Step 5: Getting His Notice

Vengeful Love

"WO! Chun must have saved some kingdom to get that beautiful goddess to be his girl~" whistled the man to his friends, as he turned around. The man saw two of his friends, Cho Kyuhyun and Choi Siwon were still staring outside. "Yo! Stop dreaming about her. Kyu, YOU engaged to SEOHYUN and Siwon, YOU going out with SOOYOUNG, the hottest supermodel right now" said the man. 

"But~ Wookie, Siwon is a PLAYER~ No girl has lasted more than two weeks for him," smirked the man.

"But, SOOYOUNG is the hottest model for a reason though," said Ryeowook.

"Siwon is one of those kind of PLAYER that seen countless number of beautiful, cute, gorgeous, hot, YOU name it all, girls...but each one never lasted more than two weeks," said his friend.

"I wonder if Siwon is going to go after that girl now...since Kyu is settled down and is now engaged," smirked his friend.

"Depends on if I see her again...although I'll make sure I'll see her again. I got a better chance now since Kyu isn't competiting" smirked Siwon.

"What about Sooyoung?" asked Ryeowook.

"I'm going to dump her...since the two weeks deadline has been coming up...and I have another target," said Siwon.

"Jonghyun, help me find out who she is," said Siwon.

"What do I get out of this?" asked Jonhyun.

"I'm having new models endorse an advertisment for the new flavors for Coca Cola~" smirked Siwon with a knowing smile. 

"Hyung~knows me best" smiled Jonghyun. 

"You...two are disgusting," said Ryeowook.

"Ah~ Our Wookie is sad~ Don't WORRY we'll find a girl for Wookie," cooned Jonghyun and Siwon.

" OFF!" shouted Ryeowook as he punched Jonghyun and Siwon. While, those three were goofing off, Kyuhyun looked outside one last time before he sipped his espresso with a dark look.

"The revenge has started turning its wheels," smirked Heechul as he looked at the group, before telling the driver to go to Chun's place to drop off Hankyung's backpack.


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Chapter 17: I never thought I'd end up getting invested but here I am praying this will somehow get updated
Janiegeng #2
i'm still waiting for this to be updated, plzzzzz update s
oon.. :((
rinz_callista #3
Chapter 17: So kyuhyun invited hankyung to dinner. Is really kyuhyun fall in love for hankyung? Omooooo..... so heechul & hankyung plans to revege is already started.....

Ok thank you for your updating ^^ i will be wait your next chapter. Hwaiting author-nim.....

I think the next chapter it will be more interesting and unexpected stoeries. I'll enjoyed to reading this story ^^
Janiegeng #4
I really like this story. Hope you can update it soon. Can't wait to read more. Plzzz Update soon. Thank you :D
rinz_callista #5
Chapter 16: I hope you continue this story. I'm curious about their plan is will be success or hankyung fall in love between two of them????
Chapter 16: Whoa, so will Hankyung's identity be safe? Aish, so excited to find out. But I do hope that it Siwon that finds out who Hannah really is first. Thnx for the update! Can't wait for the next!
maedeh #7
Chapter 15: hi
its really nice please update sooooooooon
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!
I love how HanGeng is playing his role, Kyuhyun and Siwon must pay for what they did to HanGeng...I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)