The Secret Society of Teachers


A group of six men, each coming from their own circumstances, are teachers at Junghwa High School. In a school where the smart are treated like gods and the less-intelligent treated like trash, each of the six struggle to keep their own classes under control before an angry superintendent will finally have had enough.

But, teachers have their own lives, too. In an attempt to keep their sanity, each agrees to a “pact” in which they must share each other’s problems.

Welcome to the Secret Society.



Hi! pandorasnowhearts kinda happened. (*≧▽≦) I was having some writers' block with one of my stories and had this idea in mind for quite a while now and thought 'why not'?

This story has no single plot, but many little ones. (Ever read slice-of-life genre? Basically like a day-by-day thing with no huge drama, etc. That's what this is! ^.^)

This story is for fun. When I want to update, I will; but otherwise I have no supreme dedication to this. It's to help me clear writers' block when I want to write but don't know what to.

8/19/2013: This story will be marked complete. Because this is really just endless problem and solution one after another, I cannot say that there will be an end. Therefore, I will be marking it complete (almost only for me b/c I hate leaving stories incomplete ^.^;)

I hope this story will interest you! ♥

Warning for: profanity

Going to mark this story as complete, even though it's not b/c it probably never will be "completed" ^^


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Chapter 2: There's no more continuation for this? It's so good tho!!!
alleksandra #2
Hello there!
So, basically, I fell in love with Shinhwa last year, but haven't even tried searching for any Shinhwa fics since then... up till today! Honestly, SHAME ON ME! But now something told me I should browse this topic and... your stories came out! I'll get to read them in the near future, bcause it's past 1a.m. where I live now and I'm on the verge of drifting away, but really, I'm so excited to check them out! Oh, and the 'Secret Society...' seems like such an amazing idea, so I hope you'll keep updating ^^ Fighting!
Chapter 2: This is really nice to read!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: i'm sure Jimin is a good girl actually,, just like Oh Jongho in School 2013. (Namsoon everyone? :D)
keep going, i like this kind of story., coz i'm fan of God of Study, Jungle Fish, and School 2013. :DD
Chapter 1: Shinhwa being teachers! It's gonna be fun! I'll wait^^
It sounds so exciting! I'll be here reading every chapter :D
Chapter 1: It's fresh and I like it! I'll be here for ya'