
You are my Sunshine

Lizzy and Joon fell of the bench, with Joon on top of Lizzy. Awkward. Their faces were just inches away from each other. Lizzy was blushing madly. Her heartbeats goes faster and faster every second. Joon quickly got up and help Lizzy to get up too.

“M-mianhae.” Joon keep his gaze away from Lizzy.
“I-it's okay. D-don't forget to eat the sandwich. I-i gotta go.” Lizzy quickly runs away.  Lizzy bump into someone and the girl fell.
“YA! Watch it .” the girl cussed.
“Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose.” Lizzy give her a hand.
“I don't need your ing help, I can get up myself.” the girl slap her hand and stand up by herself.
“Look, I said sorry. And i'm just trying to help, no need to be so y!” Lizzy said in annoyance.
“Shut the up .” SLAP. The girl slapped Lizzy on her left cheek and it becomes madly red. Then the girl flip her hair and walk away, smirking.
Annoyed, Lizzy walk to the bathroom. She look at her cheek. It was madly red and it hurts so much. A lot of things is happening. She was sad/mad and confused about lots of things. She couldn't take it all. Tears starts welling up in her eyes but she directly wipe it away.
“Stay strong Lizzy, stay strong.” she said and left to her classroom.
After the bell rang again, it was time to class again. Lizzy quickly goes to her seat. She wanted to make new friends, but no one seems to be all that friendly. Mostly, girls would be gossiping about her because guys always hit on her. Then Joon goes in the classroom. Her heart beats really fast.
“Class, I have to discuss a few important thing with the principal. While i'm gone, you guys can do whatever you want.” Mr.Kang said as he left to the principal's office.
Lizzy just randomly read a book. She wasn't actually reading the book. She was thinking of a lot of different stuff. So much in her head that she feels it can blow up anytime. Joon look at her. He see her cheek is all red.
“Ya, what is wrong with your cheek?” Joon whisper quietly.
“Huh?” Lizzy eyes widened. She quickly cover her cheek. “N-nothing.” Lizzy gaze away.
“Ya! What do you mean nothing? Anyone can see that it's madly red. Did someone slap you?” Lizzy hated how Joon knows her so good.
“N-no!” Lizzy shout. All eyes were now on her. Just then, Mr.Kang goes back in the classroom. Lizzy sigh in relief. Joon keep on starring at her red cheek. Then he sigh and look outside the window.
Lizzy's POV
After school, I quickly run outside. Joon is going to ask about my red cheek till I die. I don't wanna tell him. I'll just sound pathetic as ever if I tell him. Gosh. If Mimi was here, she would've protect me.
“YA! LIZZY!” a familiar voice shout. Oh gosh, Joon is already here? Better quickly run to my bike.
I was running to my bike like crazy, but then Joon grab my hand. Boy this dude runs fast. Then he starts questioning about my cheek, as I expected. Gah! Why is he so worry about it anyway?
“I SAID IT'S NOTHING!” I yell at him.
“WHY DO YOU CARE ANYWAY?” this has officially turned into a yelling contest.
“I-i don't know.” he said quietly, gazing away.
“Muh?” I was pretty shock. He doesn't know the reason he cares. Okay that's great. Now that he is gazing away, it's my chance to leave. I quickly grab my bike and bike as fast as I could.
“YA!” I could Joon yelling my name.
“MIANHAE OPPA!” I yell back, quickly pedaling the pedal. I didn't even realize, but I was already at home. Okay, prob because I was pedaling so fast like my was on fire.
I quickly run to my room, not bother to eat. I buried my face down my pillow. Aish, what is happening to me? This is awkward. I never really fell in love in my whole 16 years of existence. But now, Taemin is all there and Joon is all BLAH!
Then suddenly, my phone rings. I check the number. It was eomma. I wanted to pick up, but I was slightly scared. How if it's a bad news? I hesitated, but I pick it up anyway.
“Annyeonghaseyo, eomma?” I talk nervously.
“LIZZY! MIMI IS CONSCIOUS! HURRY AND COME!” my eyes widened. I grab my wallet and directly run downstairs. I quickly look for a cab, and lucky me, a cab pass by. I waved my hands. The cab stopped and I tell the driver to go to the hospital.
As soon as I was arrived at the hospital, I quickly pay the driver. Then I run to the room from yesterday. I look thru the window. My eyes widened. Mimi-unnie's face had burnt bruises. Not only her face, but her whole body. I quickly goes in.
“U-unnie...” tears welled up in my eyes.
“Lizzy.” she gave me a weak smile. I quickly run to hug her. I was tearing up pretty badly. I didn't like seeing unnie like this. Unnie lightly patted my head.
Then suddenly the doctor comes in. He ask eomma to come with him. It's probably to tell eomma how the condition of unnie is. I really hope she will be okay. Looking at her now, she still looks cheerful as ever. But i'm sure those bruises hurts.
“Unnie, everyone was so worry.” I rested my head on her lap.
“I'm okay.” without even looking to her face, I could tell she was smiling.
“Good thing Key saved you, or else you will be burn in that house.”
“Key saved me?” I look up to her face. She look so happy. She must like Key so much.
“Yes he did.” I smiled. “Lets watch tv.” I take the remote and turn on the tv.
“It's We Got Married.” she smile.
We both watch the show intensely. It was Khuntoria couple or whatever. I don't really know these kind of shows. But unnie seems to enjoy it so I don't really care.
“Unnie, you should go on We Got Married with Key-oppa.” I teased. Her face becomes all red, even tho you can't see it that good thanks to all that bruises.
“No silly. Only idols go on that show.” she said, looking slightly disappointed.
After we watch We Got Married, we just talk a lot. About lots of random stuff. Then I was thinking if I should tell her about Taemin thingy. And also about Joon. I want to tell her but i'm scared if she will get mad at me. And I don't think she have to think about lots of stuff right now. She is a patient. So yeah, i'll just wait till she is fully healed.

