Chapter 23

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Jessica's POV

"How about this Jess? You're going to need this for your trip."Tiffany said tossing two boxes of wipes in my cart while also putting two in hers.

We're in the department store grocery shopping. Every turn that we make there's always people looking at us, most likely me. Some are smiling but many of them are obviously judging me, but I couldn't careless. There's nothing else I could ask for in my life right now besides my father's approval of Yuri.

"Yeah, Patrick makes a mess whenever eating ice cream."I said shaking my head. "These will come in handy. But what are you needing that for?"I asked.

"You're not the only one with a kid that loves eating ice cream too."She said scoffing.

"Seohyun eats ice cream?"I asked chuckling.

"Not her, my other kid."She said groaning making me laugh.

"It's hard raising your own girlfriend."Someone suddenly said beside me.

"Where did you come from?"Tiffany asked Sunny.

"Here, I got us some vegetables, you guys don't know how to pick the good ones."She answered before putting the plastic of vegetables in Tiffany's cart.

"But that's right though."I said pouting.

"Which one? The first one? Or the second one?"Tiffany asked as we kept going through the isle.

"Both."I answered chuckling.

"So true."Sunny said making us all laugh.

"So, you got any plans on what you guys are going to do in Jeju?"Tiffany asked.

"No, Yuri said that we just what do kids feel like doing."I answered grabbing 2 big plastic bottles of baby powder.

"Two? PJ needs that much? You're only going to be there for 2 weeks."Sunny said frowning.

"For J and Krys. Remember Krystal likes showering with it before going to sleep? Guess, PJ learned it from her."I answered shrugging.

"What does it do for her?"Sunny asked.

"Makes her feel cooler, not that kind of cool but more like freshy kind of cool."I said and Sunny nodded in understanding.

"Well, it says here that it's refreshing."Tiffany said before chucking one in her own cart.

"How are you and Yuri by the way?"Sunny asked with a serious tone.

"We're fine, I guess. I mean, it's as if our fight didn't happen."I said sighing. I told Sunny about the fight too since she's my sister as much as Tiffany is.

"Maybe that's why PJ woke up the next day, so you and Yuri will get over it quickly and put all your attention on PJ."Sunny said smiling at me.

"PJ knows, she even knows that Yuri almost hit me."I said looking down before quickly looking up giving them a quick smile and diverted my sight somewhere else.

"Yuri...?????? Jinja?!"Sunny asked, flabbergasted.

"She stopped before she could."I said smiling at them again before grabbing a random product and pretending to look at it.

"Jessica, why didn't you tell us this before? She never hit you before right?"Tiffany asked worriedly.

"Aniyo, she never did!"I quickly answered.

"Maybe it was just a spark of the moment."Sunny said nodding her head.

"Yeah, I guess."Tiffany said and an awkward silent fell upon us and continued looking for the items that we need until Sunny broke it.

"What did PJ say about it?"She asked as we headed for the counter.

"She asked why her papa didn't want her? Saying that she's scared that her papa will give her away again."I answered sadly and I suddenly felt my eyes getting hot.

"Oh Jess."Tiffany said placing her hands on my shoulder and squeezing them, probably noticing my state.



"What took you so long mama?"PJ whined lying down on the couch with her already freed arm.

Her cast was taken off three days ago while Yoona's was taken off the day before that.

"Sorry J, but we need lots of things for our trip."I answered running my hand through her hair before sitting down next to her.

"I was bored, I was here since you left."She said pouting.

"Aigoo, I told you to rest remember? So you wouldn't hurt your arm."I said pinching her cheek.

"Isn't lying down here doing nothing but resting?"She asked with attitude.

"Watch your tone."I warned sternly.

"Mianhe~"She said cutely making me chuckle.

"Where's papa?"I asked raising an eyebrow.

"She wasn't here when you left mama."She answered pouting.

"Oh? J-jinja?"I asked confused. She wasn't?

"Aniyo."PJ answered looking at me weirdly before jumping off the couch and running towards our room.

"Where's seobang?"I asked no one in particular before fishing out my phone from my handbag and quickly dialing Yuri's number.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the gym, I told you I was going before I left."

"You did?" She did?

"AIgoo, is my ice princess getting old?"

"Say that again!"

"Kidding babe, I'll call you later alright?"

"Fine, get me something for that old comment of yours."

"Anything you want love."

"Figure it out."

"Arasso! Saranghae~"

"Nado."I said smiling at her dorkiness before hanging up.

"Mama, wife that goofy smile of your face. You look weird."I heard Yoona's voice snapping me out of my thoughts of seobang to see ehr looking at me weirdly.

"I'm just thinking about your papa."I said before standing up and going to our room when my phone suddenly rung.

"I pressed the answering button without looking at the number and pressed it against my ear.


"Annyeong Jessica!"

I looked at the caller I.D. because I couldn't recognize the voice but it was an unknown number.

"Who is this?"

"It's me, oppa!"

"Oppa? Which oppa?"I asked confused.

"Jeajoong oppa!"He answered. Where'd he get my number? Yuri's going to kill me!

"Huh? I'm sorry oppa, but where did you get my number?"I asked trying to sound polite.

"Oh! I hope you don't mind but I got it from your choreographer."He answered sounding hopeful.

"Ah, but why did you call oppa?"I asked hesitantly.

"I wanted to check on you because of everything that's happening, I just want to know if you're okay, and the kids too?"He answered and somehow he sounded like he's my husband or something. The hell?!

"We're okay oppa, Yuri's doing a great job taking care of me and our kids."I replied purposely emphasizing Yuri's name and our.

"Very well then, I'm glad you are then. Sooyeon, can I ask you something?"He asked sounding too serious that it scares me.

"Ah, well, sure oppa."I answered in hesitation.

"I was wondering if you want to hang out sometimes, you can bring the kids with us?"He asked sounding giddy and hopeful.

"Ah, I'm not sure oppa, I have to ask Yuri about that first."I answered rather hesitantly.

"Why? We used to hang out a lot before? I don't see why you have to ask Yuri and we're taking the kids anyway."He reasoned. Why is he acting as if nothing is wrong between us?!

"Still, I'm not quite sure if my girlfriend will appreciate me hanging out with you especially with the kids after everything that happened between us."I answered honestly.

"I thought we left that in the past?"He asked as if mocking.

"I know oppa, but it doesn't mean that everything's forgotten. What you did was unforgivable, and unreasonable."I said with my voice raising.

"I only did it because I love you, and I can give you a better life than Yuri will ever be able to give you!"He said loudly on the other line.

"I'm sorry oppa but I don't appreciate you talking about daughters' father like that. I have to go, goodbye."I said calmly before quickly hanging up.

If Yuri finds out that he has my number, there's going to be trouble. How dare he act as if what he did to me was not big deal?!

What did Jaejoong do?

I'm not sure either .. let me think about it first okay :D hehehehe ...

can't update other fics yet !!!

Author's having a block and a busy time at school !!

anyeong !!!

Maki out~

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?