Excuse Me Miss

Excuse Me Miss

It was almost unfair how good Dongwoon looked as a girl. His dark intense eyes were now smoky and alluring while the rest of his face had sharpened even more, revealing bone structure that would make Tyra Banks cry.

When Dongwoon finally left the bathroom after checking out her now much (being an understatement) curvier figure and walked into the kitchen where the other members were having breakfast, it had only taken one hard look at her Victoria’s Secret worthy chest to send Doojoon and Junhyung scrambling to their rooms, holding their pants, (Kikwang followed after another five seconds of staring). Now Dongwoon was never one to let an opportunity pass, and upon seeing the effect she had over the other members, she knew she couldn’t miss this one.

By lunch time she had coerced Junhyung into giving her his complete stock of coke, made Doojoon and Hyunseung run all over town to buy her pepper crab and turned Kikwang into her personal masseur, (“Oppa, my shoulder’s sore from practice”).

The only one that seemed somewhat immune to her advances was Yoseob. The thought that someone wasn’t completely entranced by her utter beauty bothered her to the point that whenever Yoseob was in the room, Dongwoon made sure to drop things then oh-so-slowly pick them up, giving Yoseob a good view of her firm . When that failed to elicit a reaction, Dongwoon started following Yoseob around and pressing herself to him so that her chest was firmly pushed up against him. 

By dinner time, Dongwoon had finally had enough. He clambered onto Yoseob’s lap while he was eating, straddling him, Yoseob didn’t even blink an eye.

“Oppa, am I unattractive? Why don’t you like me?” Dongwoon said while pouting. Yoseob looked her up and down from his larger-than-average chest to his long legs, before shoving her off and standing up.

“You’re not my type.” He shrugged, before stalking off to his room, leaving a dumbfounded Dongwoon still standing by his chair.

Yoseob, as everyone expected was incredibly cute as a girl. Unlike their reaction to Dongwoon’s transformation, as soon as Yoseob walked out her room in the morning, all hesitant and shy, all the members were overcome with an overwhelming urge to pinch her cheeks and coo at her. She was even smaller than normal (if that was even possible), and her small face was partially covered by her brown curls.

Kikwang was the first to respond, walking up to her with a greasy smile,

“Yoseob-ah, give Oppa a kiss,” he said while puckering his lips. But before Yoseob could send a while-aimed kick to his family jewels Hyunseung grabbed her wrist and dragged her into his bedroom. All the members just stood there staring in confusion but upon hearing the click of the lock sprinted towards the door.

They pressed their ears to the door to listen, all they heard were Yoseob’s protests and the sound of clothes being stripped off. 

“Yah, Hyunseung open this door right now!” Doojoon yelled while pounding on the door, “Just because Yoseob has a body of a female now, she is still a guy.” (That was a sentence he never thought he would need to say as leader of Beast). Just when Doojoon and Junhyung were going to attempt to knock the door with brute force Kikwang remembered that he owned half of the room and therefore had another key.

After he had received whacks from all the members he finally dug up the key and opened the door. When they saw the state Yoseob was in, they didn’t know whether to feel sympathetic or take photos for later. She was wearing a white lace dress and matching booties. Her hair had been combed and tied with pretty pink ribbons. Doojoon took one look at her and sighed.

“Hyunseung, we’ve talked about this. Yoseob wasn’t comfortable with you trying to dress him up as a guy so what makes you think it’s okay now he- she’s a girl?”

In order for Yoseob to stay far far away from Hyunseung until he was back to normal, Doojoon had stuffed masks and hats into Kikwang and Yoseob’s hands and sent them to the mall for the day. (“It’ll be like we’re on a date” Kikwang had said while smiling suggestively).

As they walked around the mall with giant ice creams in their hands, they were approached by someone familiar.

“Hi, I’m a manager at Cube Entertainment, you should audition for our company. We could turn you into the next IU.” Both Kikwang and Yoseob stared up at their manager with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, “You know, you look very similar to someone I know, But I can’t put my finger on who.” 


The sound of Yoseob’s forehead connecting with her palm echoed throughout the mall.

 Hyunseung was oh-so-hot and boy did she know it. She was y but not in an in-your-face kind of way like Dongwoon but more in a more chic way. When she entered the kitchen in a black bodycon dress all the member’s jaw dropped (even Yoseob’s). While Dongwoon fumed, (how could he not have thought of that?), the others were too busy, eyes going up and down and up and down. He dress was way too short to be legal, showing off her perfectly waxed and spray tanned legs, and so tight it showed off her s-line perfectly (she may or may not have used padding).

And then all the members (minus Dongwoon) were tripping over each other, trying to offer her a chair, some breakfast, their heart. It was only the knocking on the door that stopped them from clawing each other’s eyes out. When they opened the door they were surprised to see Hyuna standing in the hallway. What made their eyes bulge out even more was how she was dressed in a similar outfit to Hyunseung. When she saw Hyunseung her eyes lit up.

“See Unnie, I told you that dress would suit you.” She complimented before dragging Hyunseung by the arm towards the door.

The members all sighed wistfully as they watched the two leggy beauties walk out arm in arm.

Doojoon had tried to keep her transformation a secret. She was the leader of the kids; she couldn’t let them know she was no longer the manly Doojoon. They’d never let her live it down. In retrospect, it shouldn’t have been that hard to hide it. Doojoon didn’t exactly make for the most feminine girl. The physical attributes that made him the nation’s boyfriend ended up working against her as a girl.

