Chapter 3

Born To Beat School
The following morning came and you were going to the school. You went out of the building and there was someone waiting, you approached and it was Sung Jae, you said to him:
 - What do you do here?
 - I got up earlier so that we could go together.
 - Thank you very much, this way I do not go alone, it is very boring.
During all the way you were speaking, it was very entertaining. You came to the school and entered your classroom. You sat down, the yesterday boy approached you and said to you:
 - Do you have anything that to do this evening?
 - Eh?
 - I wait for you opposite to the school this evening at five o'clock.
 - But...
 - Do not say anything, already that your answer is one if.
The boy got up, Min Hyuk appeared by the door and said to the boy:
 - Again?
 - Separate.
 - Do not you remember what I said to you yesterday?
 - If, I remember it. But I doubt that you go out together. If it is like that to kiss you.
Min Hyuk approached you and said to you softly:
 - I'm sorry do not do it if you do not want. Simply he wanted that it was leaving you alone.
 - Nothing happens, I am going to tell him the truth.
You approached the boy and said to him:
 - Min Hyuk and I...
 - You are not fiancés, he knew it. You take two days presuming, he knew that you were lying.
 - No, what it was meaning, is that we do not like kissing us in public.
 - Then I do not believe it.
 - Then we will kiss.
Sung Jae looked at you attentively and Min Hyuk approached you but before kissing you, he said to you:
 - I'm sorry all this is my fault.
You closed the eyes and Min Hyuk kissed you... and this had been your first kiss. You ended and Min Hyuk you looked at the eyes. The boy said:
 - It costs, I her will not bother any more.
Sung Jae approached and said:
 - Wow! one had believed it, you look like fiancés. Why are not you it: no?
 - Not - Said Min Hyuk - it was Only so that this boy was leaving it alone: truth, __________?
 - If, skylight...
They finished the classes and during the whole day you thought about the kiss with Min Hyuk. You were going out of the school Sung Jae it ran it was doing you and he said to you:
 - Do I accompany you?
 - It costs.
You walked a little and you were going in silence, until Sung Jae said to you:
 - Was this your first kiss?
 - Eh?... if.
 - Are you well?
 - If... good not, he wanted that my first kiss was with someone specially, but... it was only a lie.
 - He thinks that you were acting and it was not real, as in the Dramas.
 - It keeps on being a kiss...
Sung Jae looked at you and said to you:
 - Do you like Min Hyuk?
 - You like.
 - Not... has been the person who has given me my first kiss... I am confused.
Sung Jae lowered the head and you continued the way in silence. You came up to your building and you said to Sung Jae:
 - Thank you very much for accompanying myself.
 You're welcome.
You were going to enter when Sung Jae said to you:
 - He waits.
 - What? - You turned round Yourself-.
 - Ehh... not at all see you tomorrow.
 See you tomorrow.
You had the sensation that Sung Jae was meaning something to you, but you did not know that.


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Jess_jane143 #1
I'm looking forward to this ^^ heheh :)