Keeping His Distance

Keeping His Distance

Kibum’s POV


“Where are you going?” I asked Jonghyun.



“With a friend.”


“Kibum, why do you have to ask so many questions?” I remained silent, looking down at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing at the moment.

“I’m going. Don’t wait up.” he nearly whispered.

And with that Jonghyun walked out the door. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. I would also be lying if I said I believed all his excuses.

 Every day he had a new reason to leave the house. All the other members had schedules so that leaves me alone. Not that I mind being alone. I’m just really lonely now that Jonghyun keeps ditching me.

That’s what I decided on calling it.
 I mean come on. What else would it be called? We have been best friends since the third grade. Why does he choose now to start lying and hiding everything from me. Secrets don’t make friends. I learned that the hard way. I remember when we were in sixth grade. I did the same exact thing to Jonghyun. I shut him out. Lied. Ignored him. God if their was anything else that could make him that mad. I remember after a few weeks of me ignoring him he yanked me to his house after school one day. I had no idea what was going on, but I was being dragged away by Jonghyun. I kept yelling at him and screaming for him to let me go. He turned around to look at me and damn, that shut me up.

He was mad. When I say mad I mean nostrils flaring, deadly glare, and no way in hell was there any evidence of a smile. Man. That kid sure could get scary when he was angry, and to imagine he was only in sixth grade.

After I saw how serious he was I let myself be dragged away from him. He let my arm go about half way there. My god did that Dino have a vice like grip. Especially for a kid that age.

When we got to his house he pulled me to his room. He did a ‘Jonghyun Lecture’ that made me feel like . He went on and on about how lonely he was without and how much he missed me. I could see that he was stressed out about everything. Which only made me feel worse. Even back then I was an emotional fool, so of course I started crying. I thought about how bad it must have been for Jonghyun. He must of thought I didn’t trust him enough to tell him any of my secrets, but in all truth I trust him more than anyone else. Actually I had been keeping my distance from him because I needed some time to think. I had began feeling weird around Jonghyun. I started noticing things about him I hadn’t before. I began developing feelings for him. A boy. My best friend at that. And imagine I was only a little sixth grader so I utterly confused. After finally admitting I was gay I decided to on not telling Jonghyun about my feelings for him. First off I didn’t know how he would respond, and second of all I was nearly 100% sure he was straight.

In the midst of my crying Jonghyun appeared next to me. He placed a gentle hand on my back to comfort me. When I looked up at him I could still sense his sadness. I never wanted to have to see him like that ever again. I wanted him to be happy again. I didn’t want to see him sad over me. That night I promised the both of us that no matter what happened, I would never leave him again.
                ~~flashback end~~

I didn’t realize how long I was sitting around thinking about Jonghyun. Actually it had come to a total of three hours. It was already eleven p.m. I wasn’t even tired though. My thoughts had completely waken me up and erased all traces of sleepiness.
My was falling asleep so I figured it would be best to stand up. I stretched my body and listened to minor cracks my bones made. I walked towards the door and grabbed my jacket of the hook after I was finished. I decided to get some fresh air. The dorm was always so stuffy. Even if no one was their. Come to think of it. I was ALWAYS alone. The other members had schedules almost every single day, but Jonghyun and I didn’t have very many. But the fact that Jonghyun always “had something better to do” as he would like to call it, would leave me sitting up all night waiting for him. Even if he told me not to. I cared to much for him. Even after all these years he is still the oblivious dino I know and love.

I walked down the sidewalk thinking, again, about my best friend and secret crush. I hadn’t realized how far I walked away from the dorm until I saw lights. (I guess when it comes to thinking about Jonghyun I become the oblivious one). I was walking on the side walk in the middle of town now. I don’t remember that last time I’d walked in town. It’d been too long. The unfamiliar bright lights blinded me and I had to scrunch my eyes just to see a few feet in front of me.