After awhile, their mom is finally back. She give Mimi and Lizzy and light smile, but you could see that she is a little bit sad.
“Eomma, what's wrong?” Mimi ask.
“Nothing sweetie.” she smiles.
“What did the doctor says? When is Mimi-unnie allowed to go home? Her wounds is gonna be healed soon right?” Lizzy ask so many questions in one time. Her mom look down in disappointment.
“Eomma...i'm okay right?” Mimi ask, big hopes in her eyes.
“Y-you're fine honey-”
“Then it's good.” Mimi and Lizzy smiles.
“-it's just...” her mom hesitate. She look at the two sisters who is now looking curiously at her.
“The doctor says it'll take months for the wounds to heal. And it would be easier if you have to stay at the hospital for 2 months. The doctor says it'll be better if the hospital take care of you. They say it'll heal much longer if we take care of you.” her mom let everything out.
“Oh.” Mimi said, not shocked at all.
“What do you mean 'Oh'?” Lizzy pouts.
“That's not bad isn't it? At least the wounds WILL heal. And you guys can come visit me everyday.” she miles. Lizzy softened.
“I envy you unnie.” Lizzy pats Mimi's head. Mimi smile at her. Her mom sigh in relief.
“I thought you would get upset or something.” her mom laugh.
“Mom, why don't you go home? You've been here since yesterday. You need some sleep.” Mimi ask.
“Mom.” Mimi glare at her.
“Fine.” she pouts like a little child.
“You and Lizzy can always visit anytime, remember? And I want to take a rest. And Lizzy still have school.” Mimi said. Lizzy and her mom nods.
“I'll tell your teacher about this. How about I bring your books and all that to learn? You still can take your test. I'll bring it to the hospital.” her mom suggest.
“You can do that? Yes! If I pass, i'm finally not a high school student anymore.” Mimi smile widely.
After Lizzy and her mom left, Mimi buried her face on her pillow. She was actually sad that she won't be doing anything for 2 months. And mostly, she won't see Key so much anymore. SHINee only have 3 days left 'till their 1 week off is finished. And she can't even sms Key. Her phone is broken because of the fire. She sigh.
“Miss me?” she hear a familiar voice. She took her head out of the pillow and look up. Her eyes widened.
“K-key-oppa.” she quickly cover her face. Key grab her hands.
“Don't cover your face. You're still pretty even with those wounds.” Key wink.
“W-w-w-what are you talking about.” Mimi look away, embarrassed. Key lightly laugh.
“I'm sorry. I should've saved you faster.” Key look at her with sad eyes.
“What? You saved my life oppa, why are you saying sorry?” she frowned. Key pinch Mimi's cheeks. Then they both laugh.
“Want to go for a walk at the hospital's garden? It's huge!” Key does his puppy eyes.
“Fine.” Mimi get up her bed. Then she directly fell down. “O-ouch.” Key quickly help her up.
“W-woah are you okay? What's wrong?”
“My leg hurts. I think it's 'cause of the wounds.”
“Okay. Wait right here. I'll get the wheelchair.” Key quickly run to get a wheelchair.
After Key got the wheelchair, he bring Mimi to the garden. When they enter the garden, Mimi's eyes widened. Key lightly laugh.
I'm sorry i didn't update for 2 days. xD I was being a super lazy . Anyways, here is chapter 19! :D Again, the title is random. Please help me with good titles OMG! T^T I'm seriously bad at making titles. Oh well, enjoy and sorry for any mistakes! :]
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jazzehchan #1
GUYS please don't be sad ;_; it makes me feel guilty -.- honestly, i like my other fic better even tho i just have 2 chapters o-o so i suggest you read it first? :D and if you still don't like it, then just leave it like that ._. but at least give it a chance, ne~? :3
jazzehchan #2
@XxjinxsuicidexX I'M SORRY T____T i will tell you some stuff that i've been thinking tho. so ehm Onew is also gonna have a crush on Mimi and Lizzy MIGHT ended up with Joon but i wasn't sure. AND IT'S BCUZ I NEVER UPDATE ANYMORE ;___:
XxjinxsuicidexX #3
Q~Q i wanted it to finish DDx WHYYY -sobs uncontrollably- ; -; WAEEEE???
jazzehchan #4
@hyunmi_key sorry T_T but i NEVER update.
hyunmi_key #5
why?? T.T
jazzehchan #6
@SHINeeGirl3 lol thats okay ;D i'm just glad you will read it x3
okay i haven't read your story yet but it sounds interesting^^ can't wait to read it. i probably won't read it for a while but its because i have like 5 other stories to read before this XP haha
jazzehchan #8
@XxjinxsuicidexX i love pocky too <3 xD
XxjinxsuicidexX #9
awe that was cute c: and yahhh pockyyy <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE POCKY xDD
XxjinxsuicidexX #10
oh yayyy im important :D and its cool bro..no hard feelings c: