
Love Dust


Stepping inside the apartment, Kyuhyun took off his shoes and tossed his bag by the entrance before proceeding to walk inside. As much as his body felt tired, he knew his boyfriend would be home and that was enough to cheer him up and take away his weariness.

Reaching the living room, a wide smile graced his lips when he caught sight of Siwon lying on the couch, one arm dropped over his eyes while the other one was resting on his abdomen, clenching on his phone.

Biting on his lower lip at the missed view in front of him, he slowly walked toward the man and sat on the floor on his knees, his head hovering over Siwon’s.

“Hey love, I’m ho-” He sweetly said, but stopped mid-sentence when his eyes fell on the older’s wet cheeks.

His heart immediately started racing as the drops kept on flowing and Siwon's lips were twitching as he was trying to block the tears.

He slowly lifted his hand and gently caressed his lover’s cheek, startling him since he didn’t hear Kyuhyun coming with his earphones on. Siwon abruptly uncovered his face, meeting the younger’s eyes and noting the concerned look he was giving him.

“Hey baby” Siwon muttered, taking off his earphones and wiping away his tears.

“What’s wrong, Won?”

Kyuhyun worriedly asked, his fingers still caressing his boyfriend’s cheek, but Siwon only shook his head with a smile as he reached for the younger’s hand and brought it to his lips where he pressed a couple of light kisses.

“Sorry I didn’t hear you coming” The older apologized, causing Kyuhyun to frown, not liking how he avoided the question.

Kyuhyun let out a sigh and cupped both of Siwon’s cheeks as he locked their gazes together “Won… Talk to me”

Siwon just stared at him, trying to figure out what he should say. He slightly shifted in his place, pressing on the earphones’ wire and thus unplugging them from the phone, causing the music to erupt from the tiny speaker.

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as his curiosity grew, staring at the phone and recognizing his latest song ‘Love Dust’ that echoed around the room. He instantly shifted his gaze back to his lover, worriedly eyeing how the latter was trying to look anywhere but him.

Kyuhyun pressed the pause button on the phone before standing up and lying himself on the couch next to Siwon. He pressed their bodies close with his head buried in the older’s neck and his arm wrapped around his chest.

Kyuhyun didn’t know the real reason behind his lover’s tears, but he could guess it had something to do with the song. He was well aware of how much Siwon loved his voice especially when he sang ballads. However, he had never seen the older cry while listening to one.

Siwon, on the other hand, liked how Kyuhyun was snuggled to him and so he also circled his arms around his back, drawing him even closer and hugging him firmly as if he would disappear from his embrace.

They fell silent for a quite few minutes until Kyuhyun's breaths on Siwon's skin made him relax and he decided to speak up…

“It felt real”

Kyuhyun didn’t say anything as he waited for Siwon to clarify his words. The latter could sense his boyfriend’s confusion by the way his eyelashes were fluttering over his skin, and so he soothingly ran his hand over Kyuhyun’s back before adding.

“The lyrics… The way you sang with emotions… It scared me”

Kyuhyun could finally make sense of Siwon’s sudden angsty mood. He lifted his head and probed his weight on his elbow as he looked down at his lover.

“It’s just a song, honey”

Kyuhyun reasoned, noting how Siwon’s expression twisted in an inexplicable emotion before he forced a smile on his lips.

There is no more love. The only thing that remains is your memory. Since I lost my other half, it has no use but just weighs me down

Siwon quoted from the song, sadly gazing at Kyuhyun who shook his head in disbelief.

“I’m not even the one who wrote those lyrics, hyung!”

Kyuhyun frustratingly said, averting his head away from his boyfriend because he always hated it when Siwon doubted his love for him.

“I know it sounds stupid but I just…” he paused, cupping Kyuhyun’s chin and making him look at him before carrying on “I love you so much and I can’t imagine our love turning into dust someday”

Kyuhyun could see the fear behind Siwon’s orbs. He leaned down, closing his eyes and nuzzling his nose on the older’s cheek, his breath ghosting over his lover’s lips as he whispered “Even if I try to erase the love inside of me… It’s not that easy because you have settled in my heart

Kyuhyun also quoted the last line from his song before landing his lips on Siwon’s, kissing him eagerly until what started with lips was followed by tongues being rubbed against each other in a fierce wayboth trying to convey their emotions to one another.

“Idiot” Kyuhyun whispered when he pulled away, his forehead resting on Siwon’s cheek as he tried to regulate his breath.

“I’m sorry” Siwon apologized, making Kyuhyun look at him with tender orbs and an angelic smile.

“Don’t be”

Siwon smiled back, caressing Kyuhyun’s locks and tugging them behind his ear. He took a few seconds to marvel at his lover’s beauty and the way the latter’s face was blushing under his gaze before he spoke.

“How did I get so lucky to call you mine” It was more of a statement than a question, causing the tint of red on Kyuhyun’s cheeks to deepen as he rolled his eyes and playfully slapped his boyfriend’s chest.

“There he is my handsome cheese ball!”

Kyuhyun’s words emitted a sincere laugh from the man beneath him which made his heart flutter with joy.

Siwon pulled him back for another kiss, sighing in content as he ravished his boyfriend’s cavern, mapping it out with his tongue and appreciating every single touch that led to a sensational feeling to bloom in the pit of his stomach.

When they broke the kiss, Siwon reached for Kyuhyun’s hand and led it to his mouth, pressing a peck on each knuckle and causing the younger to shyly bite on his lip before he leaned down and landed a sweet kiss on Siwon’s forehead.

“Don’t ever make those lyrics come true” Siwon whispered, wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun’s waist and pulling him down to his embrace.


Kyuhyun determinedly replied, throwing one leg over Siwon’s lower body and entangling their bodies together until there was no space between them. Then pressing light feather kisses all over his lover's neck, he slowly probed his head upward until he was met with Siwon's loving orbs, and he whispered...

“I truly love you Won, but please... Don’t ever cry again”



- End -

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HagarKyuhyun #1
Chapter 1: Excuse me
Which song are you talking about
But believe me your stories Is really surprising me
Continue ✊ fighting
Angela17 #2
Chapter 1: A big wow...!!!
I'm speechless with all of your stories and this one is very romantic... I want this kind of love in my life... Lol...
sjmunchkin #3
Chapter 1: Very sweet story, siwon being so emotional and kyuhyun trying to cheer him up....
andhee407 #4
Chapter 1: author-nim....
once more again, u made me paralyzed wih ur story...
its so touching....

i love u n wonkyu....khamsamnida....
Chapter 1: uwahhhhh siwon so lovely and how he scared when he listen to his kyunnie's voice really asdfghjklkkhaghgdhahdja
nice story author nim ^^
Chapter 1: It was sooo sweet...but imagining siwon cry because of kyu's latest song is understandable...I don't even know the meaning of the lyrics and the first time listening to it brought tears to my eyes....
Their love for eachother will never fade as dust...
I love this...
Chapter 1: Siwon really has a very delicate personality here :D
don't worry baby , Kyu loves you
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun once joked that Siwon cried to a song he made a version of (I think it was 7 Years of Love) but I could imagine Siwon did cry for Kyuhyun's new song for real.
seems like Siwon falls in love with Kyuhyun over and over again everytime his boyfriend comes out with a new love song.
Chapter 1: This was very sweet even though it was kind of sad that Siwon was crying and my eyes couldn't help but tear as well but I loved it.
Chapter 1: I am sure this was what happened for real, love the fact that Siwon supported Kyu with this song (downloaded it and share it on twitter)... This was beautiful ^^ good luck with your exams :D gonna wait for your updates :)