Two ★

Excitement ♥

Doyoon ♥



“Doyoon-ah!”I hear my friends call me as I enter the room. I arrived at school with the girl I liked since 7thgrade. She somehow ran when we got to the room. I greeted my friends back with a smile but was secretly glancing at her. She’s really pretty. Her sparkling eyes. Her wonderful smile. Her stuttering voice. I can’t forget them. I can’t take them out of my mind. How she looked as her cheeks reddened early in the morning, and I was there to see it. Only me.


There I was. Seated at the back, near the window, looking at her. The teacher entered,somehow she has this smile on her face. “Ah, there must be good news.” I thought. She stood there. “Tomorrow’s the start of Festival Week. We’ve decided to have a play. In every class, and our class is said to take on..” she looked at us, every one of us before speaking again. “.. Sleeping Beauty!” she exclaimed. The class started murmuring and all I could hear are gasps and to others, smiles and laughters. “We will decide the casts by means of nominations and voting. We’ll start as soon as now.” She added. Lime, who was sitting beside Yooyoung turned her head and grinned. She also took a peek at me and raised her hand. “I nominate Lee Yooyoung for Princess Aurora!” she said. Yooyoung had this reaction that couldn’t be explained. Shocked? Happy? Excited? What was that expression? Whatever it is, it was so cute!




The class ouuued. Some of my friends looked at me.I don’t know why. “I nominate Jang Doyoon for Prince Charming.” My eyes widened as I heard my name. One of my friends already stood up to nominate, and he nominated me. Yooyoung looked at me, I saw her look at me but I couldn’t look at her back. At this rate, I could blush. I laughed at them and shook my head.Most of them shrugged and my seatmate patted my back. Lime raised her hand again and stood up. “Teacher-nim, what if we have Yooyoung and Doyoon already?Not unless, anyone wants to nominate another girl or guy.” She said. Yooyoung turned her head to Lime, somehow telling her to sit down. “Well, Yooyoung is a good actress. She’s done a lot of acting lately.” One said. The others agree. “Yeah, that’s right. Also, Doyoon took some acting lessons back in 7th grade.” One of my friends respond. I was blankly staring at them while they’re talking. The teacher called me and asked if I was okay. I answered her and said yes. She nodded. “It’s decided, then?” she asked the class. Everyone agreed.“What to do?” I questioned myself.


The teacher called Yooyoung to the front and asked her if she could say something. While she was talking, I couldn’t help but look only ather. I can only hear her sweet voice. She was like an angel, only prettier. She was asked to do an aegyo. I suddenly laughed and my friends looked at me. I anticipated it even though I’ve been seeing her cute side for a long time now.She showed everyone how cute she was and, wow, the class was mesmerized. Then, the teacher asked her if she can show her y side, she laughed. My heart skipped a beat. She did this pose and everyone laughed because it was.. Let’s say, still cute? She’s just plain beautiful.





Number of words: 593.

A/N: So, I know I wrote that Yooyoung had her haircut.

Since I'm lazy to find any gifs of her with her short hair doing aegyo and stuff,

I decided to use these. Gifs aren't mine. :)


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Hello_Cupid__Sone #1
Chapter 2: Write more please! It is sooo cute ^^