Borrowed bed

Not So Perfect...

 “Noona, we'll be out for a whole week. Can you really survive without us?” Sungyeol was being dramatic as always when Jeesun explained that she would stay in Seoul to attend Myungsoo's every need. He would stay in Seoul because he had to shoot for the new drama he was on, and as much as she hated it she would have to bare with him.

“I don't think I can. Should I hide in your luggage and go with you?” Jeesun answered making a wide smile appear in Sungyeol's face.

“Anya... then who would take care of our second maknae?” Sungkyu remembered, but L just shrugged.

“Yeah, right...” she said with a displeased expression that she didn't try to hide. L shoot her a glare that she ignored.

They disliked each other more everyday, even though none of them knew exactly why. Maybe it was because Myungsoo was always so immersed in his own world and looked totally unapproachable, a total opposite of the other members. Maybe it was because those first awful comments L made about Jeesun where still ringing in her ears. Or maybe it was because he got so much attention, much more than most of the member's, and at Jeesun's eyes he was an attention .

As for Myungsoo, maybe he disliked her because she seemed so sure of herself, she seemed like a know-it-all. Maybe it was because the way she treated him, much worse than she treated the other members and with absolute no respect. She treated him like her least favorite classmate.

None of them could quite figure it out.


“You have to be on set in 40 minutes. We should go.” Jeesun said.

“And how are we supposed to go?”

“We'll take the van. Like always.” she replied like she was stating the obvious. She got in the driver's seat and started the engine. L was totally surprised. More like shocked.

“You... you are gonna drive us?”

“What? Don't the other managers usually do it?”

“Well... yes. But they are... well much older and experienced drivers. I don't know if I can put my life in your hands.” with that sentence of his Jeesun disliked him even more. She was so tired of people thinking she was a dependent girl that couldn't do nothing on her own.

“In the States you can get your driver's license by the age of 16. therefor I have six years of experience. Is that good enough for you? Anyway, you don't have much of a choice. Is either come with me or walk there. You choose.” she said and fastened her seat belt.

L was surprised to know she had lived abroad, but he didn't comment it. He was even a bit impressed about her being a driver for so long when he didn't even have his driver's license. Of course he wouldn't admit it because he actually felt jealous, and that only added to the reasons why he didn't like her.

He sighed and finally got in the car. He sat in the passengers seat next to her. There was no point in seating on the back all by himself. And he felt safer at the front where he could control her driving. Jeesun, on the other hand, smirked and drive at the maximum speed permitted by law to the site of the shooting. They weren't in that much of a hurry. But seeing L grabbing his seat in fear was a delight to her.

As soon as they arrived; L jumped out of the van, and checked to see if is whole body was okay.

“Pfff, don't be such a chicken. I even drove slowly. The ride back will be funnier.” she mocked him and laughed at his pale face when she said that.


L was shooting the whole day. His brake's were spent eating or taking short, really short naps. He looked tired, if it wasn't by the makeup you could noticed the dark purple circles under his eyes.

Maybe the other members are right, he seems to have more working hours than the others. He looks really tired. Jeesun wondered when she saw L taking another 15 minute nap between shoots.

She took the blanket she carried in her bag, the one with all her belongings and that she still carried everywhere, and covered L with it. Even though it was the end of May that day was particularly cold and L's outfit suited a hot summer day.

After she went to get some drinks to give him when he woke up.


Someone called L and he quickly woke up from his light sleep. He noticed someone had covered him with a smooth blanket. Looking at it he recognized it as the blanket Jeesun was sleeping with in the waiting room of the company.

He didn't have much time to think about her nice gesture as someone called his name again and he ran to the scenario, not even noticing that the blanket fell on the floor.


When Jeesun came back she found the chair were L was sleeping empty and her blanket on the floor.

“Aishhh, this guy is really rude. How can he do something like this to someone else belongings. It might not be much to him but is my bed every night...” she mumbled to herself as she folded the cloth and put it back on her bag.

“Did you bring drinks? I'm really thirsty.” L asked when he had another break, an hour later. Jeesun threw a water bottle at him an didn't give him any more attention.

“She is seriously nuts...” he mumbled to himself.



When the shooting ended it was already night. Myungsoo dragged himself to the van and didn't even complained about Jeesun's driving.

Yap, he must be really tired. She concluded.

“Here we are. Do you need anything else? Do you want me to go get you something else to eat? Do you want me to drive you somewhere.” Jeesun asked when they reached Infinite's apartment.

“No, it's okay.” he said and dragged himself out of the car and into the building.

He really looks tired. He should just go to sleep. She thought while she drove to the almost empty building of the company, herself very tired and ready to fall asleep, even if in the uncomfortable chairs.


Myungsoo took a shower and changed clothes. He felt tired but he couldn't go to sleep. Not yet.

He called a taxi and told the driver to leave him at the company. He could have asked Jeesun to drive him, but he wasn't very fond of her company and didn't want her to know he went there to train the coreographies every night. He didn't want to look pitiful.

He went straight to the practice room and danced for almost hour and half, until he felt he couldn't take another step. The tiredness was taking over him. He was happy to now he had the next day free and could rest comfortably in the apartment with no other member around.

While he walked to the exited he passed trough that waiting room. He didn't bother looking inside. It had been more than two weeks. There was no way she was still sleeping there. Right?

The curiosity was stronger. He turned around an checked the room-service.

“It can't be...” he mumbled when he saw the figure of Jeesun sleeping uncomfortably in two chairs. She was almost falling and didn't look a tiny bit rested. It was to much.

“Yah... wake up.” he called her and shook her body. “Yah!”

“Who the hell are you calling Yah? I'm older than you, you brat.” Jeesun mumbled, still half asleep. When she fully realized who had waken her: “What are you doing here?”

“Are you gonna live forever here? Come on, you'll sleep with me tonight.” L said and made her sit up. He picked her bag.

“WHAT?” she asked incredulously. He smirked.

“I mean at my apartment. You can crash on someone else bed. Don't have a polluted mind.” he grinned but she ignored him:

“There's no need. I'm perfectly fine here.”

“Sure you are. You have the edge of a chair marked in your cheek.” he said and walked out of the room with her bag, leaving her rubbing her face to make the mark disappear.

“Yah... where are you going? YAH”! She had no other alternative than run after him.


“This doesn't seem right.” she mumbled while she followed L to Infinite's apartment.

“Oh, come on. Do you prefer sleeping int those oh so comfortable chairs? You can go back if you want.” he replied. Shut up and followed him inside. Yes, she was dying for a good night of sleep in a comfy bed. Can't blame her.

“I'm gonna take a shower. Choose a room. Just not that one.” he pointed to what she believe was his room.

While he was away she timidly entered the other rooms, even knocking before entering, and chose a bed in the one that seemed more tidy. She searched her bag for a comfortable oversized t-shirt and some leggings to sleep in.

“So you'll sleep here!” L came back, still with a towel around his neck. “Just make sure to not go through their stuff. You can go take a shower now.” she shoot him a glare. Who the hell did he think she was?

She took a long shower like she hadn't done in a while. When she was done she realized she hadn't brought a towel, but found one on top of the sink.

Maybe the jerk as some manners...


When she was about to go to her borrowed room she heard noises coming from the kitchen. Myungsoo was trying to cook something.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

He turned to look at her. Her long wavy hair was now straight from being soaked and fell along her back. A good change from the messy hair she always had from running around. Her comfy clothes were kinda cute and much more presentable than the ones she usually used, wrinkled from being tossed around in a bag for days. In general she looked much better than normal. And L noticed it.

“Huh, I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat something. What else would I be doing in a kitchen?” the sarcasm was back.

“Pff, can't you give a serious answer. Seriously.... get out of the way.” she put the instant ramen he was about to prepare back in the cabinet and went to the fridge. “Would you care for an American breakfast... even though it's 2 am?”

“I guess... But can I trust in your cooking skills?” she ignored his comment and took some eggs and sausages from the fridge. In no time she had prepared scrambled eggs, sausages and toasts along with orange juice.

“Here. Stuff yourself.” she put a plate in front of him and proceed to eat hers. “This would be much better with pancakes. But I had to improvise.”

“It's good enough.” he muttered while he ate.

“Wow, that was almost a compliment. I'm shocked to my very core.”

“Are you taking drama lessons from Sungyeol or something??” he mumbled not even earning an answer from her. Then he remembered something: “If you keep crashing at the company, like a homeless person, why do the others think you're staying at a friends house?” she blushed a bit.

“Well, they saw me carrying my bag so I told them I was trying to find a place closer to here. But I didn't want to preoccupied them so I said I was staying in a friends house meanwhile.” she explained. “Huh, thanks for not telling them, by the way...”

“No need to thank. I just don't really care what you do with your life so why waste my time talking about it?” L said without even taking his eyes from the food.

Figures... a jerk would never care...

“But you cared enough to bring me here.” she insisted.

“It just seemed pointless to leave you there when there are so many empty beds here!”

“I see. It's quite surprising though. The first time I came here the other guys acted like I was some alien intruding their house. And you... you make me come here.”

“Didn't you stay here to take care of me?” he said using Sungkyu's words. “Well this way I can demand for anything right away.” he explained while he washed his dish.

“You're really a brat.” she mumble don her way to the room. “Oh and by the way, I could have take you to the company if you wanted to go practice. There was no need in taking a taxi. Doing that every night must be quite pricey.” with that she entered the room, without even a good night, and left a irritated Myungsoo behind.

So she knows I go there every night to practice. If she tells someone I'll kill her...

Like that he went to sleep, banging his room's door as loudly as he could.

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Chapter 10: This is just getting interesting now L is starting to understand her more and of course kyu would walk in and see that moment!
ArianaMaddi #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^