What is Radio Star to you?

What is Radio Star to you?

Clara Mary Miles stepped out of the taxi and looked at the building in front of her. MBC... She breathed in and walked to the entrance, slightly trembling, but determined not to show it.

"Good afternoon miss, how can I help you?"

The guard at the door stood in her way, being polite, but making it clear she cannot enter just like that.

"I am here for today's recording of Radio Star. Here is my invitation."

She handed him the letter she received a week ago. It turned her life upside down. She couldn't sleep for several days after that because of excitement and fear, but in front of the middle-aged man she acted like she was receiving such invitations on regular basis.

"Very well, miss. The studio is on the 4th floor."

"Thank you."

She made her way towards the elevator and tried to ease her heartbeat. The first non-celebrity to be invited in Radio Star. How was she going to make it?

The elevator doors opened and she headed to the studio. At the door she met a woman in her 30s, holding some documents.

"Oh, miss Miles, welcome!" her smile was very beautiful. "Come with me." She led her to a small waiting room where another woman was waiting.

"Jin-ah, please take care of her!" Suk Jin, obviously a make-up artist, made her sit in front of the mirror and started working on her. In just a few minutes she was ready and left the room, wishing her luck.

Clara stood up and leaned on the table. She was called here because of the foundation she worked for. They were supporting orphanages around the country and she was picked to represent them, as she was a volunteer at the orphanage and apart from that she had a successful career in the demanding IT sector. She was young, she was a foreigner and she was giving the most of her spare time to the children in the orphanage. Looks like that made her a suitable representative.

She closed her eyes, trying to stop the shaking in her body. Yes, she was young, young enough to be an ELF, young enough to be a Gamer.

'How am I going to face him? How am I supposed to act? What am I supposed to say? Will it be rude to tell him I am his fan? Will it get awkward?'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

Without looking up she said:

"Come in."

The pressure was so much on her right now, she felt she was going to throw up. Someone came in and took the few steps to her.

"Clara-ssi, are you alright?" Her eyes snapped open at the familiar voice.

Her eyes met his.




Kyuhyun was there.


Her mind went blank as she tried to accept the fact he was here. How could she forget he usually greets the guests before the recording? Suddenly she felt dizzy and her face paled.

"Wow, easy there!" his arms went to support when her knees gave away. She sat on the chair and focused on her breathing.

"Wait here, miss, I'm going to call a doctor." He headed to the door, but she took his wrist to stop him.

"Please don't Kyuhyun-ssi, I am alright. I am just... really nervous... I'm scared." her voice was shaking a bit.

Kyuhyun lowered to face her and chuckled.

"Why are you scared?"

She tried to smile.

"I'll be dealing with the scariest hosts in South Korea."

He laughed with her and patted her shoulder.

"You'll be just fine, Clara-ssi. We don't bite... that much." He gave out his famous evil smirk and Clara laughed at the sight - she felt relaxed all of a sudden. How come he always had this effect on her?

"Thank you Kyuhyun-ssi, I feel much better now." He smiled once again and stood up.

"I hope you'll enjoy it."

He went out before she could say anything.


Kim Gura, Yoon Jongshin, Kim Kookjin, and Kyuhyun took their place around the table as the time to start the recording was almost up. The cameras were still not rolling, but Gura was already cracking jokes and making it hard for the staff to work because of laughter. It was great to have him back. The PD gave a sign they are starting and the MCs calmed down and looked at the camera.

The introductions went as usual until Gura stated:

"It is a little annoyng, but today's broadcast will be different."

Yoon Jongshin nodded:

"Yes, today is our Christmas special and we are having some special guests!"

Koojin smiled evilly and glanced at Kyuhyun.

"The idol that has it all - even Kyuhyun-ssi's place as MC if he wanted - Choi Siwon."

Kyuhyun laughed and looked at his hyung who was siting behind the glass.

Jongshin continued:

"The not-so-famous representative of the idol group, well known for their charity - CN Blue's Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun smiled, still embarassed by those witty gyus.

Gura then took action:

"And last the not-famous-at-all Clara Miles!" as the guest were making their way to the seats he turned to Kyuhyun. "I still can't get why is she even here." Everyone laughed and Clara took her seat blushing deeply.

There he is - seated at the end of the table, the script right in front of him, just like all those times I have seen him on the screen. Just this time he is closer, way too close for my heart to bear. This time I am sitting at the other end of the table...

Her thoughts came to a halt when Gura turned to her, starting the attack right away. Not that he hated her or something. This was his style and people loved him for that. 

"Why are you even here?"

For a second she was confused, but she wasn't called a genius for no reason. Her brain acted immediately and she smiled sweetly.

"To annoy you of course."

Both guests and MCs roared in laughter.

Gentleman Siwon took over and he started explaining.

"For the last three months we have worked together with "Hope" foundation and Clara-ssi is a very treasured worker there."

They went on talking about the children and the need to help them for about half an hour. During that time the conversation was going on mostly with the idols and Clara was more than happy. She had no idea what to say if they asked her something. The MCs though were not happy.

"Clara-ssi" Jongshin suddenly asked, scaring her. "How is working with idols?"

Whew, that was easy to answer.

"Well, I don't really work with them. I stick to the children. But my co-workers were really glad to be able to work with them and they said they were impressed."

"Stick to the children you say," Gura time ahead. "Why?"

"I find them cuter."

Kyuhyun just had to ask this.

"Even cuter than Siwon?"

She looked at him and blushed.