I was walking in front of a cute little boutique when I looked up to see where the obnoxious laughing was coming from. God, stupid loud couples and their PDA. (Public display of affection)  I was watching the dorky couple laugh and share a short hug on the side of the road. One part of me was jealous of the happy looking couple, the other was just annoyed at the fact they couldn’t get a room. I, being a nosy person, listened into the conversation. The girl was telling some cheesy joke. The man laughed and I instantly recognized it.  I looked closer and noticed that it was Jonghyun and some other girl. My half good mood darkened. So that’s why he has been going out lately. He was going on dates. With a girl. A girl he just failed to mention to me, his best friend. At least that’s what I though until now. Seeing him smile and laugh with someone else. Some other girl. Why couldn’t he do that with me? Was I just not good enough for him?

My eyes filled with tears. Slowly they dripped down my face. Anger and sadness took over my body. I was pissed. I loved Jonghyun ever since we were in middle school. Of course he didn’t know because he was oblivious to nearly everything. I’m sure he only saw me as a friend. That’s what usually happens in these situations. The main character falls in love with her best friend and of course they don’t think anything of it. The only difference between us and the movie is that it is usually between a girl and a guy. Thinking about this only made me even more mad. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I waited years for him to figure it all out. I stayed up endless nights waiting for him to make sure he was safe. I fed him, did his laundry, cared for him when he was sick, and did nearly everything else for him. And still he only sees me as nothing more than a friend.

I can’t let it go on. I can’t spend my life sacrificing everything for someone who doesn’t care about me. I stomped towards the couple. Tears still falling down my face. I reached the couple and shoved the girl out of the way.

“Kim Jonghyun, I hate you! How could you do this to me?!” I yelled as I punched his chest with all the strength I had, “Don’t you dare come back to the dorm! Ever! I never want to see your stupid dino face again!” Through my blurred vision I could see Jonghyun’s shocked expression.

“W-what are you doing here, Key.” He stuttered nervously.

“Is that all you can say?! You‘re standing here laughing and smiling with your girlfriend like you don‘t have a care in the world, but when you‘re around me you can‘t even keep a conversation going?! Do you really hate me that much?!” I screamed, causing a few people to turn to me. I was too angry at Jonghyun to apologize to everyone.

“No Kibum-”

I looked back at the girl. She just stood their silently. I turned back to face Jonghyun who looked as equally stunned as I was.

I slapped him. Kim Jonghyun. My best friend. Right across his beautiful face. I could see the red hand print appearing on his left cheek.

“Fine. If you can’t trust me then why should I trust you.” I said, turning around and running in the opposite direction. I felt bad for slapping him. No matter what he’s ever done to me, he didn’t deserve to be slapped like that by me. I had no reason to be mad if he had a girlfriend. Being his best friend I should only be happy for him. I should congratulate him not print a hand on his face. I ran back towards dorm feeling guilt wash over me. A river of tears poured down my face as I thought about Jonghyun not trusting me.

“Key! Key!” I heard someone yelling my name. I didn’t bother stopping to see who it was. “Key! Stop running!” I recognized the man as Jonghyun. Hearing his voice only pushed me to run faster. My breath hitched as I ran out of air. I heard footprints close in behind me. I stopped running and dropped to the ground. I pulled my hands to my face and sobbed even harder than before. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t touch me!” I yelled, slapping his hand off of me, “Leave me alone.”


“Yes!” I sobbed.

“No. I’m not leaving you, Key, and you promised never to leave me. Remember?”

“Well I’m finally breaking that promise.” I explained to him.

“Kibum.” he said sternly.

“I’m sorry for hitting you hyung.”

“Kibum.” he repeated.

“But I don’t take back what I said.“ I continued, ignoring his effortless calls.

“KIBUM!” he yelled, startling me, “That girl,’ he sighed, “That girl. She isn’t my girlfriend.” He said. I looked up at him with shocked eyes.

“She’s not your girlfriend?” I questioned, surprised.


“Then why were you with her?” I questioned again. Come on. I was curious.

“She’s a family friend I bumped into when I was…” he trailed off.