Except that as always, it’s hard to hide any secrets between six boys (men?) as close as they were. But because the Beast members are so thoughtful and kind they pretended to be unaware that he had turned into a she, (It was totally not because this way they could cop a feel without suffering any consequences).

It wasn’t until Doojoon came out of her room wearing her now oversized FC Men uniform with his hair tucked into a cap and holding a gym bag did they finally break their silence.

“Doojoon you can’t go to practice while you’re a girl.” Junhyung scolded when Doojoon was about to leave. Doojoon seemed utterly shocked and surprised when she realized the members had only been playing dumb and she hadn’t managed to fool them with her amazing Oscar-worthy acting skills. However she overcame her shock when she realized Junhyung wasn’t letting her go to practice.

“Why can’t I? I thought we lived in an equal society where females are just as entitled to the right to play football as any male. If gender did not get in the way of Viola Hastings playing soccer then why should it stop me?” she protested indignantly while all the members rolled their eyes at another of her rants.

“Because you’re not the lead in a cheesy American movie for teenagers?” Yoseob replied uncaringly while staring at Doojoon with a look that screamed ‘I’m judging you. Hard’.  Doojoon huffed in response and stomped out of the dorm to anyways. He made a point to slam the door hard on his way out. The members looked at each other and shrugged, it was his decision.

It wasn’t until nearly midnight when Doojoon finally stumbled through the door, hair a mess and clothes completely covered in mud and leaves. His eyes were wide as saucers when he looked at the members.

“They found out” he finally muttered before shuffling to the bathroom.                                                         

Junhyung had the unfortunate luck of transforming in the middle of her drama filming. One minute she was filming an intense confrontational scene with the second male lead, the next minute Kang Haneul had turned into a bumbling blushing mess at the sight of Junhyung’s unsubstantial chest threatening to burst out of her now much-too-tight-around-the-chest-area uniform.

The rest of the cast instantly swarmed on set and got busy ogling at her amazing tangle-free hair and poking her rounded out cheeks, (Hanuel was still standing by the side looking like a goldfish). But girl-Junhyung was still Junhyung and with one glare sent them all running for the hills. The director quickly called for a break allowing Junhyung to make an escape towards the stylists.

While Junhyung sat patiently (now dressed in a girls uniform) waiting for her manager who had the regrettable task of going shopping for a bra that would fit him, a smiling Ha Yeonsoo walked up to her.

“Unnie,” Junhyung cringed, “Your hair is just so pretty,” she didn’t like where this was going, “Can I play with it” Yeonsoo finally asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Now Junhyung didn’t like to brag, but she had to admit her hair was luscious, it was straight yet voluminous, and it had the perfect shine and the prettiest caramel colour. But she was a male (female?) idol who had a reputation to keep. What would the fans think if they saw him like this?

But before she could scold Yeonsoo and give her lecture on how she can’t go around asking male idols if she can play with their hair, she felt tugs on her hair. Looking up she realized Yeonsoo was starting to braid her hair.

Junhyung had protested and tried to swat her away, even resorting to pull her “I’m a star” card but to no avail.

When she went back to the beast dorm that night she had French braids down both sides of her head, each tied with a pink bunny hair tie. 

 No one is surprised when they find Kikwang’s bed empty in the morning. He had a habit of working out early in the morning while all the other members slept. He had tried to make it a group bonding time but the others didn’t seem too keen (they flipped him off). But no one was expecting the cries and wails coming from the bathroom. When they got to the bathroom door they found a piece of paper outside the door.

It had “The last will and testament of Lee Kikwang” scrawled across the top in messy handwriting then a list of his possessions and who they should go to.

“Kikwang ah, what’s wrong? Come out and talk to us” Doojoon pleaded against the door.

“More importantly, why does Yoseob Hyung get your entire shoe collection” Dongwoon whines before quickly shutting up when all the members glared at him.

“I’m going to die. I’m bleeding and it won’t stop” a girly voice sniveled before erupting in another round of sobbing.

When they asked where he was bleeding a scandalized voice whispered back, “Down there”. All the members promptly face palmed.

After running over to 4minute’s dorm to borrow a tampon, the members attempted to coax Kikwang out of the bathroom (Junhyung begrudgingly agrees to hand over his Pikachu and his cats). While they get a still-swollen-eyed-red-nosed Kikwang settled on the couch with a blanket, watching The Notebook, a reluctant Yoseob has the time of his life shopping for pads, painkillers and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.






AN: Finally posted. Anyone got the She's the Man reference?

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sparks_ys #1
Chapter 1: I was scandalized about dongwoon... he's reluctant to make yoseob like him (her?) N kikwang's is epic... I'm bleeding I'm gonna die... haha. Great piece authornim. But why did it end with yoseob enjoying himself shopping n lots of chocolates? Ah.. anyway it's great!
PetShawal #3
Chapter 1: Awesome. Epic. Masterpiece. You should get a nobel prize for this. [and kikwang should get the darwin award]
Chapter 1: That was great :)
It was perfect and funny.. poor kikwang
Chapter 1: Lol, poor kikwang. That was a good laugh~
Sounds funny. I'd like to read this. Please write it
PetShawal #7
The song title reminded me of SHINee~

APART FROM THAT: updateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdateupdate...UPDATE!