Diving Tour

Blue Water

"Deep breaths, Himchan." Yongguk said, showing him how he should be breathing. Dividing sounded like an good idea in Yongguk's head, but learning Himchan how to breathe and move in the diving suit was an whole other story. Himchan slowly started to get how to do it, sure Himchan had done stuff like this before with the breathing. The bigger breaths you take, the more air will be stuck in the lungs and you could stay longer under water. But breathing through a mask and not be allowed to open your mouth, was hard. But he forced himself to it, he's not gonna miss something amazing because he couldn't get himself breathe. 

"Just like that." yongguk said kissing the top of his head, carefull so none should see him. He helped Himchan to but on the diving glasses, and sat himself so his back was facing the water.  To come down in the water without having problems, you have to throw yourself of the boat so the back hits the water first and you later on do a backflip in the water so the face is over the water again. Not a big problem for Yongguk, he took a last deep breath and closed his yes before jumping in to the water. Himchan on the other side was staring at yongguk with wide eyes, he didn't wanna do it but now he had to. There was no turning back, he had to do it. 

The diving tour turned out to be fantastic, never had Himchan thought diving was this fun. The ocean really was amazing, all the fishes and stuff. It was like someone had mixed, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy and Alexander McQueen's clothes and creations to one and gave the result to the fishes. They had all their own style and colors, it was beautiful. Himchan could stay there forever just looking at the fishes, amazed over it. He could feel like he was one with them, he was swimming around watching and sometimes touching them. It was something he had never experienced before and it fascinated him. Yongguk on the other side wasn't really concentrated on the fishes; he had all his eyes on Himchan. Watching him, the way he moved and that smile on his face. Even if Yongguk couldn't see the smile, because of the mask, he still knew it. 

After an hour or two, they found their way back to the boat and slowly climbed up on it. When they were on the boat Himchan gave Yongguk a big hug, thanking him for taking him out like this. It was good for him; he needed it after all that stress and hard work they have been through. This was the best thing that could happen to him, he loved it. Yongguk helped him of the diving equipment and drove them back to the beach, were the other of the B.A.P members was waiting for them. 

"How was it?" asked Daehyun, helping yongguk to tie the boat to the wharf. 

"It was --"

"Amazing!" Screamed Himchan of happiness and jumped of the boat like a cat. He took the swimming suits and helped the old man they rent it from, to put it back in storage. Yongguk just smiled, he was happy for once. 

"Where is the rest?" Yongguk asked, not really caring but still he needed to know where the rest of the kids where. 

"Zelo and Jongup are skateboarding at Malibu Beach. If i remember it right, me and Youngjae are chillin' in the house." Daehyun said calm, like it was nothing wrong with it. 

"Hold up. You let Zelo and Jongup go all by themselfs to Malibu? Oh , i'm gonna be late. " Himchan said running of the wharf to the house. The good thing with this house was, it wasn't far from the beach, you could easily run up to the house without have to cross a lot of roads. Himchan had never been to Malibu but he had heard they had the best skateboard, surfing and shopping places. But he had a inportant photo shoot with Zelo, so he just had to go there, not only to check on the boys. 

When he was in the garden, he was greeted by a sleeping Youngjae on a sunbed close to the pool. Himchan giggled at the sight, but hurried up inside the house quietly so Yongjae won't wake up. 

When he finally was in his and Yongguk's bedroom, he threw is bag on their bed trying to find his phone. Without thinking he called Zelo.


"Where are you guys? Is the photographer there yet?" 

"Nah, he's not here. We are by the beach eating ice cream." 

"I'm coming up. Name of the place?"

"Well it's by Starbucks..." Starbucks, really Zelo? 

"Okay." Himchan said hanging up on them. 

"You’re leaving?" a deep voice asked and felt two strong arms wrapped around his hips. Himchan knew who it was, he nodded turning around so he could face Yongguk, starring into Yongguk's deep chocolate eyes, and he loved those eyes so much. Yongguk smirked and gave him a sloppy kiss; himchan dropped his phone on the bed and wrapped his arms around Yongguk's neck, playing with his still wet hair. Himchan knew he had to leave the room and meet up with the boys, not only because of them also because he had a photo shoot by the beach soon. 

"I got a photo shoot with Zelo” Himchan said breaking the kiss, Yongguk got it and letting go of him. 

"I'm driving." Yongguk said kissing Himchan on his forehead, running down stairs to the car. Himchan took his phone and bag, and ran as fast as he could after Yongguk. Unfortunately Yongguk won, he smiled his gummy smile at Himchan who gave him i’m-driving-on-the-way-back- look. He got in the car and they drove away to Malibu, either Yongguk or Himchan knew where they should drive, they just followed the Malibu Beach signs. 

"You're sure we are on the right road?"

"When did I ever have wrong?"

Himchan stared at him, like he was a idiot. Before they debuted, Yongguk was always taking Himchan out for a ride when they have time over. But it always ended up with that they drove somewhere and got lost, so Himchan had do go out and ask people the way. So it wouldn't be such a big surprise if they drove wrong this time, too.  After a half hour, they finally arrived because, Himchan got Yongguk to stop the car and go out asking for help. 

The beach was like you saw it in the movies, and let's not just talk about all the handsome and shirtless guys who walked around on the beach.  Himchan couldn't wait until he could go out there and be with them. In this kind of situations, Himchan loved his job.  But he had always Yongguk with him, whenever he was going to do something. Yongguk would make him feel good and happy about himself, which the media loved. If Yongguk was with him, Himchan would always look amazing on the photos.  He was more like a lucky bringer than a boyfriend. 

"Show them what you got." whispered Yongguk into Himchan's ear, before he ran over to the photographer.  It was a great day to have a photo shoot, it was hot and sunny. The beach was almost full and busy, the only ones that didn't do anything was Yongguk and Jongup. They just sat there on a bench looking at Himchan and Zelo, trying to surf but don’t succeed. 







Okay, guys i didn't go anywhere with this or at least not now. I might keep writing or just let it be, we will see~ 

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Chapter 2: cute..cute..cute
really awesome cute story author-shi
Chapter 2: These were great!! its so sweet that guk wanted the house for themselves on breaktime :3 they are so loveable!~ ♥
This is complete?!? I want more! Heheh ^.^
Chapter 1: I loved it ^^ It's so cute and hot at the same time, ily banghim and this fic ^^