“Doing what?” I asked. He coughed, looking at the ground. “You can tell me anything Jjong. I won’t be mad.” I said, looking up to see he was crying, too. I reached up to wipe his tears away. He grabbed my hand is his, looking me straight in the eyes. I was looking at perfection. He was just so absolutely perfect. Everything about him. How could I ever stay mad at him?

“Key it’s not that I don’t trust you…it’s just…I-I felt really bad about avoiding you lately, so I went to buy you a gift.” he stuttered, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a small box. He handed that box to me. I pulled admired the cute little box and the bow wrapped around it. I looked up at Jonghyun and smiled.

“You bought me a gift?” I asked stupidly, feeling the tears recollecting in my eyes.

“Yeah. Now open it before I take it back.” he said playfully trying to grab the box from me.

“Uh-uh. No you don’t this is my gift now and I’m keeping’ it!” I laughed. I wrapped my hand around the box and stood up. I darted away from Jonghyun who chased after me. I laughed as I ran into the park. I ran until I found a tree big enough for me to hide behind. Shrinking down to ground I unwrapped the box. I pulled the top off and revealed a necklace with a diamond covered key. I starred in awe. It was the prettiest piece of jewelry I‘ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot considering the amount of jewelry I own..

“Like it?” a voice boomed from beside me. I peered up to the left to see Jonghyun leaning against the tree.

“No.” I said, maintaining a straight face. He shifted against the tree.

“Really?” he asked, sounding disappointed. I stood up and faced him.

“No Jjong. I love it.”

“Good.” he said as he s his arms around me pulling me into a soft hug. I didn’t shove him off. I inhaled the small amount of cologne he applied. God, he was so mesmerizing. I never wanted this feeling to go away. I just wish he knew how much I loved him.

He pulled away from the hug. So jinxing something is possible. Damn it. Should’ve knocked on wood.

“Let me put it on for you.” Jonghyun said, reaching to grab the box. I let it slip out of my hand. Jonghyun reached around my neck, clasping the two chains together. He s my arms around my waist again. Resting his chin in the crook of my neck.

“Key. How could you think I would ever cheat on you?” He asked.

“What?! Cheat on me? We aren’t dating in the first place Jjong.” I snickered, continuing to use my favorite nickname.

“We could be.” he said, never removing his arms from my waist, only squeezing tighter.

“Jjong…do you-”

“Yeah Key. I do. a lot.”

“But I thought you weren’t gay?”

“I guess you thought wrong.” he grinned. I flipped around to face him. Laying my hands on his perfect abs. I leaned my body into his. It felt amazing to be held by him, but I still had unanswered questions.

“Jjong. Do I dare ask why you‘ve been ignoring me the past few weeks?”

He chuckled. “I was trying to figure something out.”

“Oh, and your process of figuring things out requires being and absolute to me? That’s a method I haven’t heard of before.” I replied sarcastically. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. I smiled back and let the silence consume us. I sighed and broke our eye contact.

“You don’t know how long I dreamt of doing this.” I whispered in his chest. He chuckled again, sending shivers down my spine.

“No Key,” he said while lifting my chin so we were only a few inches apart, “You don’t know how long I dreamt of this.”

I leaned in slowly until our lips were connected. As cheesy as it sounds, I swear there was fireworks. I wanted to cry all over again. This was the moment. It was finally happening. I’ve only dreamt of kissing Jjong for just about my whole childhood and now I couldn’t be happier.

The kiss was short and sweet, but it was all I needed. These few seconds were now officially the best few seconds of my life.

“I love you, Kim Kibum.” Jonghyun whispered, leaning in to connect our lips again. Nothing could ruin this. I finally had what I wanted. After all these years of waiting I finally got the man of my dreams. My best friend. My soul mate. I leaned into his chest as he cuddled me in his strong arms. Everything was perfect. He was perfect. I smiled as I looked up to meet the puppy eyes I fell in love with. I stared deep into my lovers eyes as I whispered the most meaningful words I’d ever spoken.

“I love you too, Kim Jonghyun.”









Im done! I hope you all liked this horrible one shot of Jongkey! Haha please subscribe to my other story i will once again start writing. I hope u enjoyed this poorly done story.(:




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