"Honestly said Kyuhyun-ssi, I don't really get this Siwon obsession here." She turned to Siwon "Please, don't get me wrong, Siwon-ssi, you are a great actor, you are handsome and all, but I don't think you have it all, sorry."

Kyuhyun grinned ear to ear.

"What is the thing he lacks?"

Clara bit her lower lip, her cheeks now getting crimson red.

"Well... no offence Siwon-ssi, but singing is absolutely not one of your strong points."

While the others laughed along, Gura asked for Clara's attention with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You sound like you know him well enough."

"I-I-I..." he was obviously amused by her embarassment. Kyuhyun watched her closely. "I am an ELF, that's why."

"Let me guess." Boy, I begin to hate this man now. "You are Kyuhyun's fan, right?"

There was no point in denying it. 


Siwon chuckled.

"Well, that was pretty obvious."

She looked at him, confused. He tried to explain.

"You never really looked at him. It was either that you hated him, or...."

"It's just that he never really asked me anything." she answered looking down to her hands. "I tend to look in the eyes of the people I talk to."

"Alright Clara-ssi," Kyuhyun started speaking and she looked up. "What is your favourite Super Junior song then?"

She smiled brightly.

"Don't Don."

"WHAT?!?!?" To say that the six men in the studio were surprised would be an understatement. 

"Is this the type of songs you like, Clara-ssi?" Gura was staring at the frail-looking young woman.

"Yes, this is the kind of music I listen to." she smiled. "Though I like other songs too."

Please, bite it, please...

"Oh really?" Jongshin asked. "Tell us a more gentle song you like."

"Not by Super Junior." Thank you Kookjin!

"Beauty from pain by Superchick."

Kim Gura tilted his head.

"Interesting title. Is it about plastic surgery?"

Yes, baby, he fell for it.

"No, actually it was written by the singer in memory of her mother who died from cancer."

While they still nodded to what she said, Clara smirked.

"This is an interesting analogy, Gura-ssi. Personal experience I guess?"

He was dumbfounded and opened his mouth trying to say something, but no sound came out.

Serves you right!

The other men needed several minutes to calm down.

Clara just stayed silent, the smirk still on her face.

When they were finally able to breath again, Jongshin asked.

"Clara-ssi, is this your revenge for Gura's behavior before?"

"Not only." Another wave of shock hit them and Gura started wondering what was the reason for that.

"I've wanted to do this ever since one secret camera he did."

(LINKS ->   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGP0AKgUUTo    pt1 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIYUaQ6dNUU pt2 )

Kyuhyun watched amused as the tables had turned and now the great Kim Gura was blinking in front of the happy smiling girl.

"Clara-ssi, I think he needs help." Siwon came to his defence.

"Alright then. I'll say just one word. Sungmin."

Kyuhyun and Gura remebered immediately. The others needed some explaining. Kim Gura was amazed.


She shouted louder than him.


Once again for this day they were silent. Kyuhyun smirked.

"Seems like the scariest hosts in South Korea are not that scary, right Clara-ssi?"

She blushed when she remebered.


The conversation went on after that and the MCs were more careful when talking to her. She had fun and by the end was even able to crack jokes together with the rest. 

"It is now time for the last questions." Gura turned to the youngest host. "Kyuhyun, I think you should ask only Clara-ssi this time, we've seen the others. They are not that interesting."

Jonghyun and Siwon laughed and looked at the girl who was once again blushing.

Kyuhyun breathed in and smiled to her.

"Clara-ssi, what is Kim Gura to you?"

She chuckled.

"A great MC who needs to try his own medicine from time ot time."

The men laughed again, while Gura nodded.

"What is Radio Star to you?"

She looked up to him and smiled.

"A show I've always wanted to be in."

Jongshin interrupted.

"As a MC? Deal. You can replace Kyuhyun."

She laughed and waved her hand.

"No thank you, he is doing great job here."

Kyuhyuhn grinned and shot his hyung a glare before turning again to her.

"Clara-ssi, then what is Kyuhyun to you?"

She expected that question and yet she was frozen when she heard him asking it. She bit her lip and looked down, her hands slightly trembling. Everyone in the room silenced, waiting for her answer.

"He is someone I look up to." her voice was silent but they could all hear it. She looked up and her eyes were shining with tears. "Someone I respect a lot. He is the one who taught me how to dream again and .... how to follow my dreams, no matter what and who tries to stop me and discourage me. You are my inspiration, Cho Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun was stunned. He barely heard the closing of the broadcast and then he saw Clara got up from her seat, greeting the hosts and the guests. He came to her, ignoring everybody else on his way and stood in front of her.

She looked up to meet his eyes and he hugged her, ignoring the complaints of his hyungs. In the midst of this all he felt her huging him back and he heard her silent voice.

"Thank you for everything, Kyuhyu-ssi. Please, take care of yourself and go on boldly. You will always have my support."

Kyuhyun felt his eyes stinging and he hid his face in her hair.

Because of fans like her he could get this far. People like her made it bearable for him when everybody else was against him and expected him to fail.

Clara smiled when she heard his whisper. 

"No, thank you."



(A/N Hehe, what do you think?) 






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sincerly_me #1
Chapter 2: i got SO excited when it said sequel ... you HAVE to update soon :)
rarana #2
Chapter 1: You're the queen of touching SuJu oneshots, I swear but... NEXT CHAP NEXT CHAP NEXT CHAAAP~! this story line has so much possibility, please continue it! *puppy eyes*