Walk around the garden

You are my Sunshine

Mimi's POV

I wake up and look out the window. The sun was shining so brightly. It looks like a good day to walk outside. I look to my left. Key was sleeping. The sun hit his face which make makes it all bright.


-What a cutie.- I thought and smile. Suddenly the nurse come in and smile at me. Then she look at Key.

“I can't believe your boyfriend is a celebrity.” the nurse wink.


“W-what?” I blinked. “He is not my boyfriend!” I claimed.


“Are you sure?” the nurse wink again. I nodded. “I'm 100% sure.” the nurse laugh.


“Here is your breakfast and medicine. After your breakfast, please eat the medicine directly.” the nurse put the tray next to me. I nodded and smile as she left.



I was eating quietly, while looking at Key's sleeping face from time to time. He was mumbling stuff while sleeping but I don't know what it was. I slightly choke and quickly grab a water. Stupid me, what if Key wakes up because of me? But good thing he didn't. I finish all the food and quickly drink my medicine.


“Hmfshdsj...” Key mumbles again. Then he scratch his right eyes and wake up. “What is happening?” he ask.


“Ehm..nothing.” I said.


“Mimi?” Key look at me half asleep.


“Yes?” I answer.


“Nothing.” he smile. Okay then. Then suddenly the door burst open and my mom come in.


“Hello, hello! I came to bring your books and I also brought your examens. You can do it whenever-” she stop and look at Key. “Ehm..” she cough. “Right, i'll leave this at the table and go. Good bye.” she left the books and examens at the table. She wink before closing the door. I face palmed myself. Key just laugh awkwardly.


“Lets go to the garden and walk around. It's a good weather.” Key suggest. I nodded.


“Wait right here. I'll bring the wheel-” I cut him off. I don't need that wheelchair.


“I'm fine. I can walk.” I smile. After I convince him that I could walk, we walk around the garden. It was slightly awkward 'cause we didn't talk at all. But hearing the birds and the nature, we can just enjoy it without talking.


Sorry for the short and boring chapter. D: I'm gonna update again don't worry! :D I just want to shower now, LOL. x; Yeah, brb and i'll be updating again! xD

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jazzehchan #1
GUYS please don't be sad ;_; it makes me feel guilty -.- honestly, i like my other fic better even tho i just have 2 chapters o-o so i suggest you read it first? :D and if you still don't like it, then just leave it like that ._. but at least give it a chance, ne~? :3
jazzehchan #2
@XxjinxsuicidexX I'M SORRY T____T i will tell you some stuff that i've been thinking tho. so ehm Onew is also gonna have a crush on Mimi and Lizzy MIGHT ended up with Joon but i wasn't sure. AND IT'S BCUZ I NEVER UPDATE ANYMORE ;___:
XxjinxsuicidexX #3
Q~Q i wanted it to finish DDx WHYYY -sobs uncontrollably- ; -; WAEEEE???
jazzehchan #4
@hyunmi_key sorry T_T but i NEVER update.
hyunmi_key #5
why?? T.T
jazzehchan #6
@SHINeeGirl3 lol thats okay ;D i'm just glad you will read it x3
okay i haven't read your story yet but it sounds interesting^^ can't wait to read it. i probably won't read it for a while but its because i have like 5 other stories to read before this XP haha
jazzehchan #8
@XxjinxsuicidexX i love pocky too <3 xD
XxjinxsuicidexX #9
awe that was cute c: and yahhh pockyyy <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE POCKY xDD
XxjinxsuicidexX #10
oh yayyy im important :D and its cool bro..no hard feelings c: