp tongue, but it's cute that you try to get attention like that.' Her words made Kyuhyun freeze.

'Who would want any attention from a girl like you?' He shot back in defense.

'Maybe my future boyfriend?' She looked back at him with a small cold smile. He flinched at that smile. He felt confused about what she said. Was she flirting with him?

The elevator doors opened and she got out. Kyuhyun was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that it also was his floor. Only when the doors almost closed he noticed it and immediately put his feet between the doors. They opened again and he got out. He sighed and looked around for the girl but she was gone again.

He went to the dressing room to get changed. When he was done changing he went straight to start running. The whole club was empty, so it was very quiet. He put in his earplugs and started the song Trapped. He hummed with the song while getting closer to the machines.

When he could see the machine he always used, he noticed someone running on the machine next to his. Her hair kept swinging from the left to the right. It was as if time was slowed down and her hair moved together with the music.

He slowly stepped closer and noticed that she was focused on something in front of her.






Taemin watched Kyuhyun leave and then turned to Henry. He was busy with repeating some dance moves without the music and noticed Taemin staring through the mirror. Henry smiled and turned to face him.

'Just go. I know you're tired, so go. I need you by my side tomorrow. Today, I've seen you enough.' Henry joked and Taemin smiled.

'I got it. I'll leave now. See you tomorrow.' Taemin waved and bowed his head before grabbing his stuff and getting out of the room. He went straight to the elevators but for some reason his steps seemed to get heavier as the distance grow between him and the dancestudio. It was as if his body told him that he still had to do something.

He pressed the button of the elevator and waited for the doors to open. He felt weird and impatient. When the doors finally opened he hesitated but got in anyway. He stared at the way he just came from while the doors slowly closed. He bit his bottom lip and clenched his fist as if he was resisting something. The doors took forever to close and at the last moment he put his hand between the doors.

He got out and walked back to the dancestudio. When he could see the door of the dancestudio, he unconsciouncely started jogging. The door flew open when he got in.

'Hyung!' He said with a bright smile but there was no one in the room anymore. His smile immediately disappeared and he sighed. He stepped towards the music panel and the song Trapped.

He walked towards the mirror and touched it carefully with his finger tips. When he heard the song, it was as if he could see her dancing again behind him. But it was only for a few seconds that he could see her. He turned around and there was no one. He closed his eyes and tried to remember her dance moves. He could feel his heartbeat raising just by the thought about her dancemoves. His body moved on it's own and moved while adjusting to her dancemoves. With his eyes still closed, it was as if she was dancing with him.

When the song came to an end, she disappeared and left Taemin with an empty feeling.

He felt lost...

He felt trapped....





When Taemin left, Henry tried to focus on his dance moves but the more he tried, the more mistakes he seemed to make. Within 2 minutes his stress went up together with the amount of mistakes he had made. He sighed and turned the music off. He roughly threw all his stuff in his bag and got out of the room. He started to feel suffocated and frustrated.

Instead of going the way of the elevators like the others, he went the other way. He took big and fast steps towards his favorite place. Not many people knew the place and even less people came here. The old music room was only used by him, at least thats what he thought.

He opened the door and a beautiful white piano was shown. He felt butterflies in his stomache just by seeing the piano and took a seat. When he put his hands on the keys it was as if a shock went through his body and he closed his eyes.

He took a breath and started to play the first part of Trapped. While he concentrated on the song, the eyes of that girl popped up in front of him and his eyes shot open while he pressed the wrong key. He felt annoyed by the mistake and by the thought about her.

He stared in front of him for a while and the thought of her just came into his mind. While he was daydreaming his hands unconsciencely started to play the song again.



An hour had passed and he had played the song a million times. He tried to play other songs too but he kept making mistakes with them and the only way for him to completely play a song was by thinking about her...

He started to get annoyed again because he didn't feel satisfied no matter how many times he played it or whatever song he tried to play. He tried to let go of his frustration one more time and decided to play the song again.

When he made a mistake that only beginners would make, he reached his limit and hit the piano keys. It made and heavy sound that echooed throught the room. He let his head hang down and closed his eyes.

It was quiet till he suddenly heard the piano being played. It were only simple sounds that someone played but it wasn't him since he didn't even touch the piano. His eyes shot open and he turned to his right.

There she was, smiling like a little kid while playing the piano. The notes she played weren't anything special but for Henry it was as if she was an angel. Every key she touched made a heavenly sound and it was as if he never heard something more beautiful.

He carefully joined her and made the song complete. She only played the basic notes and he added up to her while staring at her. She concentrated on the piano while he watched her every expression.

After they finished the song he felt so happy. The bad feelings were gone and he finally felt statisfied and relieved. It stayed quiet for a short while and when he finally wanted to say something, she got up and was about to walk away. For some reason he panicked and grabbed her wrist without thinking. She stopped and looked at him with a expression that said "Hmm?"


Henry opened his mouth but there was no sound coming out of it. She smiled and placed her free hand on his shoulder, which send a small shock through his body and made him turn to the piano.

She stood behind him and leaned forwards so was right next to his ear. She blew softly in his ear teasing him and it send shivers down his spine. Henry closed his eyes and she chuckled without moving away.

'Your friends are interesting... I guess everyone is ready to play the game... Please don't disappoint me. It's getting boring.' She said with a sweet and soft voice.

Henry frowned and slowly opened his eyes as he felt confused by her words. When he turned around to look at her, she was gone. He immediately shot up and looked around the room but except for the piano there was nothing else. He ran to the door and looked in the hallways but there was nothing to see.

Confused and tired he went back to the music room. Her words still repeating themselves in his mind while he sat down again. \

'Who are you?' He whispered and for some reason he heard his own voice singing his new song...


I am an abandoned bird

in a small birdcage called you

I can't even fly away, yeah

I'm getting more and more

weak inside of you

Inside this love that always lingers

Oh I

I'm trapped, I'm trapped...




hehehehehe actually I wanted to update everything at once and make it a one shot BUTTT

it would be a VERYYY long one shot if I did that so I devided it in 3 chapters..

I hoped you liked the first chapter ^-^


questions, fangirling, hating me for writing this xD pleaseee put them in the comments ^-^

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Thanks to my first 8 subscribers *bows*

I hope you wont be disappointed >.<